To Specify the Display Configurations Used in Xref Overlays

Use this procedure to specify whether the objects in an xref drawing are to use the display configurations in the xref when the drawing is referenced as an overlay by the host drawing.

By default, objects in both overlay and attached xref drawings use the display configurations assigned in the host drawing. This procedure describes how to specify that an xref overlay use only its own display configurations and not those in the host drawing. If you do not turn on this option, objects in the xref drawing can use their own display configurations or those of the host drawing. Xref drawings that are referenced as attachments can use either group of display configurations.

In the following example, the objects in the xref drawing inserted as an overlay use the Screened display configuration (north and east walls, doors, and windows). The host drawing uses the Medium Detail display configuration (south and west walls, doors, and windows).

An xref overlay that does not use the active display configuration in the host drawing

  1. Open the drawing that you want to reference in another drawing.
  2. Click Utilities Drawing Setup.
  3. Click the Display tab.
  4. Under Drawing Default Display Configuration, select When used as an Xref Overlay, use this drawing’s default display configuration initially.

    Clear this option if you want the xref drawing to use either its own display configurations or the display configurations in the host drawing.

    Specifying that objects use display configurations only from the current drawing

  5. Click OK.