Browser status icons in the Manufacture workspace reference

Icons appear in the Browser to indicate the status of items, such as individual operations, Setups, Folders, and NC Programs.

Icons in the Browser indicating an items status

When you place the pointer over any of the icons, a tooltip appears in which you can view additional information, such as any error or warning messages, without needing to open the log.

Icons in the Browser indicating an items status

Where both parent and child items have errors or warnings, the icon highlights the most severe, using the following order of severity:

  1. Errors
  2. Out of date
  3. Warning

Browser icons

Icon Status
Red diamond with exclamation mark Item has an error.
Red diamond with exclamation mark Item contains a child item that has an error
Orange triangle with exclamation mark Item has a warning.
Orange triangle with exclamation mark Item contains a child item that has a warning.
Orange recycle icon Item is out of date.
Green tick icon Item is valid and has no errors. When the icon appears next to a toolpath, it means that both, the toolpath, and the in-process stock (IPS), are generated.
Notes Item contains notes.
Circular dashed lines Item is in a queue to be generated. This icon also appears next to the IPS status in the tooltip to indicate IPS generation.
Diamond Item is currently generating
Green tick icon Item is valid and has no errors. This icon appears only in the tooltip.
Green tick icon with dashed lines Toolpath is generated, but IPS is turned off, or is in the process of being generated.
gray padlock Toolpath is protected.
Gray pencil Toolpath has been modified. For example, modified using toolpath trimming.
Diagonal line Toolpath is optional.
Horizontal line Toolpath is suppressed.
cream stop-sign icon IPS has been turned off for the toolpath. This icon appears only in the tooltip.