
Graph Properties

Graph Report Toolbar 

The following functions are available for customizing the graph display in the Output Report Manager. If you do not see one or more of the following buttons while a graph is being displayed, that function is not available for the currently displayed graph type. All functions may not be available for all graph types.

***Buttons listed from left to right, top to bottom***

Report button - Opens a time varying report table showing tabular simulation results for the current graph. The Graph button at the upper left, left-hand corner of the report table will return to the graph display.

Refresh Graph - Refreshes the current graph with data from the latest simulation run. Also used to change display units after changing units of measurement on the Output Report Manager. The graph display is a static display and it does not automatically refresh with each simulation run. A graph display from a previous simulation can be refreshed to display the current solution data without being redefined.

Copy Data Points - Copies the tabular X & Y data points of the current graph display to the clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can be pasted into other applications such as MS Word or Excel.

Create Stored Graph - Create a new stored graph. This stored graph can be quickly recalled using the Attributes Tab in the Model Explorer.

Save Settings - Creates a Graph Template and saves any custom settings for the current graph and applies those settings to other graphs of a similar type created subsequent to saving the display settings. For example: settings saved for a pipe graph will be applied to subsequent pipe graphs. See the System command below and select the System Tab for the Graph Template details.

Reset Settings - Resets the display settings for the current graph to the defaults (2D single blue line) and applies the default settings to graphs of a similar type created subsequent to resetting to the defaults.

Reverse Data Points - Active for HGL Profile Graphs only. When selected, the HGL profile is reversed such that the HGL is shown in the reverse order in which you selected the pipes shown on the graph.

Reference Graph - The reference graph command allows you to simultaneously compare different output results (and/or available input values) for the active element in one graph. For instance, you can view both Flows and Velocities for a particular pipe in the same graph by using this command.

Time Track - The time track command displays a vertical line with the value at the time step selected in the Model Explorer time bar.

Graph Animation - Several graphs show data for a single simulation time period, including the hydraulic grade line (HGL) profile and pump curve/operating point graphs. Choose one of the following buttons to move forward or backwards through other extended period simulation timesteps.

Animate Backwards - Move backwards rapidly through each timestep, showing HGL or pump curve results for each timestep.

Move Back - Move backwards one timestep.

Display Delay - Use this to delay the lag between each time step when Animating Backwards or Forwards to view results for each time step.

Move Forward - Move forward one timestep.

Animate Forward - Move forward rapidly through each timestep.

Choose Data Element - Choose the data element for display on the currently opened graph. This option is available only after the Reference Graph command is selected.

Choose the Data Variable - Choose the output result variable to display for the currently opened graph.

Pan - After zooming in on a portion of the graph, use the Pan feature to shift the graph left and right and up and down.

Zoom In - Drag and drop the outline around a portion of the graph to zoom in.

Zoom Out - Click on the graph to zoom out by a fixed amount.

Horizontal Lock - Locks the graph horizontally so that the pan function will only allow movement in the left and right direction.

Vertical Lock - Locks the Vertically so that the pan function will only allow movement in the up-and-down direction.

Previous Extents - Returns the graph view to the previous extent.

Next Extents - Returns the graph view to the next extent after the previous extent has been used.

Full Extent - Returns the graph view to the full extent.

Auto Pan Left - Automatically pans the zoomed view left. Click Stop Auto Pan to stop.

Auto Pan Right - Automatically pans the zoomed view right. Click Stop Auto Pan to stop.

Auto Pan Stop - Stops the Auto Pan Right or Left.

Copy - Copy Graph - Copies the current graph image to the Clipboard. The contents of the clipboard can be pasted into other applications such as MS Word or Excel.

Print - Prints the current graph. You may indicate print margins, whether or not the graphs will be printed in color, and whether or not a border will be included on the graph printout. 

Properties - You can you adjust the Graph Style and Axis properties of the current graph. 

Help - Opens the graph help.

