Following is a list of mapping commands. Click a command name for information about how to use it.
For information about AutoCAD commands, see the AutoCAD Help.
Command | Description |
AD | Specifies a point based on angle and distance from a given point |
ADEATTACHDATA | Attaches object data to objects |
ADEDEFCRDSYS | Defines a global coordinate system |
ADEDEFDATA | Defines object data |
ADEDRAWINGS | Manages the drawing set |
ADEDWGMAINT | Removes locks from objects |
ADEDWGSTAT | Displays drawing statistics |
ADEEDITDATA | Edits attached object data |
ADEFILLPOLYG | Fills a selected polygon |
ADEGENLINK | Automatically links objects to object data or external database records |
ADEQUERY | Controls defining, modifying, saving, loading, and executing a query |
ADEQUERYLIB | Maintains the library of queries |
ADEQVIEWDWGS | Performs a quick display of active drawings |
ADEREMOBJS | Removes objects from the save set so they aren't saved to source drawings |
ADERSHEET | Performs rubber sheeting on selected objects |
ADERUNQUERY | Runs queries in the Query Library |
ADERUNXQUERY | Runs externally saved queries |
ADESAVEOBJS | Saves objects in the save set back to source drawings |
ADESELOBJS | Creates a set of objects to be saved to source drawings |
ADESETCRDSYS | Assigns a global coordinate system code for the current drawing |
ADESHOWOBJS | Displays the objects in the save set |
ADETEXTLOC | Redefines the default label point of an object for text |
ADETRANSFORM | Moves, scales, and rotates a set of objects |
ADEWHOHASIT | Displays the current owner of a selected locked object |
ADEZEXTENTS | Performs a ZOOM command to display the extents of selected active drawings |
ATTACHDEF | Changes the current object class definition file |
BB | Specifies a point using bearings from two given points |
BD | Specifies a point based on bearing and distance from a given point |
CLASSIFY | Classifies existing objects |
DD | Specifies a point based on deflection and distance from a given point |
DDIST | Specifies a point based on distances from two other points |
FEATUREDEF | Defines a new object class based on an example in the current drawing |
MAP2SDF | Exports an SDF 2 file for use with Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 or earlier. Same as MAPEXPORTMAPGUIDE. |
MAPABOUT | Gives information about AutoCAD Map 3D toolset |
MAPAL | Adds a link to a network topology |
MAPAN | Adds a node to a topology |
MAPANBUFFER | Creates a buffer around an existing topology |
MAPANDISSOLVE | Dissolves a topology into constituent topologies |
MAPANNDELETE | Deletes all annotation based on selected template |
MAPANNINSERT | Adds annotation to objects based on selected annotation template |
MAPANNREFRESH | Refreshes existing annotation |
MAPANNTEMPLATE | Defines and modifies annotation templates |
MAPANNTEXT | Creates and edits annotation text |
MAPANNUPDATE | Updates existing annotation |
MAPANOVERLAY | Overlays one topology with another, and creates a new topology |
MAPANTOPONET | Traces through a network topology (shortest path trace, best route analysis, or flood trace) |
MAPAP | Adds a polygon to a polygon topology |
MAPARCGISCONNECTORCSOPTION | Specifies the coordinate system to use when importing data from ArcGIS |
MAPATTACHDB | Attaches a data source to a drawing |
MAPAUTOCHECKOUT | Automatically checks-out features that are edited |
MAPBL | Breaks a link in a topology at a specified point |
MAPBOOKCREATE | Creates a map book to publish your data |
MAPBREAK | Breaks objects along a selected or defined boundary |
MAPBROWSELINK | Opens a database table associated with a specific link template to edit in the Data View |
MAPBROWSETBL | Opens a database table to edit in the Data View |
MAPCANCELCHECKOUT | Discards edits and unlocks the features in the feature source. Edits are not discarded if Update Edits Automatically is enabled |
MAPCGADIST | Adds the distances between points |
MAPCGANG | Displays the angle between lines or points |
MAPCGAZBASE | Sets the azimuth base |
MAPCGCDIST | Displays the distance between points |
MAPCGLIST | Displays coordinate geometry information for lines and arcs |
MAPCGSETUP | Specifies coordinate geometry settings |
MAPCGSLIST | Displays the slope between points |
MAPCHECKIN | Saves modified features back to their feature source and unlocks the features in the feature source |
MAPCHECKOUT | Makes feature available for editing and if locking is available, sets locks on the source |
MAPCLEAN | Performs drawing cleanup operations |
MAPCLPLINE | Creates polylines from a polygon topology |
MAPCOGO | Opens the COGO Input dialog box, which allows you to enter coordinate geometry data |
