Edit Model

Inside the Generative Design workspace, you have access to the Edit Model contextual environment.

Note: Here you can prepare a generative model which is a derivative of the original model and where you can make changes specific to the requirements of a generative design study. Changes you make to the generative model will not change the base model created in the Design workspace. However, any fundamental changes you make to the base model in the Design workspace will be passed along and associatively update the generative model.

If you are new to modeling, follow these tutorials to learn how to

Access the Edit Model contextual environment

In the Generative Design workspace, on the Define tab, click Edit Model > Edit Model edit model icon.

The contextual environment contains two tabs on the toolbar.

Edit Model Solid tab

Use the tools in the Edit Model Solid tab to edit solid geometry.

edit model solid tab toolbar

Edit Model Surface tab

Use the tools in the Edit Model Surface tab to edit surface geometry.

edit model surface tab toolbar

Additional tips

Quick tip: Clone and edit to maximize generative solutions

Quick tip: Remove features