About Refining Content (AutoCAD Mechanical Toolset)

Once an item has been added to a content library you must refine it to be used across various standards and drawing scenarios.

For example, say that you added a block to a content library. You now have a library item that is essentially a part/feature of a single size, with a single view. As part of the refine operation, you add resize behavior and the remaining views to the part/feature.

The following workflow outlines the preferred sequence of operations. Depending on the nature and the capability of the part/feature you are creating, you can skip some of the steps.

  Task Comments
1. Modify geometry as required You add/erase/modify geometry as required
2. Change the insertion point The base point is 0,0 by default. You change this to a more meaningful location.
3. Test the Content You verify if the geometry modifications are made as desired. You also verify if the insertion point is correct.
4. Map geometry to object types By mapping geometry to object types, you enable AutoCAD Mechanical toolset to apply object based intelligence on the content at insertion time.
5. Test the Content You verify if the content is inserted on the correct layer and if the behavior in hide situations is honored.
6. Make Content Resizable You make the content resizable by constraining the geometry with dimensional constraints.
7. Test the Content You verify if the content resizes without distortion.
8. Define valid sizes for content You control the dimensions of the content by mapping dimensional constraints to the Family Table. You then define valid values for each size in the Family Table.
9. Test the Content You verify if the defined sizes display in selection lists. You also test if all dimensions corresponding to that size are assigned correct values.
10. Set up the content to resize by dragging You select what dimensional constraints must display drag grips.
11. Test the Content You check if the drag works and the prompts make sense.
12. Mark what geometries to array, when the content resizes You control the creation of arrays by marking geometry to be arrayed and assigning values to array parameters in the Family Table.
13. Test the Content You verify if the geometries marked for arraying are drawn correctly for different sizes, without distortion and cropping.
14. Mark the areas to hatch You mark the areas to hatch and set the hatch parameters for each size (if necessary to change with size) in the Family Table.
15. Test the Content You verify if the hatch pattern fills the marked areas for different size settings and if the parameters are assigned correct values.
16. Specify centerline overshoots You map centerline overshoots to parameters controlled by the drafting standard. This ensures that no matter what drawing the content is inserted in, centerlines honor the settings in AMOPTIONS.
17. Test the Content You verify if the overshoots display correctly for different scenarios you set in AMOPTIONS.
18. Add BOM specific information You select what BOM properties to update, and specify values for each size. You also specify the part reference location.
19. Test the Content You verify if the BOM updates correctly and if Balloon leaders point to the correct location.
20. Add Views to the Content You draw the remaining views of the content and constrain the geometry so that sizes are controlled by the Family Table.
21. Test the Content You verify if the view displays correctly for all defined sizes. You also test if dimensions corresponding to that size are assigned correct values. You also verify if the content reacts to the AMPOWERVIEW command.