MAPCONFIGDB | Configures the connection to an external data source |
MAPCONNECT | Connects to a feature source |
MAPCONNECTDB | Connects to an attached data source |
MAPCONNECTIONPOOLING | Toggles default connection pooling setting. |
MAPCREATECENTROIDS | Creates a centroid in a polygon and moves data to the centroid |
MAPCREATEFEATUREFROMGEOMETRY | Converts drawing objects to features to create new features |
MAPCSCREATE | Creates a coordinate system or any of its elements |
MAPCSSETTRANSFORMATION | Manages the transformation settings between different coordinate systems |
MAPDATATABLE | Opens the Data Table, which allows you to view, edit and filter feature data |
MAPDEFINELT | Defines a link template for a database table |
MAPDELETELINKS | Deletes database links from objects |
MAPDELETELT | Deletes a link template |
MAPDETACHDB | Detaches a data source from a drawing |
MAPDIGISETUP | Sets up user options for digitizing nodes and linear objects |
MAPDIGITIZE | Digitizes nodes and linear objects with settings from MAPDIGISETUP |
MAPDISCONNECTDB | Disconnects an attached, connected database |
MAPDISPLAYLIBRARY | Turns on and off the Display Library palette. |
MAPDIST | Measures the geodetic distance between points |
MAPDL | Deletes a link in a network topology |
MAPDN | Deletes a node in a topology |
MAPDP | Deletes a polygon from a polygon topology |
MAPDOCKWSPACE | Docks and undocks the Task Pane |
MAPDVP | Divides a polygon in a polygon topology by allowing you to add a link |
MAPDWFOPTIONS | Sets AutoCAD Map 3D toolset options for publishing to DWF |
MAPDWGTOSDF | Exports an SDF |
MAPEDITDIR | Edits direction of a link in a network topology |
MAPEDITRES1 | Edits direct resistance of a node or link in a network topology |
MAPEDITRES2 | Edits reverse resistance of a link in a network topology |
MAPEDITSETAUTO | Updates feature edits automatically |
MAPEDITSETAUTODEFAULT | Toggles default setting for Update Edits Automatically |
MAPEXPORT | Exports data from AutoCAD Map 3D toolset to an external file format |
MAPEXPORTMAPGUIDE (Same as MAP2SDF) | Exports an SDF 2 file for use with Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 and earlier. Same as MAP2SDF |
MAPEXTRACTFEATUREGEOMETRY | Extracts the geometry from a feature to use AutoCAD commands that are not available for features |
MAPFDOBUFFERCREATE | Creates a buffer zone around features in your map |
MAPFEATUREEDIT | Edits a feature |
MAPFEATUREEDITOPTIONS | Specifies options for editing features |
MAPFEATUREMERGE | Merges features and assigns feature property values for the resulting feature |
MAPFEATURESPLIT | Splits features and assigns feature property values for resulting features |
MAPGISOVERLAY | Performs overlay analysis on feature classes |
MAPHILLSHADE | Specifies the settings to use for shading 3D raster-based surfaces |
MAPIFRAME | Makes frames enclosing raster images, visible or invisible |
MAPIGNORESPLITMERGERULES | Determines whether or not the rules for split and merge are used |
MAPIINFO | View file, image, object property, and correlation information about selected images |
MAPIINSERT | Inserts a raster image |
MAPIL | Inserts a link in a topology |
MAPIMANAGE | View list of images in current drawing, change drawing order, erase or zoom to selected images |
MAPIMPORT | Imports an external file format into AutoCAD Map 3D toolset |
MAPIMPORTMAPGUIDE (Same as MAPSDFIN) | Imports an SDF 2 file from Autodesk MapGuide 6.5 or earlier |
MAPIN | Inserts a node in a topology. |
MAPIOPTIONS | Specify default image correlation settings, display options, detach options, paths, and memory settings |
MAPJL | Joins two links in a topology |
MAPLINESTRINGCREATE | Creates a new LineString feature |
MAPLINESTRINGEDIT | Edits a LineString feature |
MAPLINKEDIT | Edits a link in a network topology |
MAPLINKMANAGER | Edits the link data attached to an object |
MAPLINKUPD | Updates links in a network topology |
MAPLOGIN | Log in as an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset user |
MAPMEL | Repositions an end point of a link in a network topology |
MAPML | Moves a link in a network topology |
MAPMN | Moves a node in a node topology or moves a node at the end of a link in network or polygon topologies |
MAPMP | Merges polygons in a polygon topology |
MAPMPEDIT | Edits polygons |
MAPMULTILINESTRINGCREATE | Creates a new MultiLineString feature |
MAPMULTILINESTRINGEDIT | Edits a MultiLineString feature |
MAPMULTIPOINTCREATE | Creates a new MultiPoint feature |
MAPMULTIPOINTEDIT | Edits a MultiPoint feature |
MAPMULTIPOLYGONCREATE | Creates a new MultiPolygon feature |
MAPMULTIPOLYGONEDIT | Edits a MultiPolygon feature |
