The following table lists the grading-related commands and briefly describes their functionality. Run these commands by entering them directly at the command line.
Command |
Description |
AddFeatureLineLabels |
AdjacentFeatureLevsByRef |
ApplyFeatureLineNames |
ApplyFeatureLineStyles |
BreakFeatures |
ChangeGradingGroup |
Convert3dPolys |
ConvertPlines |
CopyCreateGrading |
Creates grading by copying the criteria and style from an existing grading |
CreateDetachedGradingSurf |
CreateFeatureLines |
CreateFeatureLineFromAlign |
Creates a feature line by converting alignments |
CreateGrading |
CreateGradingGroup |
CreateGradingInfill |
CreateGradingTransition |
DeleteLevPoint |
DeleteFeatureIP |
DeleteLevPoint |
DeleteGradings |
DrawFeatureLine |
EditFeatureCurve |
Edits feature line curves |
EditFeatureLevs |
Edits feature line or plot line levels, using the command line |
EditGrading |
EditPlineLevs |
FeatureLevsFromSurf |
FeatureGradientExtensionByRef |
Extends a grading by reference |
FeatureLineCrossing | Inserts IP points or elevation points on feature lines in the same site that cross each other |
FeatureLineProperties |
FeatureLineRemLinks |
FilletFeature |
FitCurveFeature |
Converts tessellated curves to true arcs for better grading results |
GradingEditor |
GradingLevEditor |
GradingTools |
GradingVolumeTools |
InsertFeatureLevPoint |
InsertFeatureHighLowPoint |
InsertFeatureIP |
JoinFeatures |
OffsetFeature |
QuickEditFeatureLevs |
Edits the levels of a feature line by snapping to editable points in the drawing |
RaiseLowerFeatures |
Raises or lowers feature line levels |
RaiseLowerFeaturesByRef |
Raises or lowers feature line levels by reference |
ReverseFeature |
Reverses the direction of feature lines for chainage purposes |
SetFeatureElevCorridor |
Sets the elevation of a point on a feature line-based corridor at a given gradient or slope from a specified location |
SetFeatureGradient |
Specifies the gradient or slope between selected points on a feature line |
SetMultiFeatureGrade |
Edits the gradient or slope between vertexes on two or more intersecting feature lines |
SetFeatureRefLev |
Sets the feature line level in relation to an existing level in the drawing |
SmoothFeature |
TrimFeatures |
WeedFeatures |