

Pond grading objects represent the surface area and depth of a pond in a project. Pond objects allow for fine detail of slope constraint through dimensional parameters for their pond type: either dry, or wet.

Dry Pond Wet Pond

According to the diagrams above, the Pond Properties Panel allows for the labeled constraints.

A. Maximum Storage Depth. Specifies the maximum storage depth of the pond measured from the freeboard. Dry ponds measure to the pond bottom. Wet ponds measure to the top of the permanent pool.

B. Berm Width. Specifies an offset to the inside of the pond boundary to create a consistent berm elevation around the pond.

C. Freeboard. Provides a safety height to the pond water elevation and the minimum storage volume is provided below this elevation.

D. Inside Slope. Specifies the slope of the inside of the pond in the format of H:V. The outside slope is based on the surrounding zone properties.

E. Safety Bench Depth. Specifies where the safety bench will begin. It is measured from the freeboard depth.

F. Safety Bench Width. Specifies the width of the safety bench.

G. Safety Bench Slope. Specifies the slope of the safety bench as a percent.

H. Permanent Water Depth. Specifies the required water depth for the permanent pool. It is the depth of water below the freeboard and storage volume.

I. Aquatic Bench Width. Specifies the width of the aquatic bench in a wet pond. If there is no aquatic bench, then set the value to zero (0).

J. Aquatic Bench Slope. Specifies the slope of the aquatic bench for a wet pond and is entered in the format H:V.

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