
polyClipboard(*args, **kwargs)

The command allows the user to copy and paste certain polygonal attributes to a clipboard. These attributes are: 1) Shader (shading engine) assignment. 2) Texture coordinate (UV) assignment. 3) Color value assignment. Any combination of attributes can be chosen for the copy or paste operation. If the attribute has not been copied to the clipboard, then naturally it cannot be pasted from the clipboard. The copy option will copy the attribute assignments from a single source polygonal dag object or polygon component. If the source does not have the either UV or color attributes, then nothing will be copied to the clipboard. The paste option will paste the attribute assignments to one or more polygon components or polygonal dag objects. If the destination does not have either UV or color attributes, then new values will be assigned as needed. Additionally, there is the option to clear the clipboard contents


Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties
clear / cl bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will mean to clear the specified attribute argument(s).
color / clr bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will be to copy or paste color attributes
copy / cp bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will mean to copy the specified attribute argument(s).
paste / ps bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will mean to paste the specified attribute argument(s).
shader / sh bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will be to copy or paste shader attributes
uvCoordinates / uv bool ../../../_images/create.gif
  When used, will be to copy or paste texture coordinate attributes Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Derived from mel command maya.cmds.polyClipboard


import pymel.core as pm

# Copy uv, color and shader attributes
pm.polyClipboard( copy=True, uv=True, color=True, shader=True )
# Paste only shader attribute
pm.polyClipboard( paste=True, shader=True )
# Copy color attribute only
pm.polyClipboard( copy=True, color=True )
# Clear all the clipboard attributes
pm.polyClipboard( clear=True, uv=True, color=True, shader=True )