Collaborate securely on a view-and comment-only copy of your 3D model with your customers and remote project stakeholders.
Inventor Connected Design enables online 3D design reviews with others not on your network who need to participate in the design process. Use Inventor Connected Design to easily collaborate securely on a view-and comment-only copy of your 3D model with your customers and remote project stakeholders: Create a Design Share to share an Inventor model free of intellectual property with others not on your network who need to participate in the design process. For example, create a Design Share for a customer to request approval on a design, or to provide easy access to your field sales team for on-site 3D design demos. Design Shares give customers easy access to designs you want to share. Your collaborators can review the 3D viewable of the model and post comments.
When using Inventor Connected Design, you can have a different role: Owner or collaborator. An owner is a person who creates and shares the Design Share. A collaborator is a person with whom an owner has shared a Design Share. Each role determines what you can and cannot do when collaborating on a Design Share.
Inventor is not needed to participate in Inventor Connected Design. All collaborators can view the Design Share, and view and post comments on their A360 drive.
Collaborators who have Inventor 2016 R3 or Inventor 2017 and are signed in to A360 in Inventor can collaborate on a Design Share using Inventor.
Design Share Owners
When you create an Inventor Design Share:
A Design Share is a 3D viewable read-only copy of the view of the 3D model that was open when you created the Design Share.
The Design Share is accessible from Inventor 2016 R3, Inventor 2017 and from the owner's and the collaborator's A360 drive. The SHARED WITH ME folder on the A360 web drive displays links to all Design Shares that are shared with you. The OWNED BY ME folder contains all the Design Shares that you own in a folder called Inventor Design Shares.
If you experience issues with connecting to Inventor Connected Design, refer to To Resolve Connected Design on A360 Installation and Configuration Issues.