MAXWrapper Class Reference

#include <mxsobjects.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for MAXWrapper:

Public Member Functions

ScripterExport MAXWrapper ()
virtual ScripterExport ~MAXWrapper ()
ScripterExport ValueclassOf_vf (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport ValuesuperClassOf_vf (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport ValueisKindOf_vf (Value **arg_list, int count)
BOOL is_kind_of (ValueMetaClass *c)
ScripterExport BOOL not_on_undo_stack ()
void collect ()
ScripterExport void gc_trace ()
virtual const MCHARclass_name ()=0
virtual ReferenceTargetget_max_object ()
ScripterExport Valuecopy_no_undo (Value **arg_list, int count)
BOOL derives_from_MAXWrapper ()
Valuedeep_copy (HashTable *)
ScripterExport void make_ref (int ref_no, ReferenceTarget *ref)
void drop_MAX_refs ()
Class_ID ClassID ()
 Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class. More...
SClass_ID SuperClassID ()
 Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin. More...
virtual void GetClassName (MSTR &s)
 Retrieves the (localizable) name of the plugin class. More...
int NumRefs ()
 Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold. More...
RefTargetHandle GetReference (int i)
 Returns the 'i-th' reference. More...
ScripterExport RefResult NotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate)
 Receives and responds to messages. More...
ScripterExport void DeleteThis ()
 Deletes an instance of this class. More...
BOOL CanTransferReference (int i)
 Tells whether this reference can be transfered. More...
ScripterExport BOOL IsRealDependency (ReferenceTarget *rtarg)
 Returns whether this is a "real" (strong) dependency or not. More...
ScripterExport Valueget_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
ScripterExport Valueset_property (Value **arg_list, int count)
 def_generic (eq,"=")
 def_generic (ne,"!=")
 def_generic (coerce,"coerce")
 def_generic (show_props,"showProperties")
 def_generic (get_props,"getPropNames")
 def_generic (copy,"copy")
 def_generic (isDeleted,"isDeleted")
 def_generic (exprForMAXObject,"exprForMAXObject")
 def_generic (show_interfaces,"showInterfaces")
 def_generic (get_interfaces,"getInterfaces")
 def_generic (get_interface,"getInterface")
 def_property (pos)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, controller)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, isAnimated)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, keys)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, track)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, x)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, y)
 def_2_prop_path (pos, z)
 def_property (rotation)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, angle)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, x_rotation)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, y_rotation)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, z_rotation)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, axis)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, controller)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, isAnimated)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, keys)
 def_2_prop_path (rotation, track)
 def_property (scale)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, controller)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, isAnimated)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, keys)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, track)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, x)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, y)
 def_2_prop_path (scale, z)
 def_property (controller)
 def_property (transform)
 def_property (isAnimated)
 def_property (numsubs)
 def_nested_prop (angle)
 def_nested_prop (x_rotation)
 def_nested_prop (y_rotation)
 def_nested_prop (z_rotation)
 def_nested_prop (axis)
 def_nested_prop (controller)
 def_nested_prop (isAnimated)
 def_nested_prop (keys)
 def_nested_prop (x)
 def_nested_prop (y)
 def_nested_prop (z)
 def_nested_prop (w)
virtual Controlget_max_pos_controller (ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual Controlget_max_scale_controller (ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual Controlget_max_rotation_controller (ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual Controlget_max_tm_controller (ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual Controlget_max_controller (ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual ScripterExport Controlget_max_prop_controller (Value *prop, ParamDimension **pdim)
virtual BOOL set_max_pos_controller (MAXControl *c)
virtual BOOL set_max_scale_controller (MAXControl *c)
virtual BOOL set_max_rotation_controller (MAXControl *c)
virtual BOOL set_max_tm_controller (MAXControl *c)
virtual BOOL set_max_controller (MAXControl *c)
virtual ScripterExport BOOL set_max_prop_controller (Value *prop, MAXControl *c)
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_max_prop_animatable (Value *prop)
ScripterExport Valueget_container_property (Value *prop, Value *cur_prop)
ScripterExport Valueset_container_property (Value *prop, Value *val, Value *cur_prop)
virtual void object_to_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void object_from_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void world_to_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void world_from_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void world_to_current_coordsys (Quat &q)
virtual void world_from_current_coordsys (Quat &q)
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys (Point3 &p, int mode=0)
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys (Quat &q)
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys (Quat &q)
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys (ScaleValue &s)
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys (ScaleValue &s)
virtual Matrix3local_tm ()
virtual Matrix3 local_tm_inv ()
 def_time_fn (deleteTime)
 def_time_fn (reverseTime)
 def_time_fn (scaleTime)
 def_time_fn (insertTime)
 def_time_fn (setTimeRange)
 def_time_fn (addNewKey)
 def_time_fn (deleteKeys)
 def_time_fn (selectKeys)
 def_time_fn (deselectKeys)
 def_time_fn (moveKeys)
 def_time_fn (mapKeys)
 def_time_fn (sortKeys)
 def_time_fn (reduceKeys)
 def_time_fn (addEaseCurve)
 def_time_fn (deleteEaseCurve)
 def_time_fn (setBeforeORT)
 def_time_fn (setAfterORT)
 def_time_fn (enableORTs)
 def_time_fn (deleteTime)
 def_time_fn (reverseTime)
 def_time_fn (scaleTime)
 def_time_fn (insertTime)
 def_time_fn (setTimeRange)
 def_time_fn (addNewKey)
 def_time_fn (deleteKeys)
 def_time_fn (selectKeys)
 def_time_fn (deselectKeys)
 def_time_fn (moveKeys)
 def_time_fn (mapKeys)
 def_time_fn (sortKeys)
 def_time_fn (reduceKeys)
 def_time_fn (addEaseCurve)
 def_time_fn (deleteEaseCurve)
 def_time_fn (setBeforeORT)
 def_time_fn (setAfterORT)
 def_time_fn (enableORTs)
virtual ScripterExport Meshset_up_mesh_access (int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport Meshset_up_mesh_face_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport Meshset_up_mesh_vertex_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport MNMeshset_up_mnmesh_access (int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport MNMeshset_up_mnmesh_face_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport MNMeshset_up_mnmesh_vertex_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_vertsel ()
