Tools Hotkeys

You can assign custom shortcuts to every tool available in the Mudbox interface, to make the creation process more instinctual. See Customize keyboard shortcuts for information on how to reassign the tools to keys.

Most of the Tools in this section are available in the Tools trays:


Windows and Linux

Mac OS X


Airbrush tool

Applies paint with much less opacity compared to the Paint brush, so the paint appears more feathered from the center of the stroke towards its outer edges.

Amplify tool

Opposite of the Flatten tool. Useful for designing, detailing, and further accentuating existing differences in the affected vertices in relation to each other by moving them away from a common plane.

Blur tool

Softens detail in painted texture maps. Useful for retouching texture maps directly on a model. See Blur detail in painted textures.

Border Curve tool

Lets you create curves on the edge of the active mesh, or around the edges of a hole within the mesh. See Add curves to mesh edges.

Bulge tool

Displaces the region beneath the tool by moving each affected vertex along its own normal to create a bulge effect.

Burn tool

Darkens areas of a texture map. Useful for toning down highlights. Burn can be set to affect highlights, mid-tones, or shadow areas. See Lighten or darken image areas.

Caliper tool

Lets you measure the distance between two points on a model or curve. See Measure the distance between points.

Clone tool

Samples paint from one area and applies it to another area of the same model. You define a sampling point over the painted region you want to copy, then paint in another location. See Copy painted regions.

Contrast tool

Increases or decreases the difference between light and dark pixels on a texture map. See Adjust contrast.

Create Curve tool

Lets you draw a 3D curve on the model, or a 2D curve on the screen plane. (Mudbox recognizes whether you are drawing on a model or in empty screen space, and creates either a 3D or a 2D curve accordingly.)

Create Joint tool

Lets you create joints on a model for use with the Pose tool. You interactively create a joint, specify its boundary axis for falloff, and the initial size of the area affected by the joint in one operation. See Create joints.

Create Loop tool

Lets you create curves that loop the entire mesh, aligning the loops on the model where it intersects with a specified plane. See Create precise 3D curves based on a plane.

Dodge tool

Lightens areas on a texture map. Useful for revealing highlights. Dodge can be set to affect highlights, mid-tones, or shadow areas. See Lighten or darken image areas.

Dry Brush tool

Applies paint relative to the sculpted detail on your model. For example, apply paint only to the raised areas of textured surfaces to add additional random highlights or a weathered appearance. See Paint using a dry brush technique.

Erase tool
Erase Curve tool

Lets you erase sections of a curve, or entire curves. See Erase curves or curve segments.

Eyedropper tool

Lets you copy (sample) a color from your model (from the current paint layer) and loads it for the current paint tool. See Sample color on a model.

Faces tool

Selects individual faces as you stroke over the model, or poly islands if you double-click.

Fill tool

Fills in cavities on the model surface by calculating a plane (based on the average of the vertices within the tool cursor), then pulling vertices under the plane towards that plane.

Flatten tool

Levels affected vertices by moving them toward a common plane. Useful for designing and detailing.

Foamy tool
Freeze tool
Grab tool

Selects and moves vertices based on the distance and the direction you drag. Useful for making subtle adjustments to the form of the model.

Grab Curve tool

Lets you modify the shape of an existing curve. See Modify the shape of a curve.

Hue tool

Replaces pixel hue values with a new hue value that you specify. Saturation and luminance values on the pixel remain unaffected. See Set or modify color hue.

Hue Shift tool

Modifies the pixel hue by the amount (in degrees rotation on the color wheel) that you specify. Saturation and luminance values on the pixel remain unaffected. See Set or modify color hue.

Imprint tool

Presses or imprints a stamp image into the surface. Dragging on the mesh positions and scales the stamp.

Invert tool

Converts pixels to an inverse color value on the color scale. For example, a black pixel becomes white, a blue pixel becomes yellow, red pixel becomes green, and so on. See Invert the color.

Knife tool
Mask tool
Move Pivot tool

Lets you move the pivot point for an active joint to affect its behavior in relation to the model components. See Adjust a joints pivot location.

Objects tool

Selects the object as you stroke over the model. Edit the Size property to increase or decrease the area of selection on the stroke. Clicking off the model in the cancels the selection.

Paint Brush tool

Applies paint to the model and layer you specify. The default tool on the Paint Tools tray. See also Painting basics.

Paint Erase tool

Removes paint from the active paint layer. When a model has multiple paint layers (channels), erasing paint on one layer reveals paint from other visible layers below it. See Erase paint.

Patch tool P P

Fills a hole inside selected borders or removes parts of a mesh. See Patch holes in a mesh.

Pencil tool

Applies a thin, dark stroke (by default) that is sharper along its edges compared to the Paint Brush.

Plug-in tool 0 0
Pinch tool

Pulls vertices in towards the center of the tool cursor. Useful for more sharply defining an existing crease.

Pose tool

Lets you interactively rotate, translate, or scale the highlighted weighted region associated with an active joint. The region of influence for a joint is determined by the joint’s falloff and weight values. See Pose a model component.

Projection tool

Applies the color from images and textures using the stencil image you load into the 3D View. As you stroke across the stencil, portions of the image are applied to your model as paint. See Paint using stencil projection.

Relax tool

Averages vertices on the surface without affecting its original shape. Press Ctrl + Shift to temporarily activate the Relax tool while using another sculpting tool.

Refine tool Increases the resolution of your mesh so you can work in greater detail.
Reduce tool Decreases the resolution of the mesh as you brush. This lets you lessen the density of the mesh in areas that do not need heavy detail.
Remesh tool Increases or decreases the resolution of the mesh surface as you stroke over it. Use this to add or remove detail in specific areas of your mesh.
Repeat tool
Rotate tool

Lets you rotate items by dragging the rotate grip. Drag the circular rings on the grip that appears at the center of the object to rotate about the different axes.

Scale tool

Lets you scale items proportionally or non-proportionally by dragging the scale grip. Drag any grip box that appears at the center of the object to scale non-proportionally along that axis. Drag the center grip box to scale uniformly in all directions.

Scrape tool

Useful for minimizing or removing protruding features. Quickly calculates a plane (based on the vertex positions wherever the cursor is first placed) then flattens any vertices above the plane.

Sculpt tool

Builds up initial forms and moves vertices in a direction determined by the average of all normals within the boundary of the tool cursor. Use the Direction property to modify the default setting (for example, X, Y, Z and so on).

Smear tool

Moves vertices in a direction that is tangent to their original position on the surface in the direction you stroke.

Smooth tool

Levels vertex positions in relation to each other by averaging the positions of vertices.

Smooth Curve tool

Lets you smooth out bumps or jagged details on the curve by averaging the neighboring points.

Sponge tool

Increases or decreases the color saturation of pixels within a texture map. See Adjust color saturation.

Spray tool
Translate tool

Lets you move items by dragging the transform grip. Drag any arrow that appears at the center of the object to move along that axis. Drag the center handle to move freely across the 3D View.

UV Shells tool

Selects all faces that are a part of the same UV shell.

Wax tool

Builds up areas on a model, adding or removing material from the model surface, much like working with clay or wax.

Weights tool

Lets you modify the weighted region associated with a joint by applying or removing color in areas you want affected using a paint-like workflow. See Adjust a joints region of influence.

Tool slot 1–9 1–9 1–9 Sequentially selects tools in the current tray.

Related topics

Customize keyboard shortcuts

Hotkeys window