
Contains all context command functions (previously ‘ctx’).


alignCtx The alignCtx command creates a tool for aligning and distributing objects.
arcLenDimContext Command used to register the arcLenDimCtx tool.
art3dPaintCtx This is a tool context command for 3d Paint tool.
artAttrCtx This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations.
artAttrPaintVertexCtx This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations.
artAttrSkinPaintCtx This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations.
artBaseCtx Flags:
artFluidAttrCtx This command is used to paint properties (such as density) of selected fluid volumes.
artPuttyCtx This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations.
artSelectCtx This command is used to select/deselect/toggle components on selected surfaces using a brush interface (Maya Artisan).
artSetPaintCtx This tool allows the user to modify the set membership (add, transfer, remove cvs) on nurbs surfaces using Maya Artisan’s interface.
artUserPaintCtx This is a context command to set the flags on the artAttrContext, which is the base context for attribute painting operations.
blendCtx Flags:
boxDollyCtx This command can be used to create, edit, or query a dolly context.
boxZoomCtx This command can be used to create, edit, or query a box zoom context.
clipEditorCurrentTimeCtx This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the track area of a clip editor.
createNurbsCircleCtx Flags:
createNurbsConeCtx Flags:
createNurbsCubeCtx Flags:
createNurbsCylinderCtx Flags:
createNurbsPlaneCtx Flags:
createNurbsSphereCtx Flags:
createNurbsSquareCtx Flags:
createNurbsTorusCtx Flags:
createPolyConeCtx Flags:
createPolyCubeCtx Flags:
createPolyCylinderCtx Flags:
createPolyHelixCtx Flags:
createPolyPipeCtx Flags:
createPolyPlaneCtx Flags:
createPolyPlatonicSolidCtx Flags:
createPolyPrismCtx Flags:
createPolyPyramidCtx Flags:
createPolySoccerBallCtx Flags:
createPolySphereCtx Flags:
createPolyTorusCtx Flags:
ctxAbort This command tells the current context to reset itself, losing what has been done so far.
ctxCompletion This command tells the current context to finish what it is doing and create any objects that is is working on.
ctxData Derived from mel command maya.cmds.ctxData
ctxEditMode This command tells the current context to switch edit modes.It acts as a toggle.
ctxTraverse This command tells the current context to do a traversal.
currentCtx This command returns the currently selected tool context.
currentTimeCtx This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the graph editor
curveAddPtCtx The curveAddPtCtx command creates a new curve add points context, which adds either control vertices (CVs) or edit points to an existing curve.
curveBezierCtx Flags:
curveCVCtx The curveCVCtx command creates a new context for creating curves by placing control vertices (CVs).
curveEPCtx The curveEPCtx command creates a new context for creating curves by placing edit points.
curveEditorCtx The curveEditorCtx command creates a new NURBS editor context, which is used to edit a NURBS curve or surface.
curveMoveEPCtx The curveMoveEPCtx command creates a new context for moving curve edit points using a manipulator.
curveSketchCtx The curveSketchCtx command creates a new curve sketch context, also known as the pencil context.
directKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to directly manipulate keyframes within the graph editor
distanceDimContext Command used to register the distanceDimCtx tool.
dollyCtx This command can be used to create, edit, or query a dolly context.
dpBirailCtx Flags:
dragAttrContext The dragAttrContext allows a user to manipulate the attributes of an object by using a virtual slider within the viewport.
draggerContext The draggerContext allows the user to program the behavior of the mouse or an equivalent dragging device in MEL.
drawExtrudeFacetCtx Flags:
dynPaintCtx Flags:
dynParticleCtx The particle context command creates a particle context.
dynSelectCtx Flags:
dynWireCtx Flags:
graphDollyCtx This command can be used to create a dolly context for the graph editor.
graphSelectContext This command can be used to create a selection context for the hypergraph editor.
graphTrackCtx This command can be used to create a track context for the graph editor.
greasePencilCtx This is a tool context command for the grease pencil tool.
ikHandleCtx The ikHandle context command (ikHandleCtx) updates parameters of ikHandle tool.
ikSplineHandleCtx The ikSplineHandle context command (ikSplineHandleCtx) updates parameters of ikSplineHandle tool.
insertJointCtx The command will create an insert joint context.
insertKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to insert keys within the graph editor
jointCtx The joint context command (jointCtx) updates the parameters of the joint tool.
keyframeRegionCurrentTimeCtx This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor.
keyframeRegionDirectKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to directly manipulate keyframes within the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionDollyCtx This command can be used to create a dolly context for the dope sheet editor.
keyframeRegionInsertKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to insert keys within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionMoveKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to move keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionScaleKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionSelectKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionSetKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to set keys within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
keyframeRegionTrackCtx This command can be used to create a track context for the dope sheet editor.
