Advance Steel - List of Frequently Asked Questions
Topics in this section
FAQ: How is a grating added to a drawing style?
FAQ: How is Advance Steel configured to use the first angle projection?
FAQ: How is the default view used for detailing changed?
FAQ: How is a cladding sheet defined on a curved surface?
FAQ: How is an angle dimension added on a drawing?
FAQ: How are all the defaults saved in a new profile?
FAQ: How is a model exported from Revit and imported in Advance Steel 2016?
FAQ: How are user settings migrated to a newer version?
FAQ: What are the supported snap points for manual dimensions?
FAQ: How is the exact surface paint determined for plates?
FAQ: How are connection objects highlighted?
FAQ: Which colors will be used to display the elements in a drawing?
FAQ: How are workplanes created?
FAQ: How are tubes represented in NC files?
FAQ: How is an Advance Steel model opened in pure AutoCAD?
FAQ: How to calculate the body for collision check for a bolt?
FAQ: How is the default safety distance for holes set in NC files?
FAQ: How to unfold user sections on workshop drawings?
FAQ: How is a part that has no visible edges labeled?
FAQ: How are user-defined templates for material lists created?
FAQ: How are elements attached to levels and workplanes in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How to define drawing explode options?
FAQ: How is the bolt grip length calculated in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How are the defaults exported and imported in a profile using Management Tools?
FAQ: How is the median line displayed in a detail drawings?
FAQ: What options can be used to modify the material?
FAQ: What is an interactive view and what defaults control it?
FAQ: How is the joint name displayed in an existing view in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How are single part drawings with special parts created?
FAQ: How is the revision mark representation controlled?
FAQ: How are polygonal plates and folded plates orientated in details?
FAQ: How is the drawing format automatically obtained in the detail file name when changing the prototype?
FAQ: How are elliptical plates or curved beams created?
FAQ: What is the shrink option used for?
FAQ: How is the drawing process suite used?
FAQ: How are the cut views automatically renumbered on a drawing?
FAQ: How are views on a drawing filtered?
FAQ: What is the difference between length and saw length for saw cut beams?
FAQ: How does the DELETE command work for drawings in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How are the filter functions for snap points used?
FAQ: Which are the main tokens used in BOM lists?
FAQ: How do I create an external BOM from a drawing?
FAQ: How can I easily modify the beam color in all the views of a General Arrangement drawing?
FAQ: How do I define the I-section used by default when creating a beam?
FAQ: How are radial dimensions placed on curved beam shop drawings?
FAQ: How are joints created between concrete and steel elements in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How to use databases from a network computer?
FAQ: How can the derived documents of a model be copied using the 'Save As' command?
FAQ: How are new member systems and special parts added to the 'Wind bracing AG1' and 'AX1' joints?
FAQ: How are joints grouped in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How to change the NC files name to show contract name and other references?
FAQ: How is a user defined area locked for detail arrangement configured?
FAQ: How are AutoCAD keyboard shortcuts used?
FAQ: How are multiple tubes cut at a single node?
FAQ: How are user settings migrated to a newer Advance Steel version?
FAQ: How do you change the drawing style used by the manual cut views?
FAQ: How is a user section for stairs stringers assigned in Advance Steel?
How is an unwind drawing of an RHS profile created?
FAQ: How is a feature, identified by an Audit that cannot be processed / deleted, found?
FAQ: What is the purpose of ".upd" files?
FAQ: How are welds copied in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How does Advance Steel calculate the system diameter of the tension rods?
FAQ: How can the handrail of a non-linear railing be made into a poly beam?
FAQ: How is a detail drawing header modified?
FAQ: How are orientation marks (compass marks) used?
FAQ: How to change the tolerance used for numbering?
FAQ: How are Anchors added to BOM lists?
FAQ: How is a tube cut with another tube?
FAQ: How to remove clipping on skewed parts for assembly drawings?
FAQ: How to remove the display of the beam treatments?
FAQ: Why is it important to use model roles in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How is a main part changed to a single part?
FAQ: How are the priorities of the concrete elements managed in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How is the bolt mapping used?
FAQ: What are the joint box advantages?
FAQ: How is the hatch used by automatic / manual cut view in drawings configured?
FAQ: How does the scribing option work for NC and DXF files?
FAQ: How is a user tread added to the spiral stair joint?
FAQ: How do the compound profiles behave during numbering?
FAQ: How can I define the units and precision for a single label?
FAQ: How are holes in overview drawings displayed?
FAQ: How are custom treads added to the stair macro?
FAQ: How can the drawing filename definition be changed in a detailing process?
FAQ: How can I modify the dimension line color?
FAQ: How do I find (with the Advance Steel search tool) a beam that has a single part mark B1?
FAQ: How do I get access to Drawing Styles from other countries?
FAQ: How to decide if Advance Steel has to create a hole or a circular cut in the NC-DSTV file?
FAQ: How are Advance Steel objects removed from a DWG file?
FAQ: How to view Advance Steel models exported to IFC?
FAQ: How is the numbering by phase performed using various schemes?
FAQ: How is a Batch File Based Settings Deployment done in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How to set different units and precision for the Advance Steel 2016 plate name?
FAQ: How do you create a bolt in the Advance Steel Management Tools?
FAQ: How to set the detail filename into any detail type header?
FAQ: How to customize a BOM on drawing template?
FAQ: How to create general arrangement drawings in Advance Steel?
FAQ: How does section mapping using rules work?
FAQ: What is necessary to use Advance Steel under Autodesk Mechanical?