Learn about the model drawing principles, drawing styles and drawing processes.
The drawings are created in DWG files separate from the model, however they are linked to the model to track changes. A drawing may consist of several linked details, which are individual Advance objects with their own properties.
The model knows which drawings have been linked and checks if these drawings still correlate. Thus, the drawings can be updated after any model modifications. This link is one way only and changing a drawing will not modify the model.
A wide range of drawing styles allows you to automatically create each type of drawing. In addition to drawing styles, Advance includes drawing processes which automatically create part drawings (using appropriate drawing styles) and arrange the created details within a drawing (.dwg) or across several drawings.
You can automatically create all types of drawings associated to the design process:
According to the type of drawing to be created, use the adequate procedure:
Create part drawings:
Create assembly drawings:
Create general arrangement drawings:
The linked drawings (details) can be automatically dimensioned and labeled, but additional dimensions and labels can be added later, using special tools:
The revision table is automatically updated with the list of revision notes for all changes made in the model.