3D milling feature attributes

You can use the Surface Milling Properties dialog to edit the properties of a 3D Surface Milling feature.

To display the Surface Milling Feature Properties dialog, double-click a Surface Milling feature in the graphics window or Part View panel.

The 3D Surface Milling Properties dialog lists the strategies and operations in the tree view. The tabs displayed in the dialog change depending on which level in the tree view you select.




Feature-level tabs

The top level of the tree view is the feature level. Select the feature name at the top of the tree view to access these tabs:

Dimensions — Use this tab to specify the part and check surfaces

Location — Use this tab to reposition the feature relative to the surface

Process — Use this tab to create, delete and reorder the operations of the feature

Machining Side — Use this tab to control which side of surfaces to machine

Misc — Use this tab for a variety of feature-level attributes

Strategy-level tabs

The next level is the strategy level. Select a strategy in the tree view to access the following tabs:

Strategy — Use this tab for rough/finish classification, edge protection, and re-machining

Edges — Use this tab to choose how the tool behaves at the limits of the part surfaces as seen from the top view.

Note: The Edges tab is not available for Z-level roughing or Swarf finishing operations.

Stock — Use this tab to choose the clipping curves for the material to be removed

Slopes — Use this tab to set slope angle limits for restricting toolpaths

Note: The Slopes tab is not available for Z-level roughing, Plunge roughing, Isoline finishing, Flowline finishing, Horizontal + Vertical and Swarf strategies.

Surface Control — Use this tab to exclude feature surfaces for specific operations

Operation-level tabs

The third level is the operation level. Select an operation in the tree view to access the following tabs:

Tools — Use this tab to view selected tool or change to a different one

F/S — Use this tab to view automatically calculated feed or speed or change feed or speeds

Coolant — Specify which coolant types to use.

Post Variables — This tab controls post variables, which you can use to pass information to the post-processor.

Milling — Use this tab to set operation-level attributes

Leads — Use this tab to control leads and ramps