Autodesk Bridge Design for InfraWorks gives you the tools to model and design bridges in the context of your overall infrastructure design project.
InfraWorks supports Precast I Girder and Steel Plate Girder bridge types, which support different bridge deck, abutment, piers, girder, and bearing components. Default settings for these concrete and steel bridge types are represented by concrete and steel bridge assemblies within the Bridge catalogue of the Style Palette. You can also modify these bridge styles, or create new ones to apply to your bridge. Bridges can be added to component roads using right-click menu options. See To add a bridge to a component road.
Use the quantities tool to review material quantities for a selected bridge or individual bridge component. See: To review bridge material quantities.
Review and modify bridge, girder group, girder, abutment, pier, foundation, and deck attributes in the Stack. Choose from a catalogue of parametric component parts for abutments, piers, and pier foundations.
Use the Infrastructure Part Shape Utilities tools for Autodesk Inventor to create your own parametric shape templates, parts, and assemblies, then export those parametric models for use in InfraWorks bridge design. See About Parametric Bridge and Tunnel Components.