
Graph Report

The following graph types are available from the Output Report Manager. 

Standard Analysis

A Standard InfoWater Analysis may either be a Steady State Analysis or an Extended Period Analysis (EPS). Several of the graphical reports are a function of time therefore only generated for EPS simulations. 

All the standard pressure, flow and water quality outputs are included in the following graphs:

Junction Graph - Displays simulation results for one junction node. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Edit Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected junction node. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a junction node. Upon selecting a node, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Junction node graphs can display node demand, grade, pressure, or water quality analysis variable.

Tank Graph - Displays simulation results for one storage node. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage node. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a storage node. Upon selecting a node, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Tank node graphs can display node demand, head, pressure, percent full, overflow volume, total overflow volume, or water quality analysis variable.

Reservoir Graph -  Displays simulation results for one reservoir. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected reservoir. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a reservoir. Upon selecting the reservoir, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Reservoir node graphs can display flow, head and/or water quality analysis variable.

Valve Graph - Displays simulation results for one control valve. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected valve. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a valve. Upon selecting a valve, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Valve graphs can display valve flow, velocity, headloss, or water quality analysis variable.

Pump Graph - Displays simulation results for one pump. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pump. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pump. Upon selecting a pump, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pump graphs can display flow, headloss, and water quality analysis variable.  Available net positive suction head (NPSH) and cavitation index are available for pumps that include an NPSH curve.

Pipe Graph - Displays simulation results for one pipe. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pipe. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pipe. Upon selecting a pipe, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pipe graphs can display pipe flow, velocity, headloss, headloss per 1000 feet (m), or water quality analysis variable.

Junction Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more junction nodes. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected junction nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more junction nodes. Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Junction Group graphs can display node demand, grade, pressure, or water quality analysis variable for the selected nodes.

Tank Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more storage nodes. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more storage nodes.  Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Tank Group graphs can display node demand, head, pressure, percent full, or water quality analysis variable.

Reservoir Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more storage nodes. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more storage nodes.  Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Reservoir group graphs can display flow, head and/or water quality analysis variable.

Valve Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more control valves. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected valves. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more valves. Upon selecting a valve, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Valve Group graphs can display valve flow, velocity, headloss, or water quality analysis variable.

Pump Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more pumps. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pumps. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more pumps. Upon selecting pumps, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pump Group graphs can display flow, headloss, and water quality analysis variable.  Available net positive suction head (NPSH) and cavitation index are available for pumps that include an NPSH curve.

Pipe Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more pipes. The graph x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pipes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more pipes. Upon selecting pipes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pipe Group graphs can display pipe flow, velocity, headloss, headloss per 1000 feet (m), or water quality analysis variable.

HGL Profile - Displays the hydraulic grade line profile along a series of connected pipes. Nodal locations and ground elevations are displayed in conjunction with HGL for reference. The graph x-axis displays length measured from the beginning of the first selected pipe and the y-axis displays elevation and hydraulic grade.

Pump Curve - Displays a pump’s characteristic curve as defined by the Element Attribute section of the Model Explorer and operating point as calculated by InfoWater Pro.  The graph x-axis displays flow in flow units as defined with the Simulation Times command and the y-axis displays head in output head unit. Pump curve graphs can display the pump head-flow operating point at any extended period simulation timestep you choose. If the pump is off at the current time period, the words “PUMP OFF” are displayed on the graph. If the pump is on, the pump operating point on the curve is displayed as a red dot annotated with the operating head and flow.

Pump Speed Curve - The pump speed curve is available when modeling variable speed pumps. When the pump speed is changed due to its control, the pump speed curve is available to show the pump operating range over various speeds.

The pump speed curve shows the following:

Op. Max = maximum operating speed along the extended period simulation

Op. Min = minimum operating speed along the extended period simulation

Ref. Max = Reference maximum speed (10% higher than Op. Max)

Ref. Min = Reference minimum speed (10% lower than Op. Min)

Operating Points = Points of operation during the extended period simulation.

