3ds Max C++ API Reference
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CActionCallback3ds Max uses the ExecuteAction() method of an instance of this class when an ActionItem is executed
 CActionContextAn ActionContext is an identifier of a group of keyboard shortcuts
 CActionDescriptionDescription of a command for building action tables from static data This is a helper structure used for building ActionTables
 CActionItemRepresents an operation contained in an ActionTable
 CActionTableA table of action items that can be used by plug-ins to export tables of action items that can be used by the UI to attach to keyboard shortcuts, assigned to toolbar buttons, and add to menus
 CAddExposureMaterialControlThis class implements a small hack to get around issues in the VS2005 compiler
 CAnimateSuspendSuspends the "animate" mode in an exception safe manner
 CAnimEnumA callback class for Animatable::EnumAnimTree()
 CAppDataChunkAn application/plugin specific custom data that can be attached to animatables
 CArnoldMaxVolumeInterfaceObjectGeneric interface class used to access Max volumes for rendering, etc
 CATSClientInfoClient information for ATS Providers
 CATSExploreProviderParamsATS Explore Provider Object
 CATSFileEntryATS File Object
 CATSFileListATS File List
 CATSNotificationRegister for and Broadcast ATS Notification Messages
 CATSNotifyParamsAsset Tracking System Notification Parameter class
 CATSUserEntryATS User Object
 CATSUserListATS User List
 CAutoBackupDisableHelperHelper struct to temporarily disable and re-enable Autobackup during a computation
 CAvailableFontA class used for listing the fonts we currently have available
 CBaseBehaviorAll behaviors must inherit from this base class
 CBaseObjectThis is the base class for objects and modifiers
 CBaseShaderOne of the base classes for the creation of the Shaders, which plug-in to the Standard material[?]
 CBasisFinderComputes two components of a basis vector given a single input component
 CBevelProfileCurveInterfaceThis is the interface to the actual bevel profile curve
 CBevelProfileCurveUserA plugin which wants to use the Bevel Profile Curves should derive from this class and implement the following methods
 CBevelProfileEditorInformationThis class provides information on the Bevel Profile Editor to plugins which want to use the standard editor (initially implemented by TextPlus)
 CBevelProfileUtilityInterfaceThis object is a system interface which allows plugins to work with Bevel Profiles
 CBezFontThis class is the basic bezier font class
 CBezFontDllA class for listing font input dlls
 CBezFontEnumProcThis is a callback class which is used to process font enumerations
 CBezFontEXThis class extends BezFont class It adds GetFont() which returns the font handle currently opened
 CBezFontEX2This class extends the BezFontEX class which extends the function BuildCharacter() to obtain glyph outline data from a character based on its TrueType glyph index
 CBezFontManagerManages Bezier Fonts in 3ds Max
 CBezFontMgrEnumProcA special enumerator for the font manager
 CBezierShapeDefines a basic bezier shape object

