Save Values as

Saves the text file containing the filtered values. This process involves two steps. First, specify the Keep Value in the filter dialog box, and then specify the name and location for the file in the Save Values dialog box.

  1. Set the Keep Values on filter to reflect the number of values from which one is saved. For example, enter “3” to save one in every three values. The default is 1.
  2. Specify the file name and location where it will be saved.

On the upper panel of the Output Grapher graph window , right-click the values or Times column, select Save Values as, enter a value in the Keep value on field, and click OK. Then, specify the name and location of the file.

The pane on the left shows folders you often use to save Inventor data.

Save in


Sets the name of the folder where you want to save the file.

Clicking the down arrow at the right of this text box opens a map of your file structure.


Displays the name of the last folder visited in the Save in box.


Displays the name of the folder one level up in the hierarchy from the folder now named.


Creates a folder with the name you enter in the Save in box.


Opens the View menu. From the View menu, you can select

  • Thumbnails

Display thumbnail pictures of each folder and its contents.

  • Tiles

Display the folders as folder icons in a list format with the name below each icon.

  • Icons

Display the folders as folder icons in rows with the name below each icon.

  • List

Displays the folder names in a simple list format without icons.

  • Details

Display the details about each folder to the right of the folder name.

Details include:

  • Size shows the size of the folder
  • Type shows the type of item (that is, folder).
  • Date Modified shows the most recent date this folder or anything in it was last modified.

File name


Indicates a name for the file you want to save.

Save as type

Sets the file extension for the file you want to save.

The only possible extension is .txt.