This tab is used to enter fire flow measurements to be used in the calibration. In addition, you must specify the system conditions during each fire flow by using datasets.
Modes: Fire Test only
The Fire Flow tab allows you to define fire flow field test measurements for selected hydrants and loading conditions to be matched in the calibration analysis with some known field condition(s). For example, you can identify fire flows at selected hydrants by using the Select Fire Node button. Once a fire node has been graphically selected and loading conditions (such as demand set, tank set, status set, etc.) are specified for the selected fire node, you can add unlimited number of field measurement locations by adding more fire nodes.
What is unique to the Calibrator is the ability to correlate pipe roughness coefficients for numerous fire flow tests in one single calibration simulation. In other calibration software, you could only run one fire flow calibration simulation at a time. In most master planning efforts, the desire is to conduct a series of fire flow tests. Taking this data back to the office and using older calibration software meant that you had to run a separate simulation for each fire flow test, taking valuable time. The Fire Flow tab allows you to bring all fire flow test data into a single scenario (making sure you specify differing tank, demand and control sets). When you click on the Run button, roughness coefficients are determined for not just one fire flow test... but take into consideration all fire flow tests.
Main Menu
Mode - Choose a mode (Steady State, Fire Flow, or Extended Period) for Calibrator.
Run - Go to Run to Start and Stop the trial. You can also choose Options.... to view the Calibration Options dialog box:
Help - Click to go to Contents, Index, or About Calibrator to find more information on Calibrator.
Fire Node
Enter the node ID where a fire flow test was performed.
Fire Flow
Enter the fire flow recorded at the current node when the hydrant is flowing.
Demand Set
Define the Demand Set ID corresponding to the demand loading conditions when the fire flow test was performed. To change demand sets, highlight the desired box and use the demand set drop-down box below, select a new demand set.
Tank Set
Define the Tank Set ID corresponding to the tank and boundary conditions when the fire flow test was performed. To change tank sets, highlight the desired box and use the tank set drop-down box below, select a new tank set.
Status Set
Define the Status Control Set ID corresponding to the element status control conditions when the fire flow test was performed. To change status sets, highlight the desired box and use the status set drop-down box below, select a new status set.
Pressure Node
Enter a junction ID usually adjacent to the fire node where the residual pressure was measured as the fire flow test node was flowing.
Residual Pressure
Enter the Residual Pressure measured at the above Pressure Node when the fire flow node was flowing. For multiple field pressures during the same test, merely enter multiple rows with the same fire node ID, the same fire flow, demands set, tank set and status set but with enter a different Pressure Node and Residual Pressure.
Simulated Pressure
Displays the pressure predicted based on the solution obtained for the calculated pipe roughness.
% Diff
Displays the percent difference between the observed and simulated pressures.
Current Fire-Flow Measurement Record
Demand Set
Use the drop-down list box to select from all the available Demand Sets or use the Browse
button to open the Demand Set Editor.
Drop Down Tank Set
Use the drop-down list box to select from all the available Tank Sets or use the Browse
button to open the Tank Set Editor.
Status Control Set
Use the drop-down list box to select from all the available Status Control Sets or use the Browse
button to open the Status Control Set Editor.
Select Fire Node
Uses the map view to graphically select the Fire Node ID to the active row by clicking on the individual junction.
Select Measured Node
Uses the map view to graphically select the Pressure Node ID (where the residual pressure is measured) and enter it into the active row by clicking on the individual junction.
Set Total Rows
Specify the total number of rows to be created in the Fire Flow Measurement table.