System Demand - Displays total or net system demand during an extended period simulation. The graph x-axis displays time and by default the y-axis displays total outflow which includes the total consumption and emitter flow. There are several alternative outputs which are defined below:

  • Outflow: Reports the total outflow from the system. Outflow = Actual Demand + Emitter Flow.
  • Supply: Water provided by the sources.
  • Stored Flow: Net flow into tanks. Stored Flow = Flow in - Flow out.
  • Actual Demand: The part of the outflow that is consumed by customers.
  • Emitter Flow: The pressure-driven flow from emitters (usually leaks).
  • *Expected Demand: The input demand of how much the consumers want or expect, which is not always supplied because of deficient pressure.
  • *Unsatisfied Demand: The deficit caused by inadequate pressure. Unsatisfied Demand = Expected Demand - Actual Demand.
  • Junction Leakage: The total leakage from all junctions.
  • Pipe Leakage: The total leakage from all pipes.
Note: Expected and Unsatisfied demand results are only available when using Pressure Dependent Demand in the Simulation Options.

Average Reaction Rates (%) - The average reaction rate graph displays the amount of chemical reactions occurring within the hydraulic system. Broken down as a pie chart, the average reactions within each portion of the system are shown as a percentage of all reaction within the system.

Frequency Graph & Histogram-  A frequency graph can only be created by viewing an output report. Once an output report is open (pipe report, junction report, etc.), highlight the attribute (column) for which a frequency curve is desired and select the frequency icon at the top of the dialog box or right-click and select Data Frequence plot.  

A histogram can only be created by viewing an output report. Once an output report is open, highlight the column for which a histogram is desired and right click Data Histogram Plot.

Energy Management Analysis

An Energy Management analysis is conducted in conjunction with the Standard Analysis. Hence in addition to all the graph types above, Energy Analysis provides the following additional graph type.

Energy Curve - Displaying the results of an Energy Management simulation for one selected pump. The x-axis displays time in units defined with the Simulation Times command and the y-axis displays energy management simulation results for the selected pump. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pump. By default the graph displays flow rate through the selected pump. Other energy management simulation variables may be selected from the drop-down list at the top right-hand corner of the graph window. You can display pump flow, head, useful power, efficiency, required power, and total cumulative cost on Energy Curve graphs.

Scada Analysis

SCADA analysis provides the same graph report types as the standard run, but accounts for boundary condition updates. 

Hydrant Analysis

Hydrant Analysis: Hydrant-curve analysis provides only the following graph types. This feature is useful for evaluating the capacity of a hydrant to deliver fire flows. 

Hydrant Curve - Displays the relationship between flow and pressure for the most recently generated Hydrant Curve simulation via the Run Manager. The current hydrant curve is entitled *active*.Hydrant Curve regardless of the identifier of the node for which the curve was generated (the correct node identifier is displayed in the title of the hydrant curve - see graph below). The graph x-axis displays flow and the y-axis displays pressure. The x-axis range is from no flow to the maximum flow at zero pressure.

Hydrant Junction Graph -  Displays simulation results for one junction node. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected junction node. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a junction node. Upon selecting a node, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Junction node graphs can display node demand, grade, and pressure.

Hydrant Tank Graph - Displays simulation results for one storage node. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage node. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a storage node. Upon selecting a node, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Tank node graphs can display flow and grade.

Hydrant Reservoir Graph - Displays simulation results for one reservoir.  The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected reservoir. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a reservoir. Upon selecting the reservoir, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Reservoir node graphs can display flow and grade.

Hydrant Valve Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more control valves. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected valves. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a valve. Upon selecting a valve, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Valve graphs can display valve flow, velocity, headloss, upstream & downstream pressures, & setting.

Hydrant Pump Graph - Displays simulation results for one pump. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pump. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pump. Upon selecting a pump, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pump graphs can display pump flow, headgain, upstream & downstream pressures, & setting.

Hydrant Pipe Graph - Displays simulation results for one pipe. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pipe. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pipe. Upon selecting a pipe, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pipe graphs can display pipe flow, velocity, headloss, and headloss per 1000 feet (m).

Hydrant Junction Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more junction nodes. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected junction nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more junction nodes. Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Junction Group graphs can display node demand, grade, and pressure.

