
Customized Report

Step 1: Define Data Source

Use the Define Data Source dialog box to define the element type, the Input Data type, and the Output Data for the customized report. 

Governing Element Type

Element Type - Select the type of element for which a customized report is to be created (Junction, Pipe, Valve, Tank, Reservoir, or Pump).

Input Data - There are 3 types of input data available for a customized report. See the following:

Information Data - General component attributes (pipe material, pressure zone, etc.) and any user-defined database fields.

Modeling/Demand Data - Modeling and demand data (pipe diameter, demand, etc.).

Geometry Data - Graphical geometry fields (x and y coordinate, etc.).

Output Data - The output data represents the timestep and range data used in the custom report.

Standard Output at... - The hydraulic timestep for which the custom report is to be created (for Steady State models, there is only one timestep).

Output Range Information of... - This option is required to view an output range for the element type selected. Output range types for each element are shown below and will vary depending on the element type selected.

    • Junction - Demand, Pressure, Head, Chemical
    • Tank - Demand, Head, Pressure, %Full, Level, Chemical
    • Reservoir - Flow, Head, Chemical
    • Pipe - Flow, Velocity, Headloss, HL/1000, Chemical
    • Pump - Flow, Headloss, Available NPSH, Cavitation Index, Chemical
    • Valve - Flow, Velocity, Headloss, Chemical

Back - To return to the previous step.

Next - To proceed to Step 2 : Define Display Fields dialog box.

Cancel - Click Cancel and exit from the dialog box.

Step 2 : Define Display Fields

Customized Report Manager - Define Display FieldsThe second step is to define which fields will be included in the report and the order in which they will appear on the report. Field prefixes (ex. JUNCTION: ) reflect the component types. You also have the option of saving a custom configuration for later use. 

Available Fields

Lists all available fields that have not yet been chosen for inclusion on the custom report. If a field has already been selected, it will appear in the Display Fields list to the right of the Available Fields list. Only those fields associated with the selected data categories in Step 1 will be available for selection.

Display Fields

Lists all fields selected for inclusion on the custom report. The fields will be displayed in the order that they appear in the Display Fields list. The field listed at the top is displayed first in the output report while the field listed at the bottom of the Display Fields list is displayed at the end of the custom report. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to set the field display order.

Display Buttons

The display buttons allow you to add, remove, save, open, and alter the order in which the custom report will be created.

  • Add Single Field - To use this icon, select one record from the Available Fields box, click on the Add Single Field icon, and the field is now added to the custom report.
  • Remove Single Field - To use this icon, select one record from the Display Fields box, click on the Remove Single Field icon, and the field is now removed from the custom report.
  • Add All Fields - When this icon is used, all fields from the available fields box will be moved to the Display Fields box.
  • Remove All Fields - When this icon is used, all fields from the Display Fields box will be removed from inclusion in the custom output report.
  • Open - This icon will open a previously saved field collection table. This is a time-saving feature that allows you to create a custom report only once to be later recalled by the open feature.
  • Save - By using the save feature, you can store a custom report to a field collection folder. With a saved folder, a custom report can be recalled during any future custom report creation.
  • Move Up - Using the move up and move down icons, you can order the presentation of the custom report.
  • Move Down - Using the move up and move down icons, you can order the presentation of the custom report.

Back - To return to the previous step.

Next - Click Next to proceed to Step 3: Define Display Scope dialog box.

Cancel  - Click Cancel to cancel and exit from the dialog box.

Step 3 : Define Display Scope

The third step is to define which components will be displayed on the custom report. You may show records for all components of the current type and components in the current network domain, or you may define a query statement to restrict the records to be shown on the custom report. Click Finish to display the custom report. 

Display Scope

All - All elements in the InfoWater Pro project (depending on which element you select).

Domain - By selecting domain, a custom report will only be created for those elements added to a domain. To learn more about domains, click Domain.

DB Query - You can also select or create a DB Query for which a custom report is to be created. To learn more about database queries, click DB Query.

Back - Click Back to return to the previous step.

Finish - Click Finish to finish the selection process and launch the Customized Report.

Cancel - Click Cancel to cancel and exit from the dialog box.

Customized Report Methodology

The Customized Report provides you with a means to customize your report and to create a combination of input and output data.


The customized report feature of InfoWater Pro is a three-step wizard process whereby you can select which input and output data (e.g., pipe flow, node pressures, etc.) are desired to be viewed in a customized report.

  1. To create a customized report, select Customized Report Manager from the InfoWater Model Explorer > Command Center - > Tools.  From here you are taken through a wizard process to create a customized output report.
  2. In the Define Data Source dialog box, identify which InfoWater element type, input data, and output data are desired, and then click Next to launch the Define Display Fields dialog box.
  3. In the Define Display Fields dialog box, define which fields will be included in the report and the order in which they will appear on the report. Field prefixes (ex. JUNCTION: ) reflect the component types. Click Next to launch the Define Display Scope dialog box.
  4. Choose the display scope in the Define Display Scope dialog box, and click Finish to launch the Customized Report.

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