Break a view

Learn how to break a view on a sheet in the Drawing workspace in Fusion.

  1. Select Create > Break View base view icon.

    The Break View dialog displays.

  2. Click the view to break.

  3. In the Break View dialog, select the Orientation of the break.

    • Horizontal

    • Vertical

      Note: The Orientation is selected automatically based on the view's length/height.
  4. Select the Start Point. A line indicates where the break will begin.

  5. Select the End Point. A line indicates where the break will end.

  6. Optionally, enter a distance for the gap between the two sections that remain.

  7. Optionally, repeat the workflow to create multiple breaks.

  8. Select OK.

The selected view displays with a section missing between the specified start and end points. Longer break lines display more break symbols.

base view icon