Create label leader lines for hole top views, using the center of the hole as a reference.
For a better graphical output, the leader line arrow head is drawn along the circle presentation of the hole.
The leader line arrow will adjust itself when you change the label position. It will keep the center of the hole as a reference and adjust itself to link the position of the label to the hole center. The arrow will always be drawn along the circle presentation of the hole.
By default, all hole labels are created using the automatic hole detection mode.
Once you clear the box, the label will receive an additional grip point in the center of the current reference hole. Moving the grip point allows you to manually adjust the label. Moving the label will no longer dynamically change the reference hole, the leader line will always point to the manually selected hole. The leader line arrow will continue to be automatically drawn along the hole circle, providing the expected graphical output.
The manually changed reference hole is kept during update. Checking the option for automatic leader line will make the leader line jump to the closest hole. The label will switch its mode to the automatic leader line position without the need to update the drawing.