Hydrant Tank Group Graph -  Displays simulation results for two or more storage nodes. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more storage nodes.  Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Tank Group graphs can display display  node flow and grade.

Hydrant Reservoir Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more storage nodes. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected storage nodes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more storage nodes.  Upon selecting nodes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Reservoir group graphs can display flow, and head.

Hydrant Pump Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more pumps. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pumps. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more pumps. Upon selecting pumps, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window.  Pump graphs can display pump flow, headgain, upstream & downstream pressures, & setting.

Hydrant Valve Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more control valves. The graph x-axis displays hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected valves. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more valves.  Upon selecting a valve, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Valve graphs can display valve flow, velocity, headloss, upstream & downstream pressures, & setting.

Hydrant Pipe Group Graph - Displays simulation results for two or more pipes. The graph x-axis displays  hydrant flow in units defined within simulation options and the y-axis displays simulation results for the selected pipes. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose two or more pipes. Upon selecting pipes, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Pipe graphs can display pipe flow, velocity, headloss, and headloss per 1000 feet (m),

System Curve Analysis

System-curve analysis provides the following graph type. This feature is useful for evaluating the variation in total dynamic head against which pumps will be required to operate under various flow conditions.

System Curve - Displays the relationship between system head and flow for the most recently generated system curve as well as the selected pump curve, generated with the Run Manager. The most recently generated system curve is entitled “* ACTIVE *.System Curve” regardless of the identifier of the pump for which the curve was generated (the correct pump identifier is displayed in the graph). The graph x-axis displays flow and the y-axis displays head.

Water Quality Analysis

Water Quality and Multi-Species Water Quality results are available with the regular hydraulic graph data for Junction, Pipes, Pumps, Tanks and Valves and can be selected from the pull-down menu located on any hydraulic element graph. For Multi-Species analysis, the species available will depend on those defined in the Multi-Species Model Dialog Box - Species Tab.

Sustainability Analysis

A Sustainability analysis is conducted in conjunction with the Standard EPS Analysis. Hence, in addition to all the standard graph types above, Sustainability Analysis provides the following additional graph types.

Junction Sustainability Graph - The junction sustainability graph displays the sustainability simulation results for one junction node. The graph X-axis displays time in units defined with the Edit Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the Y-axis displays Sustainability simulation results for the selected junction node. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a junction node. Upon selecting a node, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Junction node graphs can display node Demand, Pressure, Daily Energy Loss, Daily Carbon Footprint, Total Carbon Footprint, Minimum Service Daily Energy Loss, Excess Daily Energy Loss, and Water Efficiency.

Pump Sustainability Graph - The pump sustainability graph displays the sustainability simulation results for one pump element. The graph X-axis displays time in units defined with the Edit Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the Y-axis displays Sustainability simulation results for the selected pump. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pump. Upon selecting a pump, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Pump Sustainability graphs can display Pump Flow, Head Gain, Daily Energy Loss, Daily Carbon Footprint, and Total Carbon Footprint.

Valve Sustainability Graph - The Valve Sustainability graph displays the Sustainability simulation results for one valve element. The graph X-axis displays time in units defined with the Edit Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the Y-axis displays Sustainability simulation results for the selected valve. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a valve. Upon selecting a valve, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Valve Sustainability graphs can display Valve Flow, Valve Headloss, Daily Energy Loss, Daily Carbon Footprint, and Total Carbon Footprint.

Pipe Sustainability Graph - The Pipe Sustainability graph displays the Sustainability simulation results for one pipe element. The graph X-axis displays time in units defined with the Edit Simulation Time command (Report Timestep) and the Y-axis displays Sustainability simulation results for the selected pipe. Upon choosing this graph type you are prompted to choose a pipe. Upon selecting a pipe, the graph appears in the Output Report Manager window. Pipe Sustainability graphs can display Pipe Flow, Pipe Headloss, Daily Energy Loss, Daily Carbon Footprint, and Total Carbon Footprint.

Sustainable Energy Loss Graph - The sustainable energy loss graph displays the Total Energy Loss Rate (%) for the major loss components of the piping system. Losses are displayed as a percentage of loss due to pipe friction losses, valve losses and losses at the consumer tap.

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