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_facesel ()
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_edgesel ()
virtual ScripterExport void set_vertsel (BitArray &sel)
virtual ScripterExport void set_facesel (BitArray &sel)
virtual ScripterExport void set_edgesel (BitArray &sel)
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetListget_named_vertsel_set ()
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetListget_named_facesel_set ()
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetListget_named_edgesel_set ()
virtual void update_sel ()
virtual ScripterExport bool isPolyObject (int access)
virtual ScripterExport IMeshSelectDataset_up_IMeshSelectData_access (int access, ReferenceTarget **owner)
virtual ScripterExport bool isPatchObject (int access)
virtual ScripterExport PatchObjectset_up_patch_access (int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport PatchObjectset_up_patch_face_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport PatchObjectset_up_patch_vertex_access (int index, int access, ReferenceTarget **owner=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport IPatchSelectDataset_up_IPatchSelectData_access (int access, ReferenceTarget **owner)
 def_property (category)
 def_prop_getter (classID)
 def_prop_getter (superclassID)
 def_generic (get,"get")
 def_generic (getSubAnim,"getSubAnim")
 def_generic (getSubAnimName,"getSubAnimName")
 def_generic (getSubAnimNames,"getSubAnimNames")
 def_generic (getAppData,"getAppData")
 def_generic (setAppData,"setAppData")
 def_generic (deleteAppData,"deleteAppData")
 def_generic (clearAllAppData,"clearAllAppData")
 def_generic (addPluginRollouts,"addPluginRollouts")
ReferenceTargetto_reftarg ()
void to_fpvalue (FPValue &v)
ScripterExport IOResult Save (ISave *isave)
ScripterExport BaseInterfaceGetInterface (Interface_ID id)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Value
virtual ScripterExport ValueMetaClasslocal_base_class ()
virtual Valueeval ()
virtual Valueeval_no_wrapper ()
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=NULL)
virtual ScripterExport Valueapply_no_alloc_frame (Value **arglist, int count, CallContext *cc=NULL)
virtual void export_to_scripter ()
virtual Valuemap (node_map &m)
virtual Valuemap_path (PathName *path, node_map &m)
virtual Valuefind_first (BOOL(*test_fn)(INode *node, int level, const void *arg), const void *test_arg)
virtual Valueget_path (PathName *path)
virtual ScripterExport void sprin1 (CharStream *stream)
virtual ScripterExport void sprint (CharStream *stream)
virtual void prin1 ()
virtual void print ()
virtual ScripterExport Class_ID get_max_class_id ()
virtual ScripterExport Valuedelete_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual ScripterExport ValueclearSelection_vf (Value **arglist, int arg_count)
virtual float to_float ()
virtual double to_double ()
virtual const MCHARto_string ()
virtual MSTR to_mstr ()
virtual MSTR to_filename ()
virtual int to_int ()
virtual INT64 to_int64 ()
virtual INT_PTR to_intptr ()
virtual BOOL to_bool ()
virtual BitArrayto_bitarray ()
virtual Point4 to_point4 ()
virtual Point3 to_point3 ()
virtual Point2 to_point2 ()
virtual AColor to_acolor ()
virtual COLORREF to_colorref ()
virtual INodeto_node ()
virtual Ray to_ray ()
virtual Interval to_interval ()
virtual Quat to_quat ()
virtual AngAxis to_angaxis ()
virtual Matrix3to_matrix3 ()
virtual float * to_eulerangles ()
virtual Mtlto_mtl ()
virtual Texmapto_texmap ()
virtual MtlBaseto_mtlbase ()
virtual Modifierto_modifier ()
virtual TimeValue to_timevalue ()
virtual Controlto_controller ()
virtual Atmosphericto_atmospheric ()
virtual Effectto_effect ()
virtual IMultiPassCameraEffectto_mpassCamEffect ()
virtual ShadowTypeto_shadowtype ()
virtual FilterKernelto_filter ()
virtual INodeto_rootnode ()
virtual ITrackViewNodeto_trackviewnode ()
virtual NURBSIndependentPointto_nurbsindependentpoint ()
virtual NURBSPointto_nurbspoint ()
virtual NURBSObjectto_nurbsobject ()
virtual NURBSControlVertexto_nurbscontrolvertex ()
virtual NURBSCurveto_nurbscurve ()
virtual NURBSCVCurveto_nurbscvcurve ()
virtual NURBSSurfaceto_nurbssurface ()
virtual NURBSTexturePointto_nurbstexturepoint ()
virtual NURBSSetto_nurbsset ()
virtual Meshto_mesh ()
virtual BezierShapeto_beziershape ()
virtual Thunkto_thunk ()
virtual Rendererto_renderer ()
virtual Box2to_box2 ()
virtual NURBSTextureSurfaceto_nurbstexturesurface ()
virtual NURBSDisplayto_nurbsdisplay ()
virtual TessApproxto_tessapprox ()
virtual Valuewiden_to (Value *arg, Value **arg_list)
virtual BOOL comparable (Value *arg)
virtual BOOL special_case_compare (Value *arg, bool &specialCaseCompareResult)
virtual BOOL is_const ()
ScripterExport Value_get_property (Value *prop)
virtual ScripterExport Value_set_property (Value *prop, Value *val)
virtual BOOL _is_collection ()
virtual BOOL _is_charstream ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutcontrol ()
virtual BOOL _is_rolloutthunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_function ()
virtual BOOL _is_selection ()
virtual BOOL _is_thunk ()
virtual BOOL _is_indirect_thunk ()
virtual SelectionIteratorselection_iterator ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_permanent ()
ScripterExport Valuemake_heap_static ()
ScripterExport Valueget_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valueget_stack_heap_ptr ()
ScripterExport Valuemigrate_to_heap ()
ScripterExport Valueget_live_ptr ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
ScripterExport Collectable ()
virtual ScripterExport ~Collectable ()
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz, char flag)
ScripterExport voidoperator new (size_t sz)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val)
ScripterExport void operator delete (void *val, char flag)
ScripterExport bool derives_from_Animatable ()
ScripterExport void make_collectable ()
void make_permanent ()
void make_static ()
int is_marked ()
int is_not_marked ()
int is_garbage ()
int is_permanent ()
void mark_in_use ()
void unmark_in_use ()
int has_heap_copy ()
int is_in_heap ()
int is_on_stack ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceTarget
virtual BOOL IsRefTarget ()
 Checks if this is a ReferenceTarget. More...
CoreExport RefResult TestForLoop (const Interval &refInterval, RefMakerHandle hmaker)
 Tests for a cyclical reference. More...
CoreExport BOOL HasDependents ()
 Checks if a ReferenceTarget has references. More...
CoreExport BOOL HasRealDependents ()
 Checks if this has Real (Strong) Dependents. More...
void BeginDependencyTest ()
 Starts Dependency Test. More...
BOOL EndDependencyTest ()
 Ends Dependency Test. More...
virtual void RefAdded (RefMakerHandle rm)
 Called after a reference is made to a target. More...
virtual void RefAddedUndoRedo (RefMakerHandle rm)
 Called after a reference is made to a target because of undo or redo. More...
virtual void RefDeleted ()
 Called after a references to this is deleted. More...
virtual void RefDeletedUndoRedo ()
 Called after a references to this is deleted because of undo or redo. More...
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefsToMe ()
 Deletes all references to this ReferenceTarget. More...
