Create a Toposolid by Sketching

Create a toposolid by sketching a boundary and placing elevation points.

Define the Boundary

Video: Create a Toposolid

  1. Click Massing & Site tabModel Site panel Toposolid (Create from Sketch).
  2. On the Draw panel, select a sketch or pick tool.
  3. Sketch, or pick, a closed loop for the toposolid boundary.
  4. Click (Finish Edit Mode).

Place Elevation Points/Modify Sub-Elements

  1. Click Modify | Toposolid tabShape Editing panelAdd Point.
  2. On the Add Point panel, select one of the following:
    • Along Surface - Allows you to place points offset from the surface.
    • Absolute - Points display at the specified elevation (from the Elevation Base). You can place points anywhere within the toposolid boundary.
  3. Set the Elevation Base value.
    • Current Level
    • Project Base Point
    • Survey Point
    • Internal Origin
  4. In the Elevation box, provide an elevation value for the points you are adding.
  5. Click in the drawing area to place points. If needed, change the elevation as you place additional points.
  6. Click Modify | Toposolid tabShape Editing panelModify Sub Elements.
  7. Drag a point or edge to modify the location or elevation.
    • Dragging a blue arrow moves the point vertically.
    • Dragging a red square (shape handle) moves the point horizontally.
  8. Click the text control to enter a precise height value for the selected point or edge.

    The value of the height represents the offset from the original top face of the toposolid.

  9. Click (Modify). To complete the Toposolid.
Note: For additional information on making modifications to a toposolid, see the topics in the following section: About Shape Editing