These procedures appear elsewhere in this help, in their associated topics. Here they are organized by feature.
To save animation you have created or imported to a BIP file
To load biped motion from an existing BIP file
To preview biped motion using the Biped playback stick figure
To create footsteps automatically
To create footsteps beginning at the current frame
To make the biped walk up or down stairs
To make the biped walk in place
To make the biped walk backward
To prepare for manual footstep creation
To create footsteps manually, beginning at the current frame
To append footsteps onto the existing footsteps
To create footsteps using AutoGrid
To move selected footsteps in time
To change the duration of a footstep
To prevent keys from changing when active footsteps are edited
To display footstep keys in Track View
To change the display of numbers of footstep keys
To convert an airborne period to freeform mode
To convert between footsteps and freeform animation
To create a purely freeform animation
To create a freeform animation from a footstep animation
To use In Place mode to adjust keyframes
To set the IK Blend value of a key
To locate vertical center of mass keys
To select and rotate multiple links
To rotate all links in the spine, neck, or tail
To change Dynamics Blend for multiple Body Vertical keys
To import a motion-capture file
To use Fit To Existing to import a motion-capture file
To create clips in the Motion Flow graph
To create multiple clips in the Motion Flow graph
To create transitions using the From > To or To < From method
To create transitions using Create All Transitions
To optimize transitions in the Motion Flow Graph
To create a Motion Flow script
To save Motion Flow Editor files
To load Motion Flow Editor files
To append Motion Flow Editor files
To manually customize transitions between two clips
To automatically customize transitions between two clips
To create a random script for one biped
To customize transition "weighting" and setting a start clip
Example: To create a unified motion
Example: To share a random motion flow among multiple bipeds
To apply a shared motion flow to a different group of bipeds
To link a mechanical character to the biped (without Physique)
To fit the spine to the skin torso
To fit both arms using copy/paste
To pose both arms simultaneously
To create a symmetrical pose by copying one side of the biped to the other
To copy a track from one biped to another
To attach a mesh to a biped using Physique
To adjust the default envelope shape
To adjust envelopes around the biped's pelvis
To add a bone after you've already used Attach To Node
To troubleshoot bulges and tendons
To select and edit cross sections
To copy an envelope and its settings to a mirrored link (for example, from one thigh to the other)
To copy all Bulge angles from one link to its opposite
To use Select Nearest Bulge Angle
To remove a link's influence on vertices
To remove deformable vertices from a link's influence
To override vertex assignments manually
To have a spline influence a mesh
To apply Physique to an FFD to influence the entire mesh
To use an FFD to complement the effects of Physique on a portion of a character mesh
To make compressible bones (bones with end effectors)
To add a bone after Physique is applied using Reinitialize
To add a bone after Physique is applied using Add (Add Bone)
To create a new bulge angle using the Bulge Editor
To create a new bulge angle on a selected link
To change the shape of a cross section
To make a cross section the active cross section
To choose a specific bulge angle for editing
To select multiple cross sections
To move cross sections along the link
To copy and paste cross sections
To adjust the biped center of mass with Rubber Band
To rubber band an arm or leg link
To scale a biped and character mesh together
To increment all keys using layers (global offset)
To increment an interval of keys with an envelope (blended offset)
To increment an interval of keys without an envelope (nonblended offset)
Example: To animate a biped swinging a prop with one hand
Example: To animate the biped switching the prop to the other hand
To add a controller to a biped object
To load a file created with different system units
To hide the finger, toe, and head dummy objects
To reposition a freeform animation (with no IK attachment) or a footstep animation
To reposition a biped with limbs attached to an Object Space object (IK attachment)
To reposition a biped with limbs attached to world space (IK attachment)
To reposition a biped animated with a motion flow script
To scale a biped that has a mesh attached to it by using Physique
To isolate lip vertices from influence by inappropriate links
To create a Crowd helper object
To create a Delegate helper object
To clone and scatter delegates
To create a new behavior assignment
Example: To use assign behaviors to delegates
To modify an existing behavior assignment or assignments
To use the Orientation behavior
To use the Path Follow behavior
To add a Vector Field space warp
To use a Vector Field space warp with delegates
To use the Speed Vary behavior
To use the Surface Arrive behavior
To use the Surface Follow behavior
To access the Motion Mixer from the Motion panel
To display the Motion Mixer in a viewport
To remove the Motion Mixer from a viewport
To add a biped to the Motion Mixer
To add a non-biped object to the Motion Mixer
To see the motions in the Motion Mixer on the biped in the scene
To import BIP clips from a file
To import clips from the Reservoir
To import clips from a motion flow script
To replace one clip with another
To move a clip in time within a track
To move all clips horizontally on one track
To move a clip to another track
To change the length of a clip without changing its speed
To change the speed of an entire clip
To add a new trackgroup for the biped
To filter and name a trackgroup
To create a transition between two clips
To change the focus on a foot-based transition with Biped animation