Insert an edge on a freeform body

Insert edges to add more control in specific areas.

  1. On the ribbon, click 3d Model tab Freeform panel Insert Edge . If necessary, click the drop-down menu to access Insert Edge.
  2. Select Edges.
  3. Specify the location value - the location value controls the position of the new edge using a decimal percentage. That is, this value determines how to divide the area between the 2 selected edges. The amount entered must be between -1 to 1.
  4. Mode
    • Specify Simple to insert the edge without moving the other edges. The shape of the body may change.
    • Specify Exact to maintain the current shape. Additional edges are automatically added.
  5. Specify the insertion side: Single or Both. The Both option adds an edge on each side of the selected edge.
  6. Select OK
  7. Note:
    • Hold the CTRL key to add edges. Hold the SHIFT key to remove edges.
    • Double-clicking an edge selects the edge loop.