class BezierShapeInterface_Ex41 : public BaseInterface

 CbindShapeContains the data for the bind points
 CBitmapClass for image input and output
 CBitmapFileInputDialogCustom browse bitmap file for input dialog
 CBitmapFileOutputDialogCustom browse bitmap file for output dialog
 CBitmapInfoInformation about an image file or in-memory bitmap, including settings for loading/saving, gamma, etc
 CBitmapIOBase class for image IO plugins
 CBitmapIOMetaDataExtends BitmapIO with additional information for automatic gamma correction etc
 CBitmapProxyTemporaryDisableGuardUseful Guard class for temporarily disabling bitmap proxies
 CBMM_IOListThis class is used for storing a linked list of Bitmap Manager BMM_IOHandler objects
 CBoxLineProcThis class provides a bounding box and a matrix
 CCallStackOverflowExceptionException thrown when calling a scripted function with less than 256k program call stack remaining
 CCameraRepresents the projection matrix and common properties of a perspective or orthographic camera
 CCameraObjectThis is a base class from which camera plug-ins may be derived
 CCameraStateNote: The camera looks down the negative Z axis, with X to the right and Y up
 CCAssertCBCallback class that allows for hooking into 3ds Max's assertion mechanism
 CCIRCLERepresents a circular region when doing hit testing
 CCJobTextStores job information which is of a dynamic nature or of variable length
 CClassDescClass descriptors provide the system with information about the plug-in classes in the DLL
 CClassDescReplacedThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_CLASSDESC_REPLACED A pointer to an instance of this structure is passed to BroadcastNotification after a ClassDesc is replaced by another one in a ClassDirectory
 CClassDirectoryThis class represents the directory of all plug-in classes known to the system
 CClassEntryThis class wraps a ClassDesc instance and maintains run-time related information about it
 CClearAnimFlagEnumProcAn animatable enumerator for clearing flags
 CCollisionObjectA collision object can be applied to a particle system by a Space Warp
 CCommandModeThis base class allows the developer to create a command mode that handles processing user interaction using the mouse in the viewports
 CConstObjectThis is a base class used to create construction grid objects
 CConstraintInOutThis structure is sent to the BaseBehavior Constraint function
 CCountedObjectThis class is derived from in order to automatically count the number of existing instances, and at shutdown write to Debug Output the leakage count for the class
 CCreateRendImgSeqCallbackA callback object called for each sequence file created with Interface8::CreateRendImgSeq()
 CCtrlHitLogClass CtrlHitLog
 CCtrlHitRecordClass CtrlHitRecord
 CDataClassDescA proxy for a class descriptor
 CDefaultActionSysThe Default Action System interface
 CDefaultLightDescribes a default light
 CDefaultRemapDirImplements a default version of a RemapDir
 CDeformerThe callback object used by modifiers to deform "Deformable" objects
 CDeleteCustAttribContainerAndNoteTracksProcA RefEnumProc to remove custom attribute containers and note tracks from a RefMaker and its references
 CDependentEnumProcA callback class for enumerating dependents
 CDependentIteratorIterates through all direct dependents of a given ReferenceTarget
 CDeviceRectRepresents a viewport rectangle, but with coordinates in the range [0..1] instead of in pixels
 CDialogItemSizeDataDialog resizing and positioning
 CDispInfoThis is the display information structure
 CDllDataA class for Dlls to use for info that will be sent back to them at load time
 CDllDescThis class models a plug-in DLL
 CDllDirRepresents the plug-in DLL "directory", which is a registry of every plug-in DLL loaded by 3ds Max
 CDragAndDropHandlerThe base class from which specialized drag-and-drop handlers should be derived
 CDrawLineProcThis class provides a simplified way to draw a connected series of lines to the GraphicsWindow passed to the class constructor
 CDynamicMenuProvides an easy mechanism for plug-ins to produce the menu needed in the ActionItem::GetDynamicMenu() method
 CDynamicMenuCallbackWhen a user makes a selection from a dynamic menu 3ds Max will call DynamicMenuCallback::MenuItemSelected() to process that selection
 CEditSSCBEdit Soft Selection Callback used to control the new Edit Soft Selection Command Mode
 CEditSSModeEdit Soft Selection Command Mode for interactively setting soft selection parameters
 CEffect8Extension to class Effect, new to 3ds max 8
 CEffectDescriptorA mini Max class descriptor. This is purely to instantiate multiple objects, and query the Parser ID for the DLL
 CEPoly13This new class extends EPoly with new functionality, in particular the ability for epoly to support manipulate grips
 CEPoly18This new class extends EPoly with new functionality, for new hard/smooth edge workflow
 CEPolyModThis class is the published interface for Edit Poly modifiers
 CEPolyMod13This new class extends EPolyMode, in particular adds a more efficient way for setting several vertex positions, and the ability for EPolyMod to support manipulate grips
 CEPolyMod18This new class for Phoenix extends EPolyMod for altering vertex and edge Crease/Weight/etc. values
 CExitMAXCallbackA callback object that will get called before the program exits
 CExitMAXCallback2A callback object that will get called before the program exits
 CExposureMaterialControlThis is the inteface class to implement in order to support exposure controls
 CExposureMaterialControlDescThis implementation of ClassDesc is to be used to implement the ExposureMaterialControl interface
 CExposureMaterialControlImpThis class implements the virtual methods in ExposureMaterialControl
 CFaceThis class represents a single triangular face
