Scene Explorer provides a modeless dialog for viewing, sorting, filtering, and selecting objects in 3ds Max, as well as additional functionality for renaming, deleting, hiding, and freezing objects, creating and modifying object hierarchies, and editing object properties en masse.
The Scene Explorer interface consists of a menu bar, toolbars, and a table view of objects in the scene, with a row for each object and a column for each displayed object property. The default layout in 3ds Max displays only object names, while in 3ds Max Design it also shows colors and several other properties. You can customize the layout to show additional properties. You can save customized Scene Explorer setups, and use any custom setup as the default.
Left: Scene Explorer set to Sort By Hierarchy
Right: Scene Explorer set to Sort By Layer
Each workspace in 3ds Max includes a different Scene Explorer, with the name "Scene Explorer - [name of workspace]", docked to the left of the viewports. For specific information about its operation, see Workspace Scene Explorer.
Workspace Scene Explorer (red outline) docked in 3ds Max interface
For many workflows, the single Scene Explorer included in each workspace will suffice. However, if you need to use additional explorers (for example, to list different types of scene elements), you can open a new Scene Explorer dialog with either of the New Scene Explorer commands listed at the start of this topic. Each subsequent invocation of this command opens a separate, additional Scene Explorer dialog. All Scene Explorers persist in the scene, even if closed.
With the standard menu system active, you can open the most recently used Scene Explorer with the Tools menu Open Explorer command, or any Scene Explorer with the Tools menu
Saved Scene Explorers submenu. And with the enhanced menu system active, you can open existing Scene Explorers with the Scene menu
Manage Scene Content
Open Explorer command and the Recent Scene Explorers submenu.
All active Scene Explorers are saved and loaded with the scene. To save and load Scene Explorers separately, and delete and rename them, use Manage Scene Explorer.
Following are additional notable features of Scene Explorer:
Several additional custom Scene Explorer setups are available from the Add Default Scene Explorer submenu on the View toolbar drop-down list. These include explorers designed for working with lights, objects with missing plug-ins, and more. Last, the Select From Scene command and its variants use a modal dialog dedicated to selecting from a text-based list; it has no editing functions.