
Displays the simulation results for a specific point on the model.


Ribbon: Stress Analysis tab Result panel Probe
  1. On the Result panel, click Probe.
  2. Select a point on the model.

    The results for the point display in a label floating over the model with a leader to the selected point.

  3. You can select multiple points. Each point has a leader and label.
  4. Access the context menu commands to modify the label or labels in one of the following ways (See also Manipulate labels in the graphics window):

Context menu commands

Edit Position Displays the Probe Coordinates dialog box. You can edit the probe position in 3D space using the X, Y, and Z coordinate values.
Probe Labels By default Probe labels display when a probe is created. Click this command to toggle visibility of all probe labels.
Delete Probe Deletes the selected probe.
Delete All Probes Deletes all probes in the simulation.
Reset Position Resets position of the selected probe.
Reset All Positions Resets position of all probes in the simulation.