 CFaceChangeThis class represents the notion of a mesh edit Face Change, which changes the visibility of the face's edges, its hidden state and/or its material ID
 CFaceCreateThis class represents the notion of a face create within a MeshDelta
 CFaceExSimple extension to the 3ds Max Face class
 CFaceRemapThis class represents the notion of a mesh edit Face Remap, which changes one or more of the vertices a face uses
 CFaceSmoothThis class represents the notion of the edit mesh Face Smooth operation
 CFilterListClass FilterList
 CFontMgrInterfaceA class for providing access to required 3ds Max internals
 CForceFieldA Space Warp modifier usually uses an instance of this class and implements the Force() method
 CFPParamsThis parameters class contains a MaxSDK::Array FPValue's
 CFrameRendParamsThis is passed to the renderer on every frame
 CGenEdgeA generalized representation of a geometric or texture edge as a pair of vertex indices and face indices
 CGenFaceA generalized representation of a geometric or texture face as an array of vertex indices
 CGenSoftSelDataA generic set of parameters defining how soft selection weights are calculated
 CGenSubObjTypeThis class provides a generic implementation for sub-object types
 CGeomObjectThis is the base class for the creation of Geometric Object plug-ins
 CGlobalReferenceMakerThis class lets you tap in to ALL reference messages in the entire system
 CGMatrixThis class implements a 4x4 matrix object
 CGPortDeprecated utility class for managing user interface colors
 CGripChangedCallbackA grip changed callback A callback object passed to IGripManager::RegisterGripChangedCallback() The method GripChanged is called every time a different grip or no grip becomes active. */
 CGWFaceA triangular face, which is represented as indexes into a vertex array
 CHelperObjectThis is used as a base class to create helper object plug-ins
 CHitDataThis class is used during sub-object hit testing to identify sub-object components
 CHitLogThis class provides a data structure for keeping a log of hits during sub-object hit-testing
 CHitRecordThis class provides a data structure used during sub-object hit-testing
 CHitRegionDescribes the properties of a region used for built-in hit testing of items in the interactive renderer
 CHSERVERUsed by the Network Rendering API as a handle to a server
 CIActionItemOverrideClass used to specify action item overrides
 CIActionItemOverrideManagerThe interface for managing action item overrides
 CIActionManagerManages a set of ActionTables, ActionCallbacks and ActionContext
 CIActionManager10A mixin-interface extension to IActionManager which allows a client to dispatch a Message back to the application if it is not handled by the focused control
 CIActionOptionsThis interface should be implemented if an action item (ActionItem) supports an alternate options command
 CIAnalyzerInterface for perfoming workbench analysis functions
 CIAnimLayerControlManagerThe interface to the functionality for animation layers
 CIAnimTrackInterface of a parameter track object, a member of a track set
 CIAssemblyThis interface class allows for setting and retrieving assembly membership information to or from nodes
 CIAssetAccessorA callback interface for declaring and modifying an asset reference
 CIAssignVertexColorsThe IAssignVertexColors is a static interface to the Assign Vertex Color utility
 CIAssignVertexColors_R7This class extends IAssignVertexColors to include more options
 CIAtmosphericContainerThis is container, anchor point for a set of atmospherics
 CIATSClientAccessAccess to client of ATS Provider
 CIATSCustomDepsInterface to Asset Tracking Custom Dependencies
 CIATSMaxInterface to Asset Tracking System
 CIATSNotifyCallbackAsset Tracking System Notification Callback Interface
 CIATSProviderATS Provider Interface
 CIAttachCtrlIAttachCtrl is an interface for getting/setting properties on the Attach controller
 CIAutoBackupInterface class for Autobackup
 CIAutodesk360Interface class for exposing methods associated with Autodesk 360
 CIAutoRendererParamDlgImplementation of a ParamDlg that handles the automatic creation and lifetime management for a parameter map of a renderer plugin
 CIAutoTangentManManages controller auto-tangent related options
 CIBaseGripA pure virtual interface for implementing grips
 CIBaseGrip2A virtual interface to extend IBaseGrip
 CIBatchRenderManagerThis class is the manager of the batch rendering feature
 CIBatchRenderViewThis class represent one entry in the list of batch render views
 CIBipDriver10Interface into the biped driver controller for Max 10
 CIBipDriver11Interface into the biped driver controller for Max 11
 CIBipDriver12Interface into the biped driver controller
 CIBipDriver8Interface into the biped driver controller for Max 8
 CIBipDriver9Interface into the biped driver controller for Max 9
 CIBipedCopyA copy within a copy collection
 CIBitmapIO_BmpThis class represents the interface for the Bitmap IO BMP format
 CIBitmapIO_RLAExpands upon the previous IBitmapIO classes
 CIBitmapProxyManagerBitmap Proxy Manager Function-Published Interface
 CIBlobMeshAccess to the UI controls of the Blob Mesh object; adding and removing nodes programatically, and initiating pick mode
 CIBrushPresetThe interface to a brush preset object, holding parameters for the PainterInterface and other brush tools
 CIBrushPresetContextInterface to a brush preset context
 CIBrushPresetMgrInterface to the brush preset manager
 CIBrushPresetParamsInterface to a set of brush preset parameter values, associated with a particular Brush Preset context
 CIBufferableAn Animatable interface for controllers that can be buffered
 CIColorCorrectionMgrDeprecated interface for basic color management
 CIColorSwatchDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IColorSwatch pointers

