3ds Max C++ API Reference
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567891011121314151617181920]
 CActionDescriptionDescription of a command for building action tables from static data This is a helper structure used for building ActionTables
 CArrayPointerDestructor< Type >DestructorPolicy template for pointer to array types
 CAutoPtr< Type, DestructorPolicy >Automatic memory-ownership pointer supporting "resource acquisition is initialization
 CAutoPtr< AssetUserImp >
 CAutoPtr< DllDescImpl >
 CAutoPtr< DllDirImpl >
 CAutoPtr< INormalDataGenerator >
 CAutoPtr< Storage >
 CAutoPtr< Type, ArrayPointerDestructor< Type > >
 CAutoPtr< Type, DeleteThisDestructor >
 CAutoPtrRef< OtherType >Helper class used to implement destructive copy semantics and allow for AutoPtrs to be used as return values
 CBevelProfileCurveUserA plugin which wants to use the Bevel Profile Curves should derive from this class and implement the following methods
 CBevelProfileEditorInformationThis class provides information on the Bevel Profile Editor to plugins which want to use the standard editor (initially implemented by TextPlus)
 CBitwise_hash< _Kty >Template struct Bitwise_hash
 CClassDescriptor public ClassDesc2
 CColorConverter< TSRC, TDST >This is a fully header-implemented class wrapping IColorEngine for type-safe color conversions
 CParamBlockData::ContainerTypeAndIndexIs a data structure for parameter blocks container information Retrieve the parameter block that was updated in the references or custom attributes or whatever of the Object* from the INode* or Mtl* or Texmap* etc... Example is a parameter from the shadow generator of a light node has been updated : m_ParamBlockType is the type of the param block such as PB1 or PB2 m_ParamBlockIndexPath contains the path to retrieve which parameter block was udpated
 CCountedObject< Obj >This class is derived from in order to automatically count the number of existing instances, and at shutdown write to Debug Output the leakage count for the class
 CCountedObject< BezierShape >
 CCountedObject< Bitmap >
 CCountedObject< BitmapInfo >
 CCountedObject< Spline3D >
 CCustomFileStreamHeaderStream header consists of WORD version number, a private flag DWORD, and a public flag DWORD
 CDataNodeWrapper< HeldType_ >
 CDefaultTranslatorAllocator< TranslatorType >
 CDeleteThisDestructorDestructorPolicy template for types requiring destruction through DeleteThis
 CRasterizerState::DepthBiasThe z buffer depth bias value Default value is 0
 CDisplayParamsThe parameters set for the display of the volume grid in the viewport
 CEvaluationContextThis struct is a collection of elements that are necessary in a render view
 CIMeshCollector::FaceDefinitionDefines the vertex indices that form a triangular face in a mesh
 CGridGPUParamsThis structure contains the GPU data of the volume that lives as the DisplayParams::mGridGPUParams member so we don't recompute all of this each frame
 CGridParamsGridParams is where you define the parameters of the volume grid, independently from the display
 Chash< MaxSDK::MaxGuid >
 Chash< MaxSDK::TreeEntry >
 CIActiveShadeFragmentThis class is used to manage ActiveShade in a viewport (called ActiveShadeFragment) A view fragment is a part of the viewport drawing system
 CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler::IApertureBitmapAccessInterface used to provide generic access to the bitmap aperture
 CICameraContainerAbstracts the common properties of the camera to be rendered
 CICameraContainer::IChangeNotifierNotification callback interface for ICameraContainer
 CIRenderSessionContext::IChangeNotifierNotification callback interface for IRenderSessionContext
 CIRenderSettingsContainer::IChangeNotifierNotification callback interface for IRenderSettingsContainer
 CISceneContainer::IChangeNotifierNotification callback interface for ISceneContainer
 CIContextClass IContext does all the actual skin weight computations
 CIFrameBufferProcessorGeneric interface for processing the contents of an frame buffer
 CIFrameBufferProcessor::IFrameBufferReaderGeneric interface for reading frame buffer data
 CIGenericEventIGenericEvent is a common class to all notifications events received:
 CIHairModifierProvides access to hair strand definitions for a modifier that generates hair
 CIInteractiveRenderingCallbackInteractiveRenderingCallback is the the class to derive from to create a callback to receive events from InteractiveRendering
 CIInteractiveRenderingClientBase class for Interactive Rendering clients
 CIInteractiveRenderingManagerIInteractiveRenderingManager class is the entry point of the Interactive Rendering API, you can create or remove a Interactive Rendering Client Interactive rendering API is a middle API that makes the link between the low level NotificationAPI and the customer
 CImageLayoutInfoHelper template class for providing memory layout information for various pixel data types
 CIRenderingProcess::IMainThreadJobInterface to a job which gets executed from the main thread
 CIMeshClass IMesh describes the mesh to be used to compute the skin weights
 CIModeSettingsThis class holds the detailed settings for each of the color management modes (see ColorPipelineMode)
 CINodeInstancingPoolAbstracts a set of nodes that all point to the the same object instance
 CINodePropertyManagerManages properties that OSL is interested in
 CINodePropertyValueHandles object properties as used by OSL
 CINoSignalCheckProgressAn alternative progress reporting interface to class RendProgressCallback, which does not process the window message queue
 CINotificationCallbackThe notification callback used to process all events from the notification API
 CINotificationClientBase class for a notification client, is used to subscribe to notification events by monitoring 3ds Max data
 CINotificationManagerINotificationManager class is the entry point of the Notification API, you can create or remove a Notification Client
 CINodeInstancingPool::INotifierNotification callback for monitoring changes in a node instancing pool
 CInputColorSpaceInfoThis class is used internally by the BitmapInfo class
 CInstanceDataThe struct InstanceData is used to pass instance data to different methods of the InstanceDisplayGeometry class
 CInstanceMatIDInfoMaterial ID overrides
 CInstanceUVWInfoUVW channel override data
 CIOSLMapInterfaceThe Interface for the 3ds Max OSL Map interface
 CIOSLRaytracingInterfaceInterface for the 3ds Max OSL Raytracing features, allowing OSL to use a 3rd party renderer's raytracing engine
 CIPerViewportFilterThe interface for filtering per viewport
 CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSamplerUtility class that provides efficient sampling for a bitmap aperture on the physical camera
 CIProgressClass IProgress just a class that the solver uses to tell how far along the process is and allows the user to cancel out of the process
 CIRefTargWrappingRefTargAn interface for ReferenceTargets that wrap ReferenceTargets, where the wrapping ReferenceTarget provides UI/storage on top of the wrapped ReferenceTarget
 CIRenderingProcessThe Rendering API's interface for managing the render process
 CIRenderSessionContextEncapsulates all that a render session needs to render a frame
 CIRenderSettingsContainerAbstracts the set of settings and parameters which may affect rendering
 CISceneContainerAbstracts the contents of the scene to be rendered
 CISparseVertexWeightsClass ISparseVertexWeights describes the weights that are assigned to a skin
 CITransformHierarchyClass ITransformHierarchy describes the skeleton to be used to compute the skin weights
 CITranslationProgressInterface used for progress reporting by translators
 CIUnknownDestructorPolicyHelper class for controlling IStorage and IStream deletion
 CLeakedObjectInstances< Obj >This class is derived from in order to automatically track existing instances, and at shutdown write to Debug Output the creation count for leaked instances
 CMaxHeapOperatorsThe base class in Max that controls the memory management for any class that derives from it
 CMaxRefEntryDataA struct to allow us to expose more node information
 CMeshSubHitRecThis class allows access to the sub-object hit records used in Mesh hit testing
 CMotionBlurInfoMotion blur information struct
 CMotionBlurSettingsEncapsulates the camera shutter settings used with motion blur
 CMotionTransformsEncapsulates motion transforms for an object
 CNodePropertiesContainer for properties that OSL is interested in
 Cnotify_param_helper< code >Helper class to assign a param type to a notification code. See GetNotifyParam
 CParamBlockDataIs a data structure for parameter blocks updates, used with events such as : EventType_Material_ParamBlock, EventType_Node_ParamBlock, ... All related to paramblocks updates
 CIParamBlock2::ParameterIteratorProvides standard C++ iteration functionality for the parameters stored by an IParamBlock2
 CIPhysicalCameraToneOperator::ParametersThe set of parameters used by the Physical Camera Exposure Control
 CIPerezAllWeather::PerezParamsData structure for storing the ABCDE coefficients of the Perez sky model
 CProcessData3dsMaxWhen a 3ds Max session starts up, immediately after creating the main HWND a named file mapping object is created that contains the data associated with an instance of struct ProcessData3dsMax
 CQmaxSpinBoxPrivate< T, S >
 CQmaxSpinBoxPrivate< double, MaxSDK::QmaxDoubleSpinBox >
 CQmaxSpinBoxPrivate< int, MaxSDK::QmaxSpinBox >
 CQmaxToolClipsCollection of tool clip related methods
 CRectangleSizeStruct that defines the width and height of one rectangle
 CRenderNodeIteratorRenderNodeIterator is the iterator class to iterate all render nodes in the current render world
 CIPhysicalCamera_BitmapApertureSampler::RGBValueA simple RGB color value. the Max SDK's Color class couldn't be used since we want to remain independent from the rest of the Max SDK
 CIHairModifier::ShadingParametersDefines the standard set of shading parameters for hair strands
 CSinglePointerDestructor< Type >DestructorPolicy template for pointer to single object types
 CStrideArray< T >
 CStrideArray< float >
 CStrideArray< int >
 CStrideArray< Point3 >
 CStringConverter< char_type >
 CIMeshFlattener::TextureCoordChannelContains the vertex UVW coordinates for a single texture coordinate channel
 CTranslationResultEncapsulates all of the possible result states for a translation operation
 CTranslatorStatisticsContainer for translation statistics
 CTreeEntryHolds an Animatable handle, its clients handle and the subanim index such that: client->SubAnim(index) == anim
 CUserCoordA User definable Coordinate System
 CISunPositioner::WeatherMeasurementsEncapsulates weather measurements provided by a weather data file