
New Output Relate

Create a new output relate from the New Relate button in the DB Query - Output Relate Tab.

ID - The relate ID is up to 32 characters long, no spaces and some symbols are restricted such as #, % etc the dash "-" and underscore "_" characters are OK.

Description - Description is up to 60 characters with spaces and symbol characters.

Automatic Update  - When this option is ON (checked), the relate table will be automatically updated every time you run a simulation when the relate’s Target Scenario and Target Simulation are active.

For example, you define a relate based on the BASE Standard (hydraulic and water quality) simulation and then set this option to ON. The next time you load the BASE scenario and run a Standard simulation the contents of the relate table are automatically updated with the most recent simulation results.

If this option is OFF, the relate table contains simulation result data from when the relate was created or at the time you last updated the relate contents by choosing one of the buttons at the bottom of this dialog box.  If you re-run the simulation (BASE Standard in the example above), the results from the previous run remain in the relate table.

Source Output Data:

Target Scenario - Select from either the currently active scenario or any pre-defined scenario in the pull down list. Select the scenario upon which the output relate is based.  Data from the selected Target Simulation for the selected Target Scenario will be written to the output relate table.

You may choose from among the active (currently loaded) or any other custom-developed (output source) scenarios as shown below.

Note - If you have not developed any custom scenarios with the InfoWater Pro scenario management feature, the only available scenario will be *ACTIVE* scenario representing BASE conditions.

Target Simulation - Select the simulation type. Select the simulation type (standard, fireflow, SCADA) upon which the output relate is based.  Data from the selected Target Simulation for the selected Target Scenario will be written to the output relate table.

Desired Output Report - Select the desired output report. See Desired Output Report

Desired Report Page and Time - Select the report page and timestep. 

OK  - Saves and changes or additions and exits.

Cancel - Cancels all changes and exits.

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