class IColorSwatchRenamer

 CIContainerManagerThe interface for global container functionality
 CIContainerObjectContainer Interface
 CIContainerObject13IContainerObject13 Interface
 CIContainerObject16IContainerObject16 Interface
 CIContainerPreferencesThis interface provides access to the container preferences
 CIContainerUpdateReplacedNodeThis class provides an interface to retrieve what new node will replace an existing one during the local edit process
 CICopyCollectionA collection of copies
 CICustAttribCollapseManagerThis interface provides access for setting and querying the state of flag that defines whether a Custom Attribute should survive a stack collapse
 CICustButtonDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustButton pointers
 CICustEditDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustEdit pointers
 CICustImageDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustImage pointers
 CICustomControlsOptionsClass used to handle some custom controls options
 CICustSeparatorDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustSeparator pointers
 CICustStatusDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatus pointers
 CICustStatusEditDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustStatusEdit pointers
 CICustToolbarDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ICustToolbar pointers
 CIDADWindowDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IDADWindow pointers
 CIDaylightSystemUse this interface to access the sun and sky components of a daylight system created by IDaylightSystemFactory
 CIDaylightSystem2Extends IDaylightSystem with new functionality This interface can be obtained when the daylight system is created
 CIDaylightSystem3Extends IDaylightSystem2 with new functionality This interface can only be obtained from an already existent daylight system, from the base object of the daylight assembly:
 CIDaylightSystemFactoryFactory for daylight system objects
 CIDaylightSystemFactory2Factory for daylight system objects
 CIDelegateAn interface class to the delegate
 CIdentityTMThis class is another version of Matrix3 where the matrix is initialized to the identity by the default constructor
 CIDialogMonitorInterface to Dialog Monitor System
 CIDialogMonitorNotificationDialog Monitor Notification Callback Interface
 CIDragAndDropMgrManager class for Drag and Drop The Drag and Drop system is managed through a Core FP interface (DND_MGR_INTERFACE), defined by this class
 CIDXDataBridgeViewport DXEffect interface
 CIDxMaterialAn interface class to manage access to various parameters used by DirectX effects
 CIDxSceneManagerA system to manage the current state of the Dx Scene and render passes
 CIDxSceneTransformManagerAn interface to allow access to scene transforms
 CIDXShaderManagerInterfaceAn Interface that provides access to the actual manager
 CIEffectFileImplemented by a plugin, typically a material, to provide access to the underlying shader code
 CIEffectManagerThe Effect Manager is responsible for displaying effect parameters. In 3ds Max this is implemented by the DirectX 9 Material
 CIEffectParserImplemented by Effect Parser
 CIEnumAuxAssetsCallbackAn extension of AssetEnumCallback that exposes an interface for providing more detailed information about an asset
 CIEulerControlIEulerControl is an interface for euler controllers so we can get/set their xyz ordering
 CIExportEntityMain property access
 CIFilterInterface for perfoming workbench filter functions This class peforms workbench functions related to the filtering of fcurves
 CIFixerInterface for perfoming workbench fixer functions
 CIGameBezierKeyA generic animation key wrapper class
 CIGameCameraSimple wrapper for camera objects
 CIGameConstraintSimple wrapper class for constraints
 CIGameControlA simple access class for controllers
 CIGameConversionManagerA developer can use this class to define what Coord Systems IGame exports the data in
 CIGameErrorCallBackError callback
 CIGameGenModA generic Modifier class
 CIGameGenObjectA Generic Object for IGame
 CIGameIKChainSimple wrapper for IKChains
 CIGameKeyMain animation key container
 CIGameKnotSimple wrapper for spline knots
 CIGameLightSimple wrapper for light objects
 CIGameLinearKeyA generic animation key wrapper class
 CIGameMaterialSimple wrapper for 3ds Max materials
 CIGameMeshSimple wrapper for tri mesh objects
 CIGameModifierSimple wrapper for 3ds Max modifiers
 CIGameMorpherAn IGame wrapper around the Morph Compound Object and the Morpher Modifier
 CIGameNodeA simple wrapper for max nodes
 CIGameObjectSimple wrapper for 3ds Max objects
 CIGamePropertyMain property definition
 CIGameRenderedSurfaceClass IGameRenderedSurface
 CIGameSampleKeyA generic animation key wrapper class
 CIGameSceneMain scene access
 CIGameSkinA skin wrapper Class
 CIGameSplineSimple wrapper for Splines
 CIGameSpline3DA wrapper class for splines
 CIGameSupportObjectBase class for "support" objects, such as bone, helpers dummies etc.
 CIGameTCBKeyA generic animation key wrapper class
 CIGameTextureMapSimple wrapper for 3ds Max textures
 CIGameUVGenClass IGameBitmapTex
 CIGameXRefObjectAn interface for an XRef Object
 CIGeometryCheckerBase Class For Geometry Checkers
 CIGeometryCheckerManagerThe interface to the geometry checker manager
 CIGlobalDXDisplayManagerThis interface provides the user control over how the viewport shaders are displayed in the viewport
 CIGlobalDXDisplayManager2Provides methods to turn on DirectX based Scene effects