CoreExport RefResult TransferReferences (RefTargetHandle oldTarget, BOOL delOld=FALSE)
 Transfers all the references from oldTarget to this. More...
CoreExport int DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep)
 Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network. More...
virtual CoreExport RefTargetHandle Clone (RemapDir &remap)
 This method is used by 3ds Max to clone an object. More...
virtual CoreExport void BaseClone (ReferenceTarget *from, ReferenceTarget *to, RemapDir &remap)
 This method copies base class data from an object to its clone. More...
virtual CoreExport RefResult NotifyDependents (const Interval &changeInt, PartID partID, RefMessage message, SClass_ID sclass=NOTIFY_ALL, BOOL propagate=TRUE, RefTargetHandle hTarg=NULL, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption=REFNOTIFY_ALLOW_OPTIMIZATIONS)
 Notify all dependent RefMakers concerned with the message. More...
void FlagDependents (TimeValue t, PartID which=PART_PUT_IN_FG)
 This sends the REFMSG_FLAGDEPENDENTS message up the pipeline. More...
virtual void NotifyForeground (TimeValue t)
 This method is called to flag dependents into the FG. More...
virtual void NotifyTarget (int message, ReferenceMaker *hMaker)
 Sends messages to ReferenceTargets. More...
virtual CoreExport voidGetInterface (ULONG id)
 Inherited from Animatable. More...
CoreExport ReferenceTarget ()
 Constructor. More...
virtual CoreExport RefResult AutoDelete ()
 Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents. More...
CoreExport RefResult MaybeAutoDelete ()
 Deletes the object when it has no more real dependents. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceMaker
CoreExport RefResult ReplaceReference (int which, RefTargetHandle newtarg, BOOL delOld=TRUE)
 Used when cloning reference makers. More...
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefsFromMe ()
 Deletes all references from this ReferenceMaker. More...
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefs ()
 Deletes all references both to and from this item. More...
CoreExport RefResult DeleteReference (int i)
 Deletes the specified reference. More...
CoreExport ReferenceSaveManagerGetReferenceSaveManager ()
 Access the ReferenceSaveManager of this ReferenceMaker. More...
virtual CoreExport IOResult Load (ILoad *iload)
 Called for loading data. More...
virtual int RemapRefOnLoad (int iref)
 Used to load old files with references. More...
virtual CoreExport void RescaleWorldUnits (float f)
 Rescale size of all world units in reference hierarchy. More...
virtual CoreExport void EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags)
 Enumerate auxiliary files (e.g. bitmaps) More...
virtual CoreExport void SaveEnum (SaveEnumProc &sep, BOOL isNodeCall=0)
 The default save enumeration. More...
virtual CoreExport bool SpecifySaveReferences (ReferenceSaveManager &referenceSaveManager)
 Used to specify reference slot remapping during scene file save. More...
CoreExport int DoEnumDependents (DependentEnumProc *dep)
 Begins an enumeration that searches back in the dependency network. More...
CoreExport bool EnumRefHierarchy (RefEnumProc &proc, bool includeCustAttribs=true, bool includeIndirectRefs=true, bool includeNonPersistentRefs=true, bool preventDuplicatesViaFlag=true)
 This method provides a general purpose reference enumerator. More...
CoreExport int FindRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg)
 Get the index of the ReferenceTarget. More...
virtual BOOL IsRefMaker ()
 Tells whether it is a ReferenceMaker. More...
virtual BOOL ShouldPersistWeakRef (RefTargetHandle rtarg)
 Specifies whether a weak reference is to be persisted on a partial load or save. More...
CoreExport ReferenceMaker ()
 Constructor. More...
CoreExport void DeleteMe ()
 Deletes an instance of this class. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Animatable
virtual void FreeCaches ()
virtual int NumChildren ()
virtual AnimatableChildAnim (int i)
virtual CoreExport MSTR NodeName ()
virtual void EditTrack ()
virtual CoreExport BOOL SubAnimSetKeyBufferPresent (int subNum)
 returns true if the sub-anim has a "Set Key" buffer present More...
virtual BOOL SetKeyBufferPresent ()
 returns true if there is a "Set Key" buffer present More...
virtual CoreExport void SubAnimCommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t, int subNum)
 Commit any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim. More...
virtual void CommitSetKeyBuffer (TimeValue t)
 Commit any "Set Key" buffers. More...
virtual CoreExport void SubAnimRevertSetKeyBuffer (int subNum)
 Revert any "Set Key" buffers on the given sub-anim. More...
virtual void RevertSetKeyBuffer ()
 Revert any "Set Key" buffers. More...
virtual LRESULT CALLBACK TrackViewWinProc (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
 This function is obsolete. More...
virtual bool IsParamBlockDesc2Used (ParamBlockDesc2 *desc)
 Returns true if the passed description is being used. More...
virtual bool GetMacroRecorderName (bool used_as_rhs_value, MSTR &objectSpecifiedName)
 This method is called to access the object specified name to use for the Maxscript macrorecorder. More...
CoreExport Animatable ()
 Constructor. More...
MSTR ClassName () const
 Returns the name of the plugin class. More...
virtual void BeginEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev=NULL)
virtual void EndEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next=NULL)
virtual CoreExport void ReleaseInterface (ULONG id, void *i)
virtual CoreExport int SetProperty (ULONG id, void *data)
virtual CoreExport voidGetProperty (ULONG id)
CoreExport void AppendProperty (AnimProperty *prop)
 A function to directly add arbitrary properties to this object developers should ensure that the properties ID does not conflict with any Max-specific IDs. More...
CoreExport AnimPropertyFindProperty (DWORD id)
 Find any property. More...
CoreExport void AddAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid, DWORD len, void *data)
 Adds application/plugin specific (custom) data to an Animatable. More...
CoreExport AppDataChunkGetAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid)
 Retrieves the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. More...
CoreExport BOOL RemoveAppDataChunk (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, DWORD sbid)
 Deletes the application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. More...
CoreExport void ClearAllAppData ()
 Deletes all application/plugin specific (custom) data stored with an Animatable. More...
virtual int NumSubs ()
virtual AnimatableSubAnim (int i)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SubAnimName (int i)
virtual BOOL CanDeleteSubAnim (int i)
virtual void DeleteSubAnim (int i)
virtual DWORD GetSubAnimCurveColor (int subNum)
virtual int SubNumToRefNum (int subNum)
virtual BOOL CanCopyAnim ()
CoreExport int HasSubElements (int type=0)
virtual int GetSubFCurveExtents (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags)
 The values max and min should be initialized before calling this function. More...
virtual ParamDimensionGetParamDimension (int i)
virtual BOOL SelectSubAnim (int subNum)
virtual BOOL BypassTreeView ()
virtual BOOL BypassTrackBar ()
virtual BOOL BypassPropertyLevel ()