MAPNODEDIT | Edits a node in a topology |
MAPNODUPD | Updates nodes in a topology |
MAPOD2ASE | Converts object data tables to linked external database tables |
MAPOPTIONS | Sets AutoCAD Map 3D toolset options |
MAPPOINTCLOUDMANAGER | Adds a point cloud from an indexed point cloud data store |
MAPPOINTCREATE | Creates a new Point feature |
MAPPOLYGONCREATE | Creates a new Polygon feature |
MAPPOLYGONEDIT | Edits a polygon feature |
MAPPOLYLINETOPOLYGON | Converts closed polylines to polygons |
MAPPOLYUPD | Updates a polygon topology |
MAPPROPSLT | Edits the database table name or location in a link template |
MAPPUBLISHTOMAPGUIDE | Publishes to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server or MapGuide Open Source |
MAPRL | Reverses a link in a network topology |
MAPRUNDBQUERY | Runs a database query and opens a database table displaying the results of the query in the Data View |
MAPSDFIN | Imports an SDF format file from Autodesk MapGuide version 6.5 and earlier |
MAPSEARCH | Searches for and selects features in your map, based on the location and attribute criteria you specify |
MAPSELECTCHECKEDOUT | Highlights features in the drawing that are from the selected feature source |
MAPSELECTCLASSIFIED | Selects all classified objects |
MAPSELECTUNCLASSIFIED | Selects all objects that have no classification assigned to them |
MAPSELECTUNDEFINED | Selects all objects whose classification is not defined in the object class definition file |
MAPSHOWGEOM | Highlights objects in the selected topology |
MAPSHOWTOPO | Highlights and identifies topologies for the selected object |
MAPSTATUSBAR | Shows or hides the Map status bar |
MAPTEXTCREATE | Adds text features to an annotation layer |
MAPTEXTEDIT | Allows you to edit text features on an annotation layer |
MAPTEXTLAYERCREATE | Creates an annotation layer for freestanding text features |
MAPTOPOAUDIT | Checks that a topology is complete and contains no errors |
MAPTOPOCOMP | Completes a network or polygon topology |
MAPTOPOCREATE | Creates a new topology |
MAPTOPODEL | Removes topology data from objects, and optionally deletes the objects |
MAPTOPOLOAD | Loads a topology |
MAPTOPOLOGY | Converts an existing polygon topology to polygons |
MAPTOPOQUERY | Queries topologies |
MAPTOPORECR | Reestablishes a topology that was edited with nontopology editing commands such as STRETCH, PEDIT, and MOVE |
MAPTOPOREN | Changes the name, description, or both of a topology |
MAPTOPOSTATS | Displays detailed information about a topology |
MAPTOPOUNLOAD | Unloads a topology |
MAPTRACKCS | Tracks the coordinates of the cursor in any coordinate system |
MAPTRIM | Trims objects to a set of edges |
MAPUPDATEFEATUREGEOMETRY | Merges new or existing drawing object geometry with a feature |
MAPUSEMPOLYGON | Enables/disables use of mapping polygons |
MAPUSERADMIN | Performs administrative functions |
MAPVIEWLINK | Opens a database table associated with a specific link template to view in the Data View |
MAPVIEWTBL | Opens a database table to view in the Data View |
MAPWORKFLOWBATCHRUN | Runs the specified workflow from the command line. Use this in a script file to execute automated workflows |
MAPWORKFLOWCREATE | Creates a workflow |
MAPWORKFLOWEDIT | Edits a workflow |
MAPWORKFLOWOPEN | Opens a workflow |
MAPWORKFLOWRUN | Runs a workflow |
MAPWORKFLOWSAVE | Saves a workflow |
MAPWORKFLOWSAVEAS | Saves a workflow |
MAPWORKOFFLINE | Disconnects you from feature sources and caches all your feature data connections, allowing you to work with a local copy of your feature data |
MAPWORKONLINE | Reestablishes connections with your feature sources so you are working live again and can check in any changes |
MAPWSACTION | Indicates that a shortcut menu command in the Task Pane has no link to an AutoCAD Map 3D toolset command |
MAPWSPACE | Shows or hides the Task Pane |
MAPWSREFRESH | Redisplays the Task Pane |
MPFILL | Sets the default fill for polygons |
MPOLYGON | Creates polygons |
MPSPLIT | Splits an existing polygon object into two new polygon objects |
NEWDEF | Creates a new object class definition file |
POLYDISPLAY | Changes the display of polygon edges and fill |
UNCLASSIFY | Removes classification from an object |
ZD | Specifies a point based on azimuth and distance from a given point |
Some commands have been replaced or discontinued in this release. Some of the commands still function, but they may not be available in future releases. You should update any scripts you have to use new commands. For more information, see Discontinued Commands.
Most AutoCAD Map 3D toolset commands are wildcard character-enabled. For more information, see Wildcard Characters.