 CIGraphNodeRepresents a node in the schematic view graph and provides a few methods for querying information about the node
 CIGraphObjectManagerRepresents an instance of a schematic view window and provides methods for adding nodes and node pointers, refreshing the schematic view, accessing filter bits and updating and controlling the various editors within 3ds Max in ways that are not surfaced in the general interface
 CIGraphRefRepresents a node pointer and currently has no methods
 CIGripManagerThe interface to the functionality for using the Grip Manager
 CIHardwareMaterial2Extension of IHardwareMaterial Interface
 CIHardwareMaterial3Extension of IHardwareMaterial2 Interface
 CIHeightManagerThis interface gives access to the HeightManager
 CIICEFlowFileBirthSetupFactory for the Particle Flow creation from a OneClick plugin
 CIICEFlowParticleFactoryFactory interface for the Particle Flow creation from a plugin
 CIICEFlowShapeControlShape Control interface to change the shape of a given particle system
 CIIKKeyPropInterface to the IK Key Property
 CIIlluminationComponentsThis is the interface to use illumination by components this may be supported by a light object returned by lightObjDesc::GetInterface( IID_IIlluminationComponents );
 CIIndirectReferenceMakerThe interface for an object to specify the ReferenceTargets it is dependent on, but doesn't hold a reference to (i.e., indirect references)
 CIIndirectRefTargContainerThe interface for a container of indirect references
 CIInstanceMgrManages instances of objects, modifiers, transformation controllers Use this interface to work with object instances in a Max scene
 CIKCmdOpsExThis interface extends interface IKCmdOps by providing access to notification suspension for the IK system
 CIKeyControl2Extend IKeyControl to include interfaces to IKeyProperty
 CIKeyPropertyInterface to the Key Property
 CILayerInterface to the layers functionality
 CILayerControlILayerControl provides API access to layer control functionality
 CILayerExExtended interface to the layers functionality. Added for 3dsMax 2016
 CILayerManagerThis class is an interface to the layer manager
 CILayerManagerExThis class is an extended interface to the layer manager
 CILightingDataAccess Lighting data from 3ds Max lights
 CILightingUnitsProvides access to the lighting unit system for converting and displaying luminance and illuminance values
 CILightManagerA basic light container
 CILimitControlBase Limit Controller Interface
 CIListControlIListControl provides API access to list control functionality
 CIlluminateComponentsProvides the components of the Illuminate function to Shaders, Materials and Render Elements
 CILoadSaveAnimationThe interface to the functionality for loading saving XML animation files
 CILoadSaveAnimation10An extension to ILoadSaveAnimation that exposes additional functionality
 CILockedContainerUpdateThis class provides an interface for classes that may need to augment the new container update process that was introduced in 3ds Max 2011
 CILockedTrackAn interface to a track that can get locked
 CILockedTrackClientAn interface to an object who is a client that has subanims that may get locked
 CILockedTrackImpThis class provides an implementation of ILockedTrack base class, including a local variable that's used for the persisting the lock
 CILockedTracksManLocked Track Manager This class provides an interface for managing and setting locks on acceptable tracks
 CIMainThreadTaskManagerThis class allows a plugin to post a Task to be executed on 3DS Max main thread
 CIMaterialBrowserEntryInfoThis interface allows materials and textures to customize their appearance in the Material Browser
 CIMaterialViewportShadingA new interface for 3ds Max 2008
 CIMBOpsThe interface for Image Motion Blur
 CIMeshDeformPWModIMeshDeformPWMod is the interface into the Skin Wrap(Mesh) modifier
 CIMetaDataManagerThe interface for creating, adding, removing and keeping track of meta-data on max Animatables
 CIMixer8An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for the mixer
 CIMNFaceExtrudeInterface class for handling interactive face extrude operations, such as the shift-drag face extrude implemented in Editable Poly and Edit Poly
 CIMNMeshUtilities10Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh
 CIMNMeshUtilities13Extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh
 CIMNMeshUtilities14Extends the MNMeshUtilities class for 2018 Update 4, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh
 CIMNMeshUtilities15Extends the MNMeshUtilities class for 2019.1
 CIMNMeshUtilities16Extends the MNMeshUtilities class for 2020
 CIMNMeshUtilities17Extends the MNMeshUtilities class for 2020 Update 1
 CIMNMeshUtilities18Extends the MNMeshUtilities class for 2020 Update 2
 CIMNMeshUtilities8IMNMeshUtilities8 extends the MNMeshUtilities class, adding new functionality applied on a MNMesh
 CIMNTempData10Interface for changes made to MNTempData in version 9.5
 CIMultiPassCameraEffectThe multipass camera effect allows modification of viewpoints and view directions or time for each pass of a multipass rendering
 CIMXclip8An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for clips in the mixer
 CIMXtrack8An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for tracks in the mixer
 CIMXtrackgroup8An interface to the new functionality for max 8 for trackgroups in the mixer
 CINamedSelectionSetManagerThe Named Selection Sets management class

