
Upload Media

When working with a team on a small or large Project, it’s important to be able to upload media quickly so that you give and get the feedback you need to move forward. It’s also important to be able to access this media from the cloud, so reviewing can happen on the fly and in an organized way.

Here are some of the main ways that you can incorporate uploading media into your workflows:

Media App

The easiest way to get media into Flow Production Tracking is to drag movies, images and PDFs onto a drop zone in the Media app. Dragging files anywhere over the page highlights the available drop zones with a white, dashed outline. When you release files over a drop zone, we'll instantly create a Version for each file that you dropped and start uploading your media. Once your files have been uploaded, they're queued for transcoding so they can be viewed on the web.


You can continue working in the Media app while your files are being uploaded and transcoded. A blue banner at the bottom of the screen shows the cumulative progress of all active uploads. Versions being processed are indicated in the right pane with uploading media_status_uploading.gif and transcoding media_status_transcoding.gif animations. Once a Version is ready to for web playback, it will change to a blue play icon media_app_blue_play_icon.png.

Project set up

Upon setting up your Project, you can initially upload media to reference via the Project Overview Media widget.


You can click and drag multiple Versions into the Create Versions dialogue to get things into Flow Production Tracking quickly. Movie files and still images will be uploaded and transcoded for web friendly playback.

My Tasks

My Tasks make it easy to upload media so that Artists can stay in one place. From the Selected Task dropdown, select New Version and you’ll be taken to the Create Version dialogue.


Version Page or Version Tab on a Detail View

From a Detail Page Versions tab, or on a custom Version page that you’ve created, you can select +Version and upload Media from there. If you are on a Versions tab, your Versions will automatically be linked to the appropriate item.


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