
Fusion keyboard shortcuts reference

Tool Key Combination
Extrude E
Hole H
Press Pull Q
Model Fillet F
Move M
Toggle Visibility V
Display Component Colors Shift+N
Model Toolbox S
Appearance A
Compute All Ctrl+B (Windows) or Command+B (macOS)
Joint J
As-built Joint Shift+J
Line L
2-point Rectangle R
Center Diameter Circle C
Trim T
Offset O
Measure I
Project P
Normal / Construction X
Sketch Dimension D
Sketch Coincident Constraint at Midpoint Shift
Scripts and Add-ins Shift+S
Window Selection 1
Freeform Selection 2
Paint Selection 3
Delete Del
System Keyboard Shortcut Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
New Design Ctrl+N Command+N
Open Ctrl+O Command+O
Save (Version) Ctrl+S Command+S
Recovery Save Ctrl+Shift+S Command+Shift+S
Cycle open document tabs Ctrl+Tab Command+Tab
Show/Hide ViewCube Ctrl+Alt+V Option+Command+V
Show/Hide Browser Ctrl+Alt+B Option+Command+B
Show/Hide Comments Ctrl+Alt+A Option+Command+A
Show/Hide Text Commands Ctrl+Alt+C Option+Command+C
Show/Hide Navigation bar Ctrl+Alt+N Option+Command+N
Show/Hide Data Panel Ctrl+Alt+P Option+Command+P
Reset to Default Layout Ctrl+Alt+R Option+Command+R
Canvas Selection Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Pan Hold Middle Mouse Button Hold Middle Mouse Button
Zoom Roll Middle Mouse Button Roll Middle Mouse Button
Orbit Hold Shift+Middle Mouse Button Hold Shift+Middle Mouse Button
Orbit around point Hold Shift+Click+Middle Mouse Button Hold Shift+Click+Middle Mouse Button
Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y Command+Shift+Z
Copy Ctrl+C Command+C
Paste Ctrl+V Command+V
Cut Ctrl+X Command+X

Shortcut for switching workspaces

Cycle through workspaces using Ctrl+[ and Ctrl+].

Shortcuts for the Direct Mesh Editing contextual environment

Mesh Face Selection Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Expand to Face Group Alt+G Alt+G
Expand to Connected Alt+C Alt+C
Grow Selection Shift+Up Shift+Up
Shrink Selection Shift+Down Shift+Down
Invert Alt+N Alt+N

Shortcuts for the Form contextual environment

Display Mode Description Number of form bodies in the canvas Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Toggle Box mode Displays the control points of the T-Spline body 1 Alt+1 Control+1
Toggle Box mode 2+ Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Alt+1 Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Control+1
Toggle Control Frame mode Displays the rounded T-Spline body with the control frame around it. 1 Alt+2 Control+2
Toggle Control Frame mode 2+ Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Alt+2 Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Control+2
Toggle Smooth mode Displays the rounded shape of the T-Spline body. 1 Alt+3 Control+3
Toggle Smooth mode 2+ Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Alt+3 Select a body, face, edge, or vertex and then press Control+3
Form Selection Geometry type Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Grow selection Edges, Faces, and Vertices Shift+Up Arrow Shift+Up Arrow
Shrink selection Edges, Faces, and Vertices Shift+Down Arrow Shift+Down Arrow
Loop selection Faces Select a face then SHIFT-double-click an adjacent second face


Select two adjacent faces then press Alt+P
Select a face then double-click an adjacent second face


Select two adjacent faces then press Control+P
Loop selection Edges Double-click an edge


Select an edge then press Alt+P
Double-click an edge


Select an edge then press Control+P
Loop selection Vertices Select a vertex then hold SHIFT and double-click an adjacent second vertex


