Utilities Command Reference

You can use commands to quickly access Autodesk Civil 3D utility functionality.

The following table lists the utility-related Autodesk Civil 3D commands and briefly describes their functionality.




Displays the total of several entered distances


Displays acute and obtuse angle values between points or intersecting lines


Displays the distance between two or multiple points


Displays coordinate and geometric data for a selected line or arc


Displays slope, gradient, horizontal distance and elevational difference on a line or arc or between two points


Opens the Autodesk Content Browser where you can access catalogs of metric and imperial tools to use for design creation


Displays a moving 3D view along a carriageway to create the appearance of driving through the model


Docks the Coordinate Tracker utility


Docks the Inquiry utility


Changes the Coordinate Tracker utility from docked to floating


Floats the Inquiry utility


Hides the Coordinate Tracker utility


Turns off the display of the Chainage Tracker


Hides the Event Viewer utility


Hides the Inquiry utility


Displays the Object Viewer utility


Checks the error of closure of a plot or survey figure from its labels, or from manual input of direction, distance, and curve data
MinDistBetweenElements Identifies the shortest distance between two elements


Inserts a multi-view block definition into a drawing


Edits how a multi-view block appears in different view directions

MvBlockEditAttributes Edits the attributes defined for a multi-view block
MvBlockEditViewBlockOffsets Changes the offset of a multi-view block from its insertion point
MvBlockUpdate Updates the attributes of blocks in your drawing


Adds notes to a drawing


Calculates a point to point sight distance check


Tracks the coordinates of the cursor in any coordinate system


Displays the Chainage Tracker in the current viewport


Displays the Chainage Tracker in all viewports


Opens the Event Viewer window where you can view messages that are logged during a Autodesk Civil 3D session


Lists data about objects based on a selected inquiry type


Calculates sight distances along a carriageway with the Sight Distance Check Wizard
TraverseEditor Creates 2D traverses from entered data or from a selected polyline
TraverseAdjustment Applies an adjustment method to traverse data and creates reports
TxConvertRW5ToFBK Converts a RW5 file into a FBK file that can be imported into a Autodesk Civil 3D survey database
TxConvertStarNetDATtoFBK Converts a Star*Net DAT file to a FBK file that can be imported into a Autodesk Civil 3D survey database
TxEditLsiFile Edits a least squares input file
TxLineDirectionDistance Draws AutoCAD LINE segments by referencing quadrant bearings and distances, locations selected in the drawing, or COGO points
TxManagePlotProperties Manages plot properties and exports plot information to a CSV file
TxQuickCrossSection Creates temporary cross sections of a surface
TxReportAlignOffset Creates a report that lists information for staking out an offset alignment from chainages on the primary alignment
TxReportCogoPoint Creates a report that lists user-specified COGO point properties for a selection of points
TxReportCorridorPoints Creates a report that lists specified corridor point code properties, such as chainage and offset, relative to a specified alignment
TxReportCorridorSlopeStake Creates a report that lists the cross sectional and slope break data along the selected link within the selected corridor
TxReportHorizAlign Creates a report that lists the horizontal straight, curve, and chainage equation information for a range of chainages for specified alignments
TxReportMetesAndBounds Creates a report that lists legal descriptions in metes and bounds for a selected alignment, plot, or survey figure
TxReportPointProx Creates a report that lists duplicate points either in the drawing or a survey database that are located within a specified horizontal tolerance of each other
TxReportProfGeom Creates a report that lists profile curve design violations for overtaking sight distance, headlight sight distance, and stopping sight distance
TxReportProfile Creates a report that compares a profile's parameters with its specified design criteria
TxReportProfilePVCurve Creates a report that lists information for crest and sag vertical curves
TxReportProfileVIPCurve Creates a report that lists the chainage, level, and gradient out for each VIP in existing and finished ground profiles, as well as vertical curve information for finished ground profiles
TxReportProjectSummary Creates a report that lists information about project data, survey database information, and data shortcuts
TxReportRadialConsecutiveInv Creates a report that lists coordinate, angle and distance and slope information for a list of specified COGO points, either consecutively or radially from an occupied COGO point
TxReportSurveyFigure Creates a report that lists figure properties based on a selected survey database and user-specified filters
TxReportSurveyFigureNode Creates a report that lists user-specified survey figure node and point data based on a specified survey database and filters
TxReportSurveyPoints Creates a report that lists user-specified properties for all survey points in a specified survey database
TxSurfaceHighLowPoints Creates COGO points at the highest and lowest points within the boundary of a specified surface
VertDistBetweenElements Identifies the vertical distance between two elements


Calculates a local visibility check