class INaturalLightClass: public BaseInterface


class InitJointData3 : public InitJointData2

 CINodeDisplayPropertiesClass INodeDisplayProperties : public FPMixinInterface

 CINodeExposureClass INodeExposure: public FPMixinInterface
 CINodeGIPropertiesClass INodeGIProperties : public FPMixinInterface

 CINodeGIProperties2This interace accesses the adaptive subdivision properties
 CINodeLayerPropertiesClass INodeLayerProperties : public FPMixinInterface

 CINodeMentalRayPropertiesExtension to INode for accessing mental ray properties
 CINodeMonitorThe interface for working with NodeMonitor class
 CINodeShadingPropertiesA node based interface to support new Viewport Rendering features
 CINodeTabClass representing a dynamic array of INodes
 CINodeTabAutoDisposeA version of INodeTab that automatically calls INodeTab::DisposeTemporary() when it gets destroyed
 CINodeTransformMonitorThe interface for working with NodeTransformMonitor class
 CINodeValidityThis interface provides access to the node's geometry pipeline, transform and whole world state validity intervals
 CInterface10Extends Interface9 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface10
 CInterface11Extends Interface10 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface11
 CInterface12Extends Interface11 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface12
 CInterface13Extends Interface12 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface13
 CInterface14Extends Interface13 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface14
 CInterface15Extends Interface14 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface15
 CInterface16Extends Interface15 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface16
 CInterface17Extends Interface16 Client code should retrieve this interface using GetCOREInterface17
 CInterface7This class extends Max's previous version of core interface (class Interface) "7" is the major version number of Max that exposes this interface
 CInterface8The interface class for max version 8
 CInterface9The interface class for max version 9
 CIObjXRefManagerLegacy interface for managing object xrefs
 CIObjXRefManager18This interface extends IObjXRefManager8 interface
 CIObjXRefManager8Class for managing object xrefs
 CIObjXRefRecordClass for managing an object xref record
 CIObjXRefRecord16This interface extends IObjXRefRecord interface
 CIPainterCanvasInterface_V7This is the additional functionality in the Max7.0 version of the PainterCanvas
 CIParamBlock2PostLoadInfoInformational class about ParamBlock2 objects loaded from file
 CIParameterManagerA data management class for accessing data required for displaying real time effects
 CIParserLoaderA core interface used to store parser DLLs found in the system
 CIPathConfigMgrProvides access to application path configuration functionality
 CIPerezAllWeatherInterface for accessing functionality that exists in the Perez All Weather Model
 CIPFViewportExtension2This interface is used for extending IPFViewport with an additional method UpdateDisplay()
 CIPropertyContainerProperty container
 CIPublishedCustAttribAny CustAttrib which wants to support being published should implement this interface
 CIRefTargContainerContainer that handles references to ReferenceTargets
 CIRefTargMonitorThe interface for an owner of a RefTargMonitorRefMaker class
 CIRefTargMonitorClassThe interface for working with RefTargMonitor class
 CIRefTargWrappingRefTargAn interface for ReferenceTargets that wrap ReferenceTargets, where the wrapping ReferenceTarget provides UI/storage on top of the wrapped ReferenceTarget
 CIRenderEffectsMgrThis class represents the interface for the Render Effects Manager
