The items in this submenu control the visibility of various user panels and elements in the interface, including the Status Line, the Shelf, the Time Slider, and so on.
Options in this submenu are:
Lets you preview the animation in your scene by outputting a movie or sequence of individual frames. Select
Windows > Playblast >
to set the
Playblast Options.
The default output formats are the following: .avi (Windows), .image (Linux), and .qt (Mac OS X). See also
Playblast animation.
You can change the default media player that launches when you playblast a sequence of animation using the Applications preferences. (See also Specify default media players.)
By default, Playblast generates a movie or images using the active view and the current time range in the Time Slider to determine the animation range. The default scale is 0.5, which makes the Playblast image resolution one quarter the size of the active view.