Render to Texture

Rendering to texture, or "texture baking,” allows you to create texture maps based on an object's appearance in the rendered scene. The textures are then “baked” into the object: That is, they become part of the object via mapping, and can be used to display the textured object rapidly on Direct3D devices such as graphics display cards or game engines.

You can render to textures using the Scanline Renderer or the mental ray renderer. The iray renderer and Quicksilver Hardware renderer don't support Render To Texture.

Typical Texture Baking Method

  1. Set up a scene with lighting.

    Banana object in a lighted room

  2. Select the objects whose textures you want to bake.

    Banana object selected

  3. Choose Rendering Render To Texture.
  4. A Render To Texture dialog appears. In this dialog, you choose which elements of the rendering you want to bake. Elements are aspects of the rendering such as diffuse color, shadows, alpha (transparency/opacity), and so on.

    In this dialog, you can also choose various display options for showing the baked texture in shaded viewports.

    Tip: If you have a Direct3D graphics display driver, you can use DirectX Manager Rollout (Legacy Direct3D Viewports) to view the baked texture in shaded viewports. They show how the baked texture will appear on DirectX devices.
  5. Click Render.

After you click Render in the Render To Texture dialog, a number of things happen. (This is a typical set of events; the dialog gives you a lot of control over how texture baking actually occurs.)

That is texture baking in a nutshell.

For best results, Logarithmic exposure control is recommended for Render To Texture.

If Linear or Automatic exposure controls are used, each object will have different lighting levels, generating a different histogram. Each object renders as if it had a different light level and in some cases, you may not get a rendering at all. This happens because Linear and Automatic exposure controls are view dependent.

Logarithmic Exposure Control is not view dependent, and will reproduce the image correctly. See the Exposure Controls topic for more information about Linear, Automatic and Logarithmic exposure controls.