virtual BOOL InvisibleProperty ()
virtual int NumKeys ()
virtual TimeValue GetKeyTime (int index)
virtual int GetKeyIndex (TimeValue t)
virtual BOOL GetNextKeyTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags, TimeValue &nt)
virtual void CopyKeysFromTime (TimeValue src, TimeValue dst, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeyAtTime (TimeValue t)
virtual BOOL IsKeyAtTime (TimeValue t, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetKeyTimes (Tab< TimeValue > &times, Interval range, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetKeySelState (BitArray &sel, Interval range, DWORD flags)
CoreExport void OpenTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport void CloseTreeEntry (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport int IsTreeEntryOpen (int type, DWORD tv)
CoreExport BOOL GetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv)
CoreExport void SetSelInTrackView (DWORD tv, BOOL sel)
CoreExport BOOL InTrackViewSelSet (int which)
CoreExport void SetTrackViewSelSet (int which, BOOL inOut)
virtual BOOL AssignController (Animatable *control, int subAnim)
virtual BOOL CanAssignController (int subAnim)
 Return true if we can reassign the subanim specified. More...
virtual BOOL CanMakeUnique ()
CoreExport int EnumAnimTree (AnimEnum *animEnum, Animatable *client, int subNum)
virtual int RenderBegin (TimeValue t, ULONG flags=0)
virtual int RenderEnd (TimeValue t)
virtual CoreExport Interval GetTimeRange (DWORD flags)
virtual void EditTimeRange (Interval range, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void ReverseTime (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void ScaleTime (Interval iv, float s)
virtual void InsertTime (TimeValue ins, TimeValue amount)
virtual BOOL SupportTimeOperations ()
virtual CoreExport void MapKeys (TimeMap *map, DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeys (DWORD flags)
virtual void DeleteKeyByIndex (int index)
virtual void SelectKeys (TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectSubKeys (int subNum, TrackHitTab &sel, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectSubCurve (int subNum, BOOL sel)
virtual void SelectKeyByIndex (int i, BOOL sel)
virtual BOOL IsKeySelected (int i)
virtual void FlagKey (TrackHitRecord hit)
virtual int GetFlagKeyIndex ()
virtual int NumSelKeys ()
virtual void CloneSelectedKeys (BOOL offset=FALSE)
virtual void AddNewKey (TimeValue t, DWORD flags)
virtual void MoveKeys (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float delta, DWORD flags)
virtual void ScaleKeyValues (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float origin, float scale, DWORD flags)
virtual void SelectCurve (BOOL sel)
virtual BOOL IsCurveSelected ()
 Returns TRUE if the function curve is selected; otherwise returns FALSE. More...
virtual BOOL IsSubCurveSelected (int subNum)
 Returns the selected state of the sub-curve whose index is passed. More...
virtual int GetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue &t, float &val, DWORD flags)
virtual void SetSelKeyCoords (TimeValue t, float val, DWORD flags)
virtual int SetSelKeyCoordsExpr (ParamDimension *dim, const MCHAR *timeExpr, const MCHAR *valExpr, DWORD flags)
virtual void AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, int dx, int dy, DWORD flags)
virtual void AdjustTangents (TrackHitRecord hit, ParamDimensionBase *dim, float angle, float length, DWORD flags)
virtual CoreExport BOOL IsAnimated ()
virtual BOOL CanCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanPasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual TrackClipObjectCopyTrack (Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void PasteTrack (TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual BOOL CanPasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual TrackClipObjectCopySubTrack (int subNum, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual void PasteSubTrack (int subNum, TrackClipObject *cobj, Interval iv, DWORD flags)
virtual int GetTrackVSpace (int lineHeight)
virtual int HitTestTrack (TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcTrack, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintTrack (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintSubTrack (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcTrack, Rect &rcPaint, float zoom, int scroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int HitTestFCurves (ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int PaintSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, HDC hdc, Rect &rcGraph, Rect &rcPaint, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual int HitTestSubFCurves (int subNum, ParamDimensionBase *dim, TrackHitTab &hits, Rect &rcHit, Rect &rcGraph, float tzoom, int tscroll, float vzoom, int vscroll, DWORD flags)
virtual void EditTrackParams (TimeValue t, ParamDimensionBase *dim, const MCHAR *pname, HWND hParent, IObjParam *ip, DWORD flags)
virtual int TrackParamsType ()
virtual int GetFCurveExtents (ParamDimensionBase *dim, float &min, float &max, DWORD flags)
 This method is called to calculate the largest and smallest values of the anim. More...
CoreExport void AddNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note)
CoreExport void DeleteNoteTrack (NoteTrack *note, BOOL delNote=TRUE)
CoreExport BOOL HasNoteTracks ()
CoreExport int NumNoteTracks ()
CoreExport NoteTrackGetNoteTrack (int i)
virtual void FreeAllBitmaps ()
virtual void GetSystemNodes (INodeTab &nodes, SysNodeContext Context)
virtual BOOL IsSubClassOf (Class_ID classID)
 returns true if the animatable has sub-classed off the given class More...
virtual CoreExport void MouseCycleCompleted (TimeValue t)
virtual CoreExport void MouseCycleStarted (TimeValue t)
virtual int NumParamBlocks ()
virtual IParamBlock2GetParamBlock (int i)
virtual IParamBlock2GetParamBlockByID (short id)
CoreExport bool SvSaveData (ISave *isave, USHORT id)
CoreExport bool SvLoadData (ILoad *iLoad)
CoreExport DWORD SvGetRefIndex ()
CoreExport void SvSetRefIndex (DWORD i)
CoreExport bool SvDeleteRefIndex ()
virtual CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference SvTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags)
CoreExport SvGraphNodeReference SvStdTraverseAnimGraph (IGraphObjectManager *gom, Animatable *owner, int id, DWORD flags)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanInitiateLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanConcludeLink (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeChild)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, bool isBeingEdited)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvSetName (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, const MSTR &name)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvRemoveThis (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
 Called when the user deletes this object in the schematic view... More...
virtual CoreExport bool SvIsSelected (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
 Returns true if the object is selected in its schematic view. More...
virtual CoreExport bool SvIsHighlighted (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport COLORREF SvHighlightColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport COLORREF SvGetSwatchColor (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvIsInactive (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvLinkChild (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeThis, IGraphNode *gNodeChild)