 CIRenderMeshMaintains a Dx version of the current mesh in the cache. It will render either the 3ds Max mesh or a screen aligned quad
 CIRenderMeshCacheThis class maintains a list of the meshes and RenderMeshes used per instance. It acts as a factory class
 CIRenderMessageManagerAn interface to manage the renderer messages (error, warning, progress, etc.)
 CIRendParamsThis is the interface given to a renderer, or atmospheric effect when it needs to display its parameters
 CIRendParams2Extension class that adds functionality to class IRendParams2 for 3ds Max 2017 Service Pack 2
 CIRollupCallbackClass IRollupCallback : public InterfaceServer
 CIRollupPanelClass IRollupPanel : public InterfaceServer
 CIRollupRCMenuItemClass IRollupRCMenuItem : public InterfaceServer
 CIRollupWindowDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IRollupWindow pointers
 CIRTShaderManagerA simple public manager for IRTShaderNode
 CIRTShaderManager2An extension to the IRTShaderManager interface
 CIRTShaderNodeA Hardware shader node for use with compiled shader trees
 CIRTShaderParameterBindingInterface for setting parameters in a compiled effect file
 CIScanRendererThis class provides an interface into the standard 3ds Max scanline renderer
 CISceneCallbackPriorityAn interface to set priority to ViewportDisplayCallback's
 CISceneStateManagerThis class is the public interface to the scene state feature
 CISetIKKeyPropThis is a helper class
 CIShadeContextExtension8This class is an API extension for the ShadeContext class
 CIShadowLightDataAccess shadow data from 3ds Max lights
 CIShapeRectRenderParamsRectangular Shape Render Parameters API This interface gives access to the new Renderable SPline parameters for Rectangular Shapes The IShapeRectRenderParams interface can be retrieved like this: IShapeRectRenderParams* rparams = (IShapeRectRenderParams*)obj->GetProperty(SHAPE_RECT_RENDERPARAMS_PROPID); Note that this interface contains VPT and non VPT parameters
 CISimpleFaceDataChannelThe function-published interface for a simple per-face data channel
 CISimpleFaceDataManagerThe function-published interface for managing SimpleFaceData channels on an object

class ISkin2


class ISkinImportData

 CISkyLightClass ISkyLight : public BaseInterface

 CISliderControlDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISliderControl pointers

class ISpecularCompositeShader : public BaseInterface

 CISpinnerControlDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping ISpinnerControl pointers
 CISubObjTypeDevelopers have to return a class derived from this class with implementations for all the methods when implementing sub-objects for objects and modifiers (see BaseObject::GetSubObjType())
 CISubTargetCtrlISubTargetCtrl gives access to sub-transform controller
 CISunLightClass ISunLight : public BaseInterface

 CISystemXRefInterface for interactions between 'systems', in particular biped, and the max xref core
 CITimeSliderThis class represents the interface for the time slider
 CIUnReplaceableControlBasically it's a backwards-compatabile fix for the fact that the 'IsReplaceable' control flag isn't used by PB2's. Secondly the class provides
 CIUnwrapMod3This class is only available in Max 6.0 and higher

class IUtilityPanel : public FPStaticInterface

 CIValidateNodeCallbackA simple class that a developer must implement if they want to use Scene traversal
 CIVertexPaintThe IVertexPaint interface provides a way to set the vertex colors held in a VertexPaint modifier
 CIVertexVelocityUse this class to easily retrieve the vertex velocity data from an object
 CIVertToolbarDestructorPolicyClass representing the DestructorPolicy for AutoPtr instances wrapping IVertToolbar pointers
 CIViewPanelMany viewpanel related methods of CORE interