Contains all context command functions (previously ‘ctx’).
alignCtx | The alignCtx command creates a tool for aligning and distributing objects. |
arcLenDimContext | Command used to register the arcLenDimCtx tool. |
art3dPaintCtx | This is a tool context command for 3d Paint tool. |
artAttrCtx | This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations. |
artAttrPaintVertexCtx | This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations. |
artAttrSkinPaintCtx | This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations. |
artBaseCtx | Flags: |
artFluidAttrCtx | This command is used to paint properties (such as density) of selected fluid volumes. |
artPuttyCtx | This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations. |
artSelectCtx | This command is used to select/deselect/toggle components on selected surfaces using a brush interface (Maya Artisan). |
artSetPaintCtx | This tool allows the user to modify the set membership (add, transfer, remove cvs) on nurbs surfaces using Maya Artisan’s interface. |
artUserPaintCtx | This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations. |
blendCtx | Flags: |
boxDollyCtx | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a dolly context. |
boxZoomCtx | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a box zoom context. |
clipEditorCurrentTimeCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the track area of a clip editor. |
createNurbsCircleCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsConeCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsCubeCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsCylinderCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsPlaneCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsSphereCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsSquareCtx | Flags: |
createNurbsTorusCtx | Flags: |
createPolyConeCtx | Flags: |
createPolyCubeCtx | Flags: |
createPolyCylinderCtx | Flags: |
createPolyHelixCtx | Flags: |
createPolyPipeCtx | Flags: |
createPolyPlaneCtx | Flags: |
createPolyPlatonicSolidCtx | Flags: |
createPolyPrismCtx | Flags: |
createPolyPyramidCtx | Flags: |
createPolySoccerBallCtx | Flags: |
createPolySphereCtx | Flags: |
createPolyTorusCtx | Flags: |
ctxAbort | This command tells the current context to reset itself, losing what has been done so far. |
ctxCompletion | This command tells the current context to finish what it is doing and create any objects that is is working on. |
ctxData | Derived from mel command maya.cmds.ctxData |
ctxEditMode | This command tells the current context to switch edit modes.It acts as a toggle. |
ctxTraverse | This command tells the current context to do a traversal. |
currentCtx | This command returns the currently selected tool context. |
currentTimeCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the graph editor |
curveAddPtCtx | The curveAddPtCtx command creates a new curve add points context, which adds either control vertices (CVs) or edit points to an existing curve. |
curveBezierCtx | Flags: |
curveCVCtx | The curveCVCtx command creates a new context for creating curves by placing control vertices (CVs). |
curveEPCtx | The curveEPCtx command creates a new context for creating curves by placing edit points. |
curveEditorCtx | The curveEditorCtx command creates a new NURBS editor context, which is used to edit a NURBS curve or surface. |
curveMoveEPCtx | The curveMoveEPCtx command creates a new context for moving curve edit points using a manipulator. |
curveSketchCtx | The curveSketchCtx command creates a new curve sketch context, also known as the pencil context. |
directKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to directly manipulate keyframes within the graph editor |
distanceDimContext | Command used to register the distanceDimCtx tool. |
dollyCtx | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a dolly context. |
dpBirailCtx | Flags: |
dragAttrContext | The dragAttrContext allows a user to manipulate the attributes of an object by using a virtual slider within the viewport. |
draggerContext | The draggerContext allows the user to program the behavior of the mouse or an equivalent dragging device in MEL. |
drawExtrudeFacetCtx | Flags: |
dynPaintCtx | Flags: |
dynParticleCtx | The particle context command creates a particle context. |
dynSelectCtx | Flags: |
dynWireCtx | Flags: |
graphDollyCtx | This command can be used to create a dolly context for the graph editor. |
graphSelectContext | This command can be used to create a selection context for the hypergraph editor. |
graphTrackCtx | This command can be used to create a track context for the graph editor. |
greasePencilCtx | This is a tool context command for the grease pencil tool. |
ikHandleCtx | The ikHandle context command (ikHandleCtx) updates parameters of ikHandle tool. |
ikSplineHandleCtx | The ikSplineHandle context command (ikSplineHandleCtx) updates parameters of ikSplineHandle tool. |
insertJointCtx | The command will create an insert joint context. |
insertKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to insert keys within the graph editor |
jointCtx | The joint context command (jointCtx) updates the parameters of the joint tool. |
keyframeRegionCurrentTimeCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor. |
keyframeRegionDirectKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to directly manipulate keyframes within the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionDollyCtx | This command can be used to create a dolly context for the dope sheet editor. |
keyframeRegionInsertKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to insert keys within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionMoveKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to move keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionScaleKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionSelectKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionSetKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to set keys within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
keyframeRegionTrackCtx | This command can be used to create a track context for the dope sheet editor. |
lassoContext | Creates a context to perform selection via a lasso. |
latticeDeformKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to deform key frames with lattice manipulator. |
manipMoveContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a move manip context. |
manipMoveLimitsCtx | Create a context for the translate limits manipulator. |
manipRotateContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a rotate manip context. |
manipRotateLimitsCtx | Create a context for the rotate limits manipulator. |
manipScaleContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a scale manip context. |
manipScaleLimitsCtx | Create a context for the scale limits manipulator. |
mateCtx | Dynamic library stub function |
modelCurrentTimeCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the model views. |
modelingToolkitSuperCtx | Flags: |
moveKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to move keyframes within the graph editor |
mpBirailCtx | Flags: |
nexCtx | Flags: |
orbitCtx | Create, edit, or query an orbit context. |
panZoomCtx | This command can be used to create camera 2D pan/zoom context. |
paramDimContext | Command used to register the paramDimCtx tool. |
polyAppendFacetCtx | Create a new context to append facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polyCreaseCtx | Create a new context to crease components on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polyCreateFacetCtx | Create a new context to create polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polyCutCtx | Create a new context to cut facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polyMergeEdgeCtx | Create a new context to merge edges on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polyMergeFacetCtx | Create a new context to merge facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polySelectCtx | Create a new context to select polygon components In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polySelectEditCtx | Create a new context to select and edit polygonal objects |
polyShortestPathCtx | Creates a new context to select shortest edge path between two vertices or UVs in the 3d viewport. |
polySlideEdgeCtx | Flags: |
polySplitCtx | Create a new context to split facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag. |
polySuperCtx | Flags: |
polyVertexNormalCtx | Flags: |
projectionContext | Set the context for projection manips |
propModCtx | Controls the proportional move context. |
regionSelectKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor using the region select tool. |
renderWindowSelectContext | Set the selection context for the render view panel. |
retimeKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor using the retime tool. |
rollCtx | Create, edit, or query a roll context. |
roundCRCtx | Flags: |
scaleKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor |
scriptCtx | This command allows a user to create their own tools based on the selection tool. |
selectContext | Creates a context to perform selection. |
selectKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the graph editor |
selectKeyframeRegionCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor |
setEditCtx | This command creates a tool that can be used to modify set membership. |
setKeyCtx | This command creates a context which may be used to set keys within the graph editor |
shadingGeometryRelCtx | This command creates a context that can be used for associating geometry to shading groups. |
shadingLightRelCtx | This command creates a context that can be used for associating lights to shading groups. |
showManipCtx | This command can be used to create a show manip context. |
skinBindCtx | This command creates a tool that can be used to edit volumes from an interactive bind. |
snapTogetherCtx | The snapTogetherCtx command creates a tool for snapping surfaces together. |
snapshotBeadContext | Dynamic library stub function |
snapshotBeadCtx | Creates a context for manipulating in and/or out tangent beads on the motion trail |
snapshotModifyKeyCtx | Creates a context for inserting/delete keys on an editable motion trail |
softModContext | Dynamic library stub function |
softModCtx | Controls the softMod context. |
softSelectOptionsCtx | Flags: |
spBirailCtx | Flags: |
srtContext | This command can be used to create a combined transform (translate/scale/rotate) context. |
stitchSurfaceCtx | Flags: |
superCtx | Flags: |
targetWeldCtx | Create a new context to weld vertices together on a poly object. |
texLatticeDeformContext | This command creates a context which may be used to deform UV maps with lattice manipulator. |
texManipContext | Command used to register the texManipCtx tool. |
texMoveContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context. |
texMoveUVShellContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context. |
texRotateContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a rotate context for the UV Texture Editor. |
texScaleContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a scale context for the UV Texture Editor. |
texSelectContext | Command used to register the texSelectCtx tool. |
texSelectShortestPathCtx | Creates a new context to select shortest edge path between two vertices or UVs in the texture editor window. |
texSmoothContext | Flags: |
texSmudgeUVContext | This command creates a context for smudge UV tool. |
texTweakUVContext | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context. |
texWinToolCtx | This class creates a context for the View Tools track, dolly, and box zoomin the texture window. |
textureLassoContext | Flags: |
texturePlacementContext | Create a command for creating new texture placement contexts. |
threePointArcCtx | The threePointArcCtx command creates a new context for creating 3 point arcs |
trackCtx | This command can be used to create a track context. |
trimCtx | Flags: |
tumbleCtx | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a tumble context. |
twoPointArcCtx | The twoPointArcCtx command creates a new context for creating two point circular arcs |
userCtx | Flags: |
view2dToolCtx | This class creates a context for the View Tools track, dolly, and box zoomin the Hypergraph. |
walkCtx | This command can be used to create, edit, or query a walk context. |
wireContext | This command creates a tool that can be used to create a wire deformer. |
wrinkleContext | This command creates a context that creates wrinkles. |