virtual CoreExport bool SvHandleDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MultiSelectCallbackSvGetMultiSelectCallback (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanSelect (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvEditProperties (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetRefTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport bool SvDetach (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNode)
virtual CoreExport MSTR SvGetRelTip (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Returns a string to be displayed in the tip window in the schematic view for a relationship from "gNodeMaker" to "gNodeTarget"... More...
virtual CoreExport bool SvCanDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Returns true if this object can respond to the SvDetachRel(...) method... More...
virtual CoreExport bool SvDetachRel (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Detach this relationship. More...
virtual CoreExport bool SvHandleRelDoubleClick (IGraphObjectManager *gom, IGraphNode *gNodeTarget, int id, IGraphNode *gNodeMaker)
 Called when this relationship is double-clicked in the schematic view... More...
CoreExport ICustAttribContainerGetCustAttribContainer ()
 This method returns a pointer to the custom attributes container interface class. More...
CoreExport void AllocCustAttribContainer ()
 This method allocates space for a custom attributes container. More...
CoreExport void DeleteCustAttribContainer ()
 This method deletes space used by a custom attributes container. More...
void SetAFlag (DWORD mask)
void ClearAFlag (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable flags. More...
bool TestAFlag (DWORD mask) const
 Tests one or more bits in the Animatable flags. More...
void SetAFlagEx (DWORD mask)
 Sets one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. More...
void ClearAFlagEx (DWORD mask)
 Clears one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. More...
bool TestAFlagEx (DWORD mask) const
 Tests one or more bits in the Animatable extended flags. More...
CoreExport bool TestFlagBit (int index)
 Tests the specified flag bit. More...
CoreExport void SetFlagBit (int index, bool newValue=true)
 Sets the specified flag bit. More...
CoreExport void ClearFlagBit (int index)
 Clears the specified flag bit. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from InterfaceServer
virtual UtilExport ~InterfaceServer ()
 Destructor. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static ScripterExport Valueget_property (ReferenceTarget *ref, Value *prop, Value *owner)
static ScripterExport Valueset_property (ReferenceTarget *ref, Value *prop, Value *val)
static ScripterExport Controlget_max_prop_controller (ReferenceTarget *ref, Value *prop, ParamDimension **pdim)
static ScripterExport BOOL set_max_prop_controller (ReferenceTarget *ref, Value *prop, MAXControl *c)
static ScripterExport ValueLoad (ILoad *iload, USHORT chunkID, ValueLoader *vload)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Collectable
static ScripterExport void for_all_values (void(*map_fn)(Value *val), ValueMapper *mapper=NULL, ValueMetaClass *c=NULL)
static void mark ()
static void sweep ()
static void setup (size_t)
static ScripterExport void gc ()
static void coalesce_free_list ()
static void close_down ()
static void drop_maxwrapper_refs ()
static ScripterExport void push_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport void pop_alloc_stack_frame ()
static ScripterExport ULONGLONG get_num_values_created ()
static ScripterExport bool validate_value_linkages ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Animatable
static CoreExport BOOL IsDeleted (Animatable *anim)
 Debug method to determine whether an object has been deleted. More...
static CoreExport AnimHandle GetHandleByAnim (Animatable *anim)
 Get the unique handle for an Animatable object. More...
static CoreExport AnimatableGetAnimByHandle (AnimHandle handle)
 Get an Animatable object from its unique handle. More...
static CoreExport void EnumerateAllAnimatables (EnumAnimList &enumProcObject)
 Enumerator to enumerate across all animatables. More...
static CoreExport bool RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. More...
static CoreExport bool UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (const Class_ID &cid, SClass_ID sid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. More...
static CoreExport bool RegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Registers a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. More...
static CoreExport bool UnRegisterAppDataLoadCallback (DWORD sbid, APPDATALOADPROC proc)
 Unregisters a callback proc that is called when an AppDataChunk is read from a scene file. More...
static CoreExport int RequestFlagBit ()
 Requests an unique flag bit index. More...
static CoreExport void ReleaseFlagBit (int index)
 Releases the flag bit index. More...
static CoreExport void ClearFlagBitInAllAnimatables (int index)
 Clears the specified flag bit in all Animatables. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MaxHeapOperators
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard new operator used to allocate objects if there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes the filename and line number where the new was called If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new[] (size_t size, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 New operator used to allocate arrays of objects If there is insufficient memory, NULL will be returned. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an object If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an object that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e)
 Standard delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, int block_type, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the type of memory, filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, const char *filename, int line)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes the filename and line number where the delete was called If the pointer is invalid, nothing will happen. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete[] (void *ptr, const std::nothrow_t &e, unsigned long flags)
 Delete operator used to deallocate an array of objects that takes extra flags to specify special operations If the pointer is invalid, an exception will be thrown. More...
static UtilExport voidoperator new (size_t size, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement new operator. More...
static UtilExport void operator delete (void *ptr, void *placement_ptr)
 Placement delete operator. More...
static UtilExport voidaligned_malloc (size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Allocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport voidaligned_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size, size_t alignment)
 Reallocates memory on a specified alignment boundary. More...
static UtilExport void aligned_free (void *ptr)
 Frees a block of memory that was allocated with aligned_malloc/aligned_realloc. More...

