Moves selected sketch geometry from a specified point, or moves a copy of the geometry. Constraints between the selected geometry and unselected geometry affect move results.
- Select
- Selects the geometry to move. Turns on by default when you activate the Move command.
- Base Point
- Sets the starting point for the move command. When selected, to enter X and Y coordinates of the base point, click in the graphics window, or select the Precise Input check box and enter values.
- Copy
- When selected, copies the selected geometry and places it at the specified endpoint. Leaves the selected geometry in place. Clear the check box to move the selected geometry.
- Precise Input
- Turns on or off the Precise Input toolbar, where you enter exact coordinates for the base point and endpoint. Also available from
Sketch tab
Draw panel
Precise Input
- Optimize for Single Selection
After you select geometry, automatically advances to Base Point selection. For multiple selections of geometry before you select the base point, clear the check box.
- Expands the dialog box, where you set overrides for dimensional and geometric constraints while editing a 2D sketch. The overrides remain in effect until you end the current session, or change the settings.
- Relax Dimensional Constraints
- Never Does not relax dimensions. The move operation obeys all dimensions associated with the selected geometry. If the operation fails, a dialog box displays.
- If No Equation Does not relax dimensions that are a function of any other dimension.
- Always After the move operation completes, all linear and angular dimensions associated with the selected geometry recompute.
- Relaxes all dimensions outside of the selection.
- Ignores all dimensions inside the selection set.
- Prompt (Default) If the move operation does not complete, a dialog box explains the problem and offers solutions.
- Break Geometric Constraints
- Never Geometric constraints remain unmodified. The move operation obeys all existing geometric constraints. If the operation fails, displays a dialog box.
- Always Deletes only fixed constraints that are associated with the selected geometry. Deletes constraints between the selected and unselected geometry, except Parallel, Perpendicular, and Equal.
- Prompt (Default) If the move operation does not complete, a message appears explaining the problem.