
Demand Group

The Demand Group tab allows you to define the junction groups to be used in the calibration analysis. These groups are assigned to you in order to vary model demands to match some known field condition. For example, you can identify ranges of acceptable demand scaling factor for each junction group by assigning a minimum and maximum value as well as an incremental value. During the calibration process, system demands will be adjusted within the ranges specified in order to correlate model results with known field results.

Main Menu

Mode - Choose a mode (Steady State, Fire Flow, or Extended Period) for Calibrator.

Run - Go to Run to Start and Stop the trial. You can also choose Options.... to view the Calibration Options dialog box: 

Help - Click to go to ContentsIndex, or About Calibrator to find more information on Calibrator.

Junction Group Database Field

Select from the drop-down list the data field column ID containing the junction demand group IDs. The drop-down list will display all user-defined data columns in the Junction Information database table (Use: EDIT- >DB TABLES from the main menu).


Create a new data field column in the Junction Information database table containing the group ID for every junction in the network for which the demand is to be calibrated. When the New button is selected you are prompted to enter the Field Title for the new database column. Note:  Field column names must be upper case letters and numbers only with no spaces.


You can create as many data field columns as desired to evaluate different junction grouping options.

Not every junction in the network needs to have a group ID associated with it. Only those junctions for which a group ID is defined will the demand be calculated.

DB Edit

Opens the Data Base Editor to the Junction Information table and allows you to view and edit the entire table as well as the above mentioned Junction Group Database field.

Min %

Enter the minimum percentage boundary for the junction demand. This value must be entered for each junction calibration group.

Max %

Enter the maximum percentage boundary for the junction demand. This value must be assigned for each junction calibration group.


Enter the number of partitions between the minimum and maximum values specified for incrementing the junction demand. This value must be specified for each junction calibration group. Feasible junction demand percentage values will be determined using equal increments of (Max – Min) / Levels.

Individual Element

List the individual junction IDs included in the associated junction group.

Clear IDs

Delete all junctions in the Active Junction Group. To delete more than one junction group, highlight the desired group numbers and then click on the Clear IDs button.

Refresh ID's

Display the junction IDs in each of the junction groups to reflect any changes.

Color Map

Color code all junctions on the map view in the Active Junction Group with the Active Junction Group associated color. To color code more than one junction group, highlight the desired group numbers, and then click on the Color Map button. Click on the Color box to change the color of the junctions in the Active Junction Group.

Reset Map

Reset the color of all junctions to their default color.

Insert Junction

Add junctions to the Active Junction Group based on the choice selected from the corresponding drop-down list.

  • If the Individual Element option is selected, then you can add one junction by clicking on the individual junction in the map view.

  • If the Elements in Selection option is selected, then you can add one or more junctions by clicking on the individual junctions or by placing a graphical window around the desired group of junctions in the map view.

  • If the Element IDs option is selected, then you must key in the alphanumeric ID or label for each of the junctions to be added to the Active Junction Group.

Remove Junction

Remove junctions from the Active Junction Group based on the choice selected from the corresponding drop-down list.

  • If the Individual Element option is selected, then you can remove one junction by clicking on the individual junction in the map view.

  • If the Elements in Selection option is selected, then you can remove one or more junctions by clicking on the individual junctions or by placing a graphical window around the desired group of junctions in the map view.

  • If the Element IDs option is selected, then you must key in the alphanumeric ID or label for each of the junction to be removed from the Active Junction Group.

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