
Accessing, Viewing & Reviewing Models

Informed Design directly connects with your Autodesk Docs project(s), allowing users to access the project folders and files through the Informed Design Web Application itself. This application utilizes the same tools and functionality that users have in Autodesk Docs, enabling them to view and navigate the model, take measurements, and examine parts of the model properties.

To access design models, follow these steps:

  1. Expand the folder structure in order to see the relevant folder(s) where the designer's Revit model is located.
  2. A list of the model files will be displayed, including information such as the version number and the date it was last updated.
  3. In the preview window, you will see model details along with an "Open Model" icon. Click on the "Open Model" icon to open the model on your screen.
Note: The Informed Design Web Application only displays the Revit model files and does not show the product definitions or any generated outputs.


Viewing & Reviewing Design Models

To view the Revit design models in the Informed Design Web Application and/or Autodesk Docs, users must have the appropriate access permissions. It is important to ensure that the correct view is set as the main default 3D view when publishing you Revit model to Autodesk Docs. If another view is selected that has been cropped in size, it may not display all instances outside the cropped window, resulting in some Informed Design product families not being visible in the Informed Design Web Application. The full list of sheets and views included in the published project can only be seen when viewing in Autodesk Docs.

Viewer Toolbar

The Viewer toolbar provides tools based on the active 3D view.

alt Orbit: (3D only) In orbit mode, the camera moves around the focal point of the model. In this mode, the up direction is always maintained. Click the arrow for orbit or free orbit options.

alt Pan: Moves the view parallel to the screen.

alt Zoom: Click the arrow to see zoom options. Zoom in and out within the selected area or window on the model.

alt First Person: (3D only) With the First-Person tool, you can navigate through a model as if you are walking through it. With First Person enabled, click the "i icon" to view a slide that shows how to navigate with your keyboard and mouse.

alt Camera Interactions: Click the arrow to see camera interactions: Fit to view and focal length. Fit to view, position the bounding box center of the current selection at the center of the viewport.

alt Section Analysis: (3D only) Click the arrow to view the model in sections along the X, Y, or Z planes.

alt Measure: Use the tools to measure distance, angles, or area. You can also calibrate using a known measurement, and specify the units and precision settings.

alt Compare: Compare different versions of the same 2D document or 3D model or two different 2D documents and display differences between them.

alt Model Browser: Browse individual sheets or 3D models. Search for objects by name or ID, and toggle the alt icon to hide or display the selected objects.

alt Properties: Inspect properties of the model or selected objects, including constraints, materials and finishes, and identifying data.

alt Settings: Use the tabs on the Settings dialog box to customize the viewer. You can edit the performance and display settings, navigational tools, visual quality, and change the image environment and lighting. A description of each setting is displayed on the dialog.

  • Tip: Click the Restore all default settings button to restore the default settings across all of the tabs. These settings provide the recommended balance between visual quality and viewer performance.

alt Full Screen: View the model in full screen mode.


While working with 3D models the viewcube can help you orient views.

Reorient the Current View to a Preset Orientation

Click one of the faces, edges, or corners on the ViewCube.

Reorient to an Adjacent Face

Click one of the triangles displayed near the edges of the ViewCube tool


  • Note: A face view must be current.

Roll a Face

Click one of the roll arrows displayed above, and to the right of, the ViewCube.

The left roll arrow rotates the view 90 degrees counterclockwise, while the right roll arrow rotates the view 90 degrees clockwise.


  • Note: A face view must be current.

Orbit the Model

  • Click the ViewCube, hold down the left mouse button on your pointing device, and drag to orbit the model.
  • Drag in the direction that you want to orbit the model.

When you drag or click the ViewCube tool, the view of the model reorients around a pivot point. The pivot point is displayed at the center of the object.

Reorient Model to Home View

Right-click the ViewCube, and click Home.

Set Home View

Right-click the ViewCube, and click Set Home View.

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