To Edit a Display Representation

Use this procedure to change the following default display properties of a display representation:

By default, the layer of object components is layer 0. The default color and linetype are ByBlock. With these defaults, the object components inherit the color and linetype properties of the “parent” object. For example, when the color and linetype of the door frame component are ByBlock, the door frame has the color and linetype of the door object. Object components cannot exist outside their parent object as can typical AutoCAD block objects.

Changes made to a display representation apply to every display set and display configuration that use the display representation. To apply changes more selectively, create a display representation based on the representation you want to modify. You can then change the display properties of the new representation and assign it to specific display sets.

Note: Changes you made to a display representation using this procedure apply only to the default display properties for the object. Changes to the display properties of object styles or of individual objects override the default display properties.
  1. Click Manage tabStyle & Display panelDisplay Manager.
  2. Expand Representations by Object.
  3. Expand the object that contains the display representation you want to edit.
  4. Select the display representation to edit.

    The display properties you can edit depend on the object and the display representation that you select. For example, a wall in a model representation displays only the Layer/Color/Linetype tab; a wall in a plan representation displays two additional tabs to specify display properties for hatching and cut plane components.

  5. Click the Layer/Color/Linetype tab to change the AutoCAD properties, including visibility of the object components and whether their display is controlled by the material assignment.
  6. If applicable, click tabs such as Hatching or Other to change object-specific display properties.
  7. When you finish editing display properties, click OK.