Select two adjacent vertices then press Alt+P
Select two adjacent vertices then Control+P
Loop grow selection Faces Select two adjacent faces then press Alt+O Select two adjacent faces then press Control+O
Loop grow selection Edges Select an edge then press Alt+O Select an edge then press Control+O
Loop grow selection Vertices Select two adjacent vertices then press Alt+O Select two adjacent faces then vertices Control+O
Ring selection Edges Select an edge then press Alt+L Select an edge then press Control+L
Ring grow selection Edges Select an edge then press Alt+K Select an edge then press Control+K
Ring shrink selection Edges Alt+J Control+J
Previous U Edges, Faces, and Vertices Select one or more edges, faces, or vertices then press Alt+Left Arrow Select one or more edges, faces, or vertices then press Control+Command+Left Arrow
Next U Edges, Faces, and Vertices Alt+Right Arrow Control+Command+Right Arrow
Previous V Edges, Faces, and Vertices Alt+Down Arrow Control+Command+Down Arrow
Next V Edges, Faces, and Vertices Alt+Up Arrow Control+Command+Up Arrow
Range selection Edges, Faces, and Vertices Alt+M Select a face, edge, or vertex then hold SHIFT and double-click a non-adjacent one on the same row


Select two non-adjacent faces, edges, or vertices on the same row then press Control+M
Invert selection Edges, Faces, and Vertices Alt+N Control+N
Feature selection Faces Select a face then press Alt+H Select a face then press Control+H
Edit Form Tool Geometry type Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Extrude Faces Select one or more faces then Alt+Drag Select one or more faces then Option+Drag
Extrude Boundary edges Select one or more boundary edges then Alt+Drag Select one or more boundary edges then Option+Drag
Extrude geometry and keep creases Faces Select one or more faces with creased edges then Alt+Ctrl+Drag Select one or more faces then Option+Command+Drag
Extrude geometry and keep creases Boundary edges Select one or more boundary edges then Alt+Ctrl+Drag Select one or more boundary edges then Option+Command+Drag
Note: Keyboard shortcuts will not work while a text field is active.

Shortcuts for the Generative Design workspace

Generative Design Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
New Generative Study N N
Study Settings E E
Structural Constraints C C
Structural Loads L L

Shortcuts for the Render workspace

Render Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Appearance A A

Shortcuts for the Animation workspace

Animation Workspace Command Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Transform Components M M
Auto Explode All Levels U U
Manual Explode E E
View Ctrl+R Command+R
Publish Video P P

Shortcuts for the Simulation workspace

Simulation Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Ambient Temperature (e-cooling only) A A
DOF View Ctrl+D Command+D
Fan (e-cooling only) F F
Force F F
Groups View Ctrl+G Command+G
Model View Ctrl+L Command+L
New Simulation Study N N
Results View Ctrl+R Command+R
Settings E E
Structural Constraint C C
Structural Loads L L
Temperature Thresholds (e-cooling only) C C
Thermal Loads H H

Shortcuts for the Manufacture workspace

Manufacture Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Generate Toolpath Ctrl+G Command+G
Duplicate Ctrl+D Command+D
Show Log Ctrl+L Command+L
Scripts and Add-Ins Shift+S Shift+S

Shortcuts for the Drawing workspace

Drawing Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Projected View P P
Move M M
Delete Delete Delete
Center Mark C C
Dimension D D
Text T T
Balloon B B

Shortcuts for the Electronics workspace

Electronics Workspace Tool Windows Key Combination macOS Key Combination
Activate command line / /
Add Hole H H
Add Text T T
Bus B B
Change C C
Copy Ctrl+C Command+C
Delete Delete Backspace
Dimension D D
DRC Ctrl+D Command+D
ERC Ctrl+E Command+E
Errors E E
Flip Board F F
Grid G G
Label Shift+L Shift+L
Manual Route R R
Move M M
Name N N
Net R R
New Device Alt+Ctrl+3 Option+Command+3
New Footprint Alt+Ctrl+2 Option+Command+2
New Symbol Alt+Ctrl+1 Option+Command+1
Package 3D Create Alt+Ctrl+4 Option+Command+4
Pad O O
Pad Array Shift+O Shift+O
Pin P P
Pin Array Shift+P Shift+P
Place Component A A
Redo Ctrl+Y Command+Shift+Z
Ripup U U
Ripup All Polygons Alt+Shift+P Option+Shift+P
Route Diff Pair Ctrl+R Command+R
Route Multi Shift+R Shift+R
Run Script Alt+Shift+S Option+Shift+S
Run ULP Shift+U Shift+U
SMD Array Shift+P Shift+P
Undo Ctrl+Z Command+Z
Value V V
Via Alt+V Option+V
Zoom to Fit F6 F6
Switch Sch Doc Ctrl+1 Command+1
Switch PCB Doc Ctrl+2 Command+2
PCB 3D View Ctrl+3 Command+3
Shortcut Dialog S S

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