Public Attributes

Tab< RefTargetHandlerefs
short ref_deleted
- Public Attributes inherited from Value
- Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
byte flags
byte flags2
short flags3

Protected Member Functions

virtual ScripterExport void SetReference (int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
 Stores a ReferenceTarget as its 'i-th' reference`. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ReferenceTarget
virtual CoreExport int DoEnumDependentsImpl (DependentEnumProc *dep)
 Method to perform an enumeration on a ReferenceTarget. More...
virtual CoreExport ~ReferenceTarget ()=0
 Destructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ReferenceMaker
virtual CoreExport ~ReferenceMaker ()=0
 Destructor. More...
void BlockEval ()
void UnblockEval ()
int Evaluating ()
CoreExport RefResult StdNotifyRefChanged (const Interval &changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID partID, RefMessage message, BOOL propagate, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Animatable
virtual CoreExport ~Animatable ()=0
 Destructor. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Noncopyable
 Noncopyable ()
 ~Noncopyable ()


void initialize_MAXScript ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from Collectable
static CRITICAL_SECTION heap_update
static Collectablecollectable_list
static Collectablepermanent_list
static free_memfree_list [GC_NUM_SUBLISTS]
static size_t heap_allocated
static size_t heap_size
static ScripterExport collectable_state state
static ScripterExport bool fullCollectNextHoldFlush
static bool gc_light
static bool in_gc
static HANDLE hGCCompletedEvent
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Animatable
static const AnimHandle kInvalidAnimHandle = 0
- Protected Attributes inherited from Animatable
DWORD aflag
AnimPropertyList aprops

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual ScripterExport ~MAXWrapper ( )

Member Function Documentation

ScripterExport Value* classOf_vf ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 
ScripterExport Value* superClassOf_vf ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 
ScripterExport Value* isKindOf_vf ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 
BOOL is_kind_of ( ValueMetaClass c)

Reimplemented from Value.

110 { return (c == class_tag(MAXWrapper)) ? 1 : Value::is_kind_of(c); }
#define class_tag(_cls)
Definition: value.h:489
Definition: mxsobjects.h:93
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass *c)
ScripterExport BOOL not_on_undo_stack ( )
void collect ( )

Implements Collectable.

ScripterExport void gc_trace ( )

Reimplemented from Collectable.

virtual const MCHAR* class_name ( )
pure virtual
virtual ReferenceTarget* get_max_object ( )
115 { return (NumRefs()) ? GetReference(0) : NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
RefTargetHandle GetReference(int i)
Returns the 'i-th' reference.
Definition: mxsobjects.h:131
int NumRefs()
Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold.
Definition: mxsobjects.h:130
ScripterExport Value* copy_no_undo ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 
BOOL derives_from_MAXWrapper ( )

Reimplemented from Collectable.

117 { return TRUE; }
Value* deep_copy ( HashTable )

Reimplemented from Value.

118 { return this; }
ScripterExport void make_ref ( int  ref_no,
ReferenceTarget ref 
void drop_MAX_refs ( )

Reimplemented from Value.

121 { DeleteAllRefsFromMe(); }
CoreExport RefResult DeleteAllRefsFromMe()
Deletes all references from this ReferenceMaker.
Class_ID ClassID ( )

Retrieves a constant that uniquely identifies the plugin class.

This method must return the unique ID for the plugin class. If two ClassIDs conflict, the system will only load the first conflicting one it finds. A program (gencid.exe) is provided to generate unique class id values.

A class id that uniquely identifies a plugin class
See also
Class ClassID, class ID definititions in plugapi.h.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

124 { return Class_ID(MAXSCRIPT_WRAPPER_CLASS_ID, 0); }
Definition: maxtypes.h:140
Definition: plugapi.h:376
SClass_ID SuperClassID ( )

Retrieves a constant representing the type of the plugin.

A super class id that uniquely identifies the type (category) of the plugin. Note that several plugin classes can be of the same type, thus return the same super class id. Plugins are uniquely identified by their class ids.
See also

Reimplemented from ReferenceTarget.

Definition: plugapi.h:376
virtual void GetClassName ( MSTR s)

Retrieves the (localizable) name of the plugin class.

This name is usually used internally for debugging purposes. For Material plug-ins this method is used to put up the material "type" name in the Material Editor.

sReference to a string filled in with the name of the plugin class

Reimplemented from ReferenceTarget.

126 { s = _M("MAXWrapper"); } // from Animatable
#define _M(x)
Used to wrap string literals.
Definition: strbasic.h:67
int NumRefs ( )

Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold.

The plugin implements this method to indicate the total number of of references it can make. This includes all references whether they are NULL (inactive) or non-NULL (active) at the time when this method is called. A plugin can hold a variable number of references, thus the return value of this method is not to be cached and reused by client code.

The total number of references this plugin can hold. The default implementation is return 0.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

130 { return refs.Count(); }
Tab< RefTargetHandle > refs
Definition: mxsobjects.h:96
RefTargetHandle GetReference ( int  i)

Returns the 'i-th' reference.

The plugin implements this method to return its 'i-th' reference. The plug-in simply keeps track of its references using an integer index for each one. This method is normally called by the system.

i- The index of the reference to retrieve. Valid values are from 0 to NumRefs()-1.
The reference handle of the 'i-th' reference. Note that different calls to this method with the same 'i' value can result in different reference handles being retrieved, as the plugin changes the scene objects it references as its 'i-th' reference.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

131 { return refs[i]; }
Tab< RefTargetHandle > refs
Definition: mxsobjects.h:96
virtual ScripterExport void SetReference ( int  i,
RefTargetHandle  rtarg 

Stores a ReferenceTarget as its 'i-th' reference`.

The plugin implements this method to store the reference handle passed to it as its 'i-th' reference. In its implementation of this method, the plugin should simply assign the reference handle passed in as a parameter to the member variable that holds the 'i-th' reference. Other reference handling methods such as ReferenceMaker::DeleteReference(), or ReferenceMaker::ReplaceReference() should not be called from within this method. The plugin itself or other plugins should not call this method directly. The system will call this method when a new reference is created or an existing one is replaced by calling ReferenceMaker::ReplaceReference().

i- The index of the reference to store. Valid values are from 0 to NumRefs()-1.
rtarg- The reference handle to store.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

ScripterExport RefResult NotifyRefChanged ( const Interval changeInt,
RefTargetHandle  hTarget,
PartID partID,
RefMessage  message,
BOOL  propagate 

Receives and responds to messages.

A plugin which makes references must implement a method to receive and respond to messages broadcast by its dependents. This is done by implementing NotifyRefChanged(). The plugin developer usually implements this method as a switch statement where each case is one of the messages the plugin needs to respond to. The Method StdNotifyRefChanged calls this, which can change the partID to new value. If it doesn't depend on the particular message& partID, it should return REF_DONTCARE.

  • For developer that need to update a dialog box with data about an object you reference note the following related to this method: This method may be called many times. For instance, say you have a dialog box that displays data about an object you reference. This method will get called many time during the drag operations on that object. If you updated the display every time you'd wind up with a lot of 'flicker' in the dialog box. Rather than updating the dialog box each time, you should just invalidate the window in response to the NotifyRefChanged() call. Then, as the user drags the mouse your window will still receive paint messages. If the scene is complex the user may have to pause (but not let up on the mouse) to allow the paint message to go through since they have a low priority. This is the way many windows in 3ds Max work.
changeInt- This is the interval of time over which the message is active. Currently, all plug-ins will receive FOREVER for this interval, with the exception of REFMSG_FLAGDEPENDENTS notifications. In that case, changeInt.Start() is the timepoint to perform the dependency test.
hTarget- This is the handle of the reference target the message was sent by. The reference maker uses this handle to know specifically which reference target sent the message.
partID- This contains information specific to the message passed in. Some messages don't use the partID at all. See the section List of Reference Messages for more information about the meaning of the partID for some common messages.
message- The message parameters passed into this method is the specific message which needs to be handled.
propagate- If called through ReferenceMaker::NotifyDependents(), the value of 'propagate' passed to it. Used if calling NotifyDependents() from within NotifyRefChanged().
The return value from this method is of type RefResult. This is usually REF_SUCCEED indicating the message was processed. Sometimes, the return value may be REF_STOP. This return value is used to stop the message from being propagated to the dependents of the item.

Implements ReferenceMaker.

ScripterExport void DeleteThis ( )

Deletes an instance of this class.

3ds Max calls this method when it needs to delete a plugin object (an instance of a class derived from Animatable). Similarly, plugins that need to delete instances of an Animatable or a class directly derived from it via an Animatable pointer, should call this method instead of calling directly operator delete. Following these rules will ensure that the same memory manager is used to allocate and deallocate the object. The default implementation of this method deletes the object. Plugin instances that never need to be deleted from the heap can overwrite this method to do nothing.

See the method ClassDesc::Create() for details on how Max allocates plugin objects.
See ReferenceMaker::DeleteMe() and ReferenceTarget::MaybeAutoDelete() for information on how plugin instances are deleted by the system.
See Memory Management.

See also
Required DLL Functions, Class ClassDesc.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

BOOL CanTransferReference ( int  i)

Tells whether this reference can be transfered.

A ReferenceMaker can choose not to let ReferenceTarget::TransferReferences() affect it. Note that plugins probably should not use this. It is used by certain system objects that have references.

i- Currently not used.
Default to return TRUE

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

139 { return FALSE; }
ScripterExport BOOL IsRealDependency ( ReferenceTarget rtarg)

Returns whether this is a "real" (strong) dependency or not.

Used Internally. When a reference target's last "real" (strong) reference is deleted the target is deleted. Any leftover "non-real" (weak) reference makers will receive a REFMSG_TARGET_DELETED notification. This method returns TRUE if the reference dependency is "real" (strong). Otherwise it returns FALSE. Certain references are not considered "real" (strong) dependencies. For instance, internally there are certain reference makers such as the object that handles editing key information in the motion branch. This object implements this method to return FALSE because it is not a "real" strong) reference dependency. It's just needed while the editing is taking place. Plugin developers don't need to concern themselves with this method because it is used internally.

rtarg- A pointer to the reference target.
TRUE if the reference dependency is "real". Otherwise it returns FALSE. Default implementation is TRUE.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

ScripterExport Value* get_property ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 

Reimplemented from Value.

ScripterExport Value* set_property ( Value **  arg_list,
int  count 

Reimplemented from Value.

static ScripterExport Value* get_property ( ReferenceTarget ref,
Value prop,
Value owner 
static ScripterExport Value* set_property ( ReferenceTarget ref,
Value prop,
Value val 
def_generic ( eq  )
def_generic ( ne  )
def_generic ( coerce  ,
def_generic ( show_props  ,
def_generic ( get_props  ,
def_generic ( copy  ,
def_generic ( isDeleted  ,
def_generic ( exprForMAXObject  ,
def_generic ( show_interfaces  ,
def_generic ( get_interfaces  ,
def_generic ( get_interface  ,
def_property ( pos  )
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_2_prop_path ( pos  ,
def_property ( rotation  )
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_2_prop_path ( rotation  ,
def_property ( scale  )
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_2_prop_path ( scale  ,
def_property ( controller  )
def_property ( transform  )
def_property ( isAnimated  )
def_property ( numsubs  )
def_nested_prop ( angle  )
def_nested_prop ( x_rotation  )
def_nested_prop ( y_rotation  )
def_nested_prop ( z_rotation  )
def_nested_prop ( axis  )
def_nested_prop ( controller  )
def_nested_prop ( isAnimated  )
def_nested_prop ( keys  )
def_nested_prop ( x  )
def_nested_prop ( )
def_nested_prop ( z  )
def_nested_prop ( )
virtual Control* get_max_pos_controller ( ParamDimension **  pdim)
247 { return NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
virtual Control* get_max_scale_controller ( ParamDimension **  pdim)
248 { return NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
virtual Control* get_max_rotation_controller ( ParamDimension **  pdim)
249 { return NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
virtual Control* get_max_tm_controller ( ParamDimension **  pdim)
250 { return NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
virtual Control* get_max_controller ( ParamDimension **  pdim)
251 { return NULL; }
#define NULL
Definition: autoptr.h:18
virtual ScripterExport Control* get_max_prop_controller ( Value prop,
ParamDimension **  pdim 
virtual BOOL set_max_pos_controller ( MAXControl *  c)
253 { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL set_max_scale_controller ( MAXControl *  c)
254 { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL set_max_rotation_controller ( MAXControl *  c)
255 { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL set_max_tm_controller ( MAXControl *  c)
256 { return FALSE; }
virtual BOOL set_max_controller ( MAXControl *  c)
257 { return FALSE; }
virtual ScripterExport BOOL set_max_prop_controller ( Value prop,
MAXControl *  c 
static ScripterExport Control* get_max_prop_controller ( ReferenceTarget ref,
Value prop,
ParamDimension **  pdim 
static ScripterExport BOOL set_max_prop_controller ( ReferenceTarget ref,
Value prop,
MAXControl *  c 
virtual ScripterExport BOOL is_max_prop_animatable ( Value prop)
ScripterExport Value* get_container_property ( Value prop,
Value cur_prop 

Reimplemented from Value.