lassoContext Creates a context to perform selection via a lasso.
latticeDeformKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to deform key frames with lattice manipulator.
manipMoveContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a move manip context.
manipMoveLimitsCtx Create a context for the translate limits manipulator.
manipRotateContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a rotate manip context.
manipRotateLimitsCtx Create a context for the rotate limits manipulator.
manipScaleContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a scale manip context.
manipScaleLimitsCtx Create a context for the scale limits manipulator.
mateCtx Dynamic library stub function
modelCurrentTimeCtx This command creates a context which may be used to change current time within the model views.
modelingToolkitSuperCtx Flags:
moveKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to move keyframes within the graph editor
mpBirailCtx Flags:
nexCtx Flags:
orbitCtx Create, edit, or query an orbit context.
panZoomCtx This command can be used to create camera 2D pan/zoom context.
paramDimContext Command used to register the paramDimCtx tool.
polyAppendFacetCtx Create a new context to append facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polyCreaseCtx Create a new context to crease components on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polyCreateFacetCtx Create a new context to create polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polyCutCtx Create a new context to cut facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polyMergeEdgeCtx Create a new context to merge edges on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polyMergeFacetCtx Create a new context to merge facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polySelectCtx Create a new context to select polygon components In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polySelectEditCtx Create a new context to select and edit polygonal objects
polyShortestPathCtx Creates a new context to select shortest edge path between two vertices or UVs in the 3d viewport.
polySlideEdgeCtx Flags:
polySplitCtx Create a new context to split facets on polygonal objects In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.
polySuperCtx Flags:
polyVertexNormalCtx Flags:
projectionContext Set the context for projection manips
propModCtx Controls the proportional move context.
regionSelectKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor using the region select tool.
renderWindowSelectContext Set the selection context for the render view panel.
retimeKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor using the retime tool.
rollCtx Create, edit, or query a roll context.
roundCRCtx Flags:
scaleKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to scale keyframes within the graph editor
scriptCtx This command allows a user to create their own tools based on the selection tool.
selectContext Creates a context to perform selection.
selectKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the graph editor
selectKeyframeRegionCtx This command creates a context which may be used to select keyframes within the keyframe region of the dope sheet editor
setEditCtx This command creates a tool that can be used to modify set membership.
setKeyCtx This command creates a context which may be used to set keys within the graph editor
shadingGeometryRelCtx This command creates a context that can be used for associating geometry to shading groups.
shadingLightRelCtx This command creates a context that can be used for associating lights to shading groups.
showManipCtx This command can be used to create a show manip context.
skinBindCtx This command creates a tool that can be used to edit volumes from an interactive bind.
snapTogetherCtx The snapTogetherCtx command creates a tool for snapping surfaces together.
snapshotBeadContext Dynamic library stub function
snapshotBeadCtx Creates a context for manipulating in and/or out tangent beads on the motion trail
snapshotModifyKeyCtx Creates a context for inserting/delete keys on an editable motion trail
softModContext Dynamic library stub function
softModCtx Controls the softMod context.
softSelectOptionsCtx Flags:
spBirailCtx Flags:
srtContext This command can be used to create a combined transform (translate/scale/rotate) context.
stitchSurfaceCtx Flags:
superCtx Flags:
targetWeldCtx Create a new context to weld vertices together on a poly object.
texLatticeDeformContext This command creates a context which may be used to deform UV maps with lattice manipulator.
texManipContext Command used to register the texManipCtx tool.
texMoveContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context.
texMoveUVShellContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context.
texRotateContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a rotate context for the UV Texture Editor.
texScaleContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a scale context for the UV Texture Editor.
texSelectContext Command used to register the texSelectCtx tool.
texSelectShortestPathCtx Creates a new context to select shortest edge path between two vertices or UVs in the texture editor window.
texSmoothContext Flags:
texSmudgeUVContext This command creates a context for smudge UV tool.
texTweakUVContext This command can be used to create, edit, or query a texture editor move manip context.
texWinToolCtx This class creates a context for the View Tools track, dolly, and box zoomin the texture window.
textureLassoContext Flags:
texturePlacementContext Create a command for creating new texture placement contexts.
threePointArcCtx The threePointArcCtx command creates a new context for creating 3 point arcs
trackCtx This command can be used to create a track context.
trimCtx Flags:
tumbleCtx This command can be used to create, edit, or query a tumble context.
twoPointArcCtx The twoPointArcCtx command creates a new context for creating two point circular arcs
userCtx Flags:
view2dToolCtx This class creates a context for the View Tools track, dolly, and box zoomin the Hypergraph.
walkCtx This command can be used to create, edit, or query a walk context.
wireContext This command creates a tool that can be used to create a wire deformer.
wrinkleContext This command creates a context that creates wrinkles.

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