Graph Properties

Formatting is available for graphs through the Properties dialog box. The properties can then be saved and loaded for future use. As display properties are adjusted, changes can be reviewed by clicking Apply.

The root for the hierarchy is GRAPH, and it indicates the whole graph component. Some graphs may contain multiple charts.

Each chart has its own x-axis, but all layers must share the same x-axis in order to compare the data from different sources clearly. A chart can contain multiple y-axes. There can be two y-axes on a single graph. The first one is defined on the left of the graph. The second one is defined the right of the graph.

A 'Curve'  Layer represents a set of data. For example, chlorine values for each hour in one day. If there are multiple Curves in one Layer, these Curves must share the same X values owned by this Layer.

Curves and Patterns will display a single Y variable and cannot contain multiple charts.


Graph Settings

Auto Pan Speed - Use the slider to select the delay associated with the Auto Pan function.



Zero Origin - Sets the axis origin to zero.

Scale Up Ratio -Scales the axis by the value entered.

Automatic Scale - Automatically scales the axis to fit the data.

Custom Scale - Set minimum and maximum axis values.

Logarithmic Scale - Sets the axis to a logarithmic scale.

Scale Options

Reverse Axis - Select this to reverse the plotting of the x-axis.

Minimum/Maximum - Enter the minimum and maximum axis values.

Tick Interval - Enter the interval for tick marks along the axis. Zero indicated automatic interval.

Scale Up Ratio - Enter the ratio to scale the axis.

Top Extension Ratio - Enter the ratio to increase the axis above the cart line.

Bottom Extension Ratio - Enter the ratio to scale the axis below the chart line.

Zero Affinity - Enter the ratio to to remove area from the zero or origin of the axis.


Title - Enter y-axis title.

Font - Use this button to select the font, size, and style of the y-axis title.


Chart Properties

Title - Enter the chart title.

X-Axis Position

Top/Bottom - Select the position of the x-axis title.



Zero Origin - Sets the axis origin to zero.

Scale Up Ratio -Scales the axis by the value entered.

Automatic Scale - Automatically scales the axis to fit the data.

Custom Scale - Set minimum and maximum axis values.

Logarithmic Scale - Sets the axis to a logarithmic scale.

Scale Options

Reverse Axis - Select this to reverse the plotting of the x-axis.

Minimum/Maximum - Enter the minimum and maximum axis values.

Tick Interval - Enter the interval for tick marks along the axis. Zero indicated automatic interval.

Scale Up Ratio - Enter the ratio to scale the axis.

Top Extension Ratio - Enter the ratio to increase the axis above the cart line.

Bottom Extension Ratio - Enter the ratio to scale the axis below the chart line.

Zero Affinity - Enter the ratio to to remove area from the zero or origin of the axis.


Title - Enter y-axis title.

Font - Use this button to select the font, size, and style of the y-axis title.



Type - Select Line or Bar graph type.

Bar Width - If Bar type is selected, select the bar width in pixels.

Border Effect - Changes the appearance of the bars in the bar chart.


Enable - If selected, this option enables 3D effects.

Depth - Controls the depth of the 3D effect.

Apply to Layers - Apply to all layers of the same chart.

Gap - Controls the depth of the gap between the graph and the background.

Apply to Charts - Apply 3D settings to all layers in all charts.



Enable - Select this box to enable Legend display. Enter legend text in the box.

Line Pattern

Line Pattern - Select Line Pattern Type from pull-down menu of available line types.


Select Symbol Shape - Select symbol shape from the pull-down menu of available symbol shapes. Symbol will be placed at curve data points.

Fill - Select if the symbol is to be filled.

Size - Select Symbol size

Line Width - Enter the line width or use -1 for standard line width.

Label - Select to show data values at graph points.


Red, Blue, Green - Select Red, Blue, and Green or enter a value from 0 to 255. Color can also be selected from the color chart and corresponding color values will be entered automatically.

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