ScripterExport Value* set_container_property ( Value prop,
Value val,
Value cur_prop 

Reimplemented from Value.

virtual void object_to_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
269 { }
virtual void object_from_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
270 { }
virtual void world_to_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
271 { }
virtual void world_from_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
272 { }
virtual void world_to_current_coordsys ( Quat q)
273 { }
virtual void world_from_current_coordsys ( Quat q)
274 { }
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
277 { }
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys ( Point3 p,
int  mode = 0 
278 { }
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys ( Quat q)
279 { }
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys ( Quat q)
280 { }
virtual void ctrl_to_current_coordsys ( ScaleValue s)
281 { }
virtual void ctrl_from_current_coordsys ( ScaleValue s)
282 { }
virtual Matrix3& local_tm ( )
285 { return idTM; }
CoreExport IdentityTM idTM
virtual Matrix3 local_tm_inv ( )
286 { return Inverse(local_tm()); }
DMatrix3 Inverse(const DMatrix3 &m)
Return the inverse of the matrix.
virtual Matrix3 & local_tm()
Definition: mxsobjects.h:285
def_time_fn ( deleteTime  )
def_time_fn ( reverseTime  )
def_time_fn ( scaleTime  )
def_time_fn ( insertTime  )
def_time_fn ( setTimeRange  )
def_time_fn ( addNewKey  )
def_time_fn ( deleteKeys  )
def_time_fn ( selectKeys  )
def_time_fn ( deselectKeys  )
def_time_fn ( moveKeys  )
def_time_fn ( mapKeys  )
def_time_fn ( sortKeys  )
def_time_fn ( reduceKeys  )
def_time_fn ( addEaseCurve  )
def_time_fn ( deleteEaseCurve  )
def_time_fn ( setBeforeORT  )
def_time_fn ( setAfterORT  )
def_time_fn ( enableORTs  )
def_time_fn ( deleteTime  )
def_time_fn ( reverseTime  )
def_time_fn ( scaleTime  )
def_time_fn ( insertTime  )
def_time_fn ( setTimeRange  )
def_time_fn ( addNewKey  )
def_time_fn ( deleteKeys  )
def_time_fn ( selectKeys  )
def_time_fn ( deselectKeys  )
def_time_fn ( moveKeys  )
def_time_fn ( mapKeys  )
def_time_fn ( sortKeys  )
def_time_fn ( reduceKeys  )
def_time_fn ( addEaseCurve  )
def_time_fn ( deleteEaseCurve  )
def_time_fn ( setBeforeORT  )
def_time_fn ( setAfterORT  )
def_time_fn ( enableORTs  )
virtual ScripterExport Mesh* set_up_mesh_access ( int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport Mesh* set_up_mesh_face_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport Mesh* set_up_mesh_vertex_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport MNMesh* set_up_mnmesh_access ( int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport MNMesh* set_up_mnmesh_face_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport MNMesh* set_up_mnmesh_vertex_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_vertsel ( )
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_facesel ( )
virtual ScripterExport BitArray get_edgesel ( )
virtual ScripterExport void set_vertsel ( BitArray sel)
virtual ScripterExport void set_facesel ( BitArray sel)
virtual ScripterExport void set_edgesel ( BitArray sel)
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetList& get_named_vertsel_set ( )
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetList& get_named_facesel_set ( )
virtual ScripterExport GenericNamedSelSetList& get_named_edgesel_set ( )
virtual void update_sel ( )
Definition: ref.h:68
virtual CoreExport RefResult NotifyDependents(const Interval &changeInt, PartID partID, RefMessage message, SClass_ID sclass=NOTIFY_ALL, BOOL propagate=TRUE, RefTargetHandle hTarg=NULL, NotifyDependentsOption notifyDependentsOption=REFNOTIFY_ALLOW_OPTIMIZATIONS)
Notify all dependent RefMakers concerned with the message.
Sent to dependents of a ReferenceTarget that has changed in some way.
Definition: ref.h:253
#define FOREVER
Definition: interval.h:168
virtual ScripterExport bool isPolyObject ( int  access)
virtual ScripterExport IMeshSelectData* set_up_IMeshSelectData_access ( int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner 
virtual ScripterExport bool isPatchObject ( int  access)
virtual ScripterExport PatchObject* set_up_patch_access ( int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport PatchObject* set_up_patch_face_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport PatchObject* set_up_patch_vertex_access ( int  index,
int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner = NULL 
virtual ScripterExport IPatchSelectData* set_up_IPatchSelectData_access ( int  access,
ReferenceTarget **  owner 
def_property ( category  )
def_prop_getter ( classID  )
def_prop_getter ( superclassID  )
def_generic ( get  ,
def_generic ( getSubAnim  ,
def_generic ( getSubAnimName  ,
def_generic ( getSubAnimNames  ,
def_generic ( getAppData  ,
def_generic ( setAppData  ,
def_generic ( deleteAppData  ,
def_generic ( clearAllAppData  ,
def_generic ( addPluginRollouts  ,
ReferenceTarget* to_reftarg ( )

Reimplemented from Value.

335 { return get_max_object(); }
virtual ReferenceTarget * get_max_object()
Definition: mxsobjects.h:115
void to_fpvalue ( FPValue v)

Reimplemented from Value.

336 { v.r = get_max_object(); v.type = TYPE_REFTARG; }
ReferenceTarget * r
Definition: ifnpub.h:1190
A pointer to a reference target.
Definition: paramtype.h:71
virtual ReferenceTarget * get_max_object()
Definition: mxsobjects.h:115
ParamType2 type
Definition: ifnpub.h:1166
ScripterExport IOResult Save ( ISave isave)

Reimplemented from Value.

static ScripterExport Value* Load ( ILoad iload,
USHORT  chunkID,
ValueLoader vload 
ScripterExport BaseInterface* GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id)

Reimplemented from Value.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

void initialize_MAXScript ( )

Member Data Documentation

short ref_deleted