The "How To" topics present some simple programming tasks as extended MAXScript examples. All of them are based on actual real-world cases, include detailed explanations and tips and tricks from the scripting practice. In addition, most of the scripts are not longer than 30 lines so they are perfectly suited for beginners.
The main objective of these tutorials is to teach the MAXScript user some possible approaches for developing scripted solutions to practical problems - from the original idea through a concept expressed in a natural language (English) down to the actual MAXScript code and ideas for potential future enhancements.
The "How To" tutorials provide
A list of related topics the user might want to read before trying the actual tutorial;
The complete uncommented code – the user can cut & paste it and use immediately;
The same code with detailed explanations;
Links to definitions of the used functions and methods;
Some info about the usage of the script in the practice;
Things to try – ideas for improvements that the user could try alone.