Chapter 2: Recommended Solution Strategy

Previous: Chapter 1 | Next: Chapter 3 

Before Starting a Design Study there are some important questions you should ask. These questions are crucial to determining what geometry you will start with, what portions of your design to focus on, and what parameters to observe when the analysis is complete.

What do you know about this design?

What do you want to know about the performance of this design?

What can you change about this design to meet your goals?

Once you’ve answered those questions, you will follow a basic process that applies to all analyses in Autodesk Simulation CFD:

  1. Prepare your CAD model and launch into Autodesk Simulation CFD. (Chapter 4)
  2. Repair or modify the geometry, if needed. (Chapter 7)
  3. Assign materials to all parts in the model. (Chapter 8 and Exercise 2)
  4. Assign operating conditions. (Chapter 9 and Exercise 3)
  5. Assign the mesh. (Chapter 10 and Exercise 4)
  6. Click Solve to start the analysis. (Chapter 11 and Exercise 5)
  7. Go to the Results task, and look at your results (while it's running and after it's finished). (Starts at Chapter 13 and Exercise 7)
  8. Need to make a change? Clone the design or scenario in the Design Study Bar. (Chapter 21 and Exercise 15)
  9. Make your change in your CAD tool, launch into Autodesk Simulation CFD, and solve. (Chapter 21 and Exercise 15)
  10. Compare results in the Decision Center. (Exercise 16)

Previous: Chapter 1 | Next: Chapter 3

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