The following lists show the 3ds Max geometry class objects:
Standard Primitives Box Cone Cylinder Geosphere Plane Pyramid Sphere Teapot Torus Tube |
Extended Primitives Capsule ChamferBox ChamferCyl C_Ext Gengon Hedra Hose L_Ext OilTank Prism RingWave Spindle TargetObject Torus_Knot |
Compound Objects BlobMesh Boolean2 Conform Connect Loft Mesher Morph ProBoolean& ProCutter Scatter ShapeMerge Terrain |
Particle Systems Blizzard PArray PCloud Snow Spray SuperSpray |
Patch Grids QuadPatch TriPatch |
NURBS Surfaces NURBSSurf Point_Surf |
Dynamics Objects Damper Spring |
Doors BiFold Pivot SlidingDoor |
Windows Awning Casement Fixed Pivoted Projected SlidingWindow |
AEC Extended Objects Foliage Railing Wall |
Stairs L_Type_Stair Spiral_Stair Straight_Stair U_Type_Stair |
Alembic Object Container |
Fluids MaxLiquid |
MassFX (internal) nvBox : GeometryClass nvCapsule : GeometryClass nvSphere : GeometryClass |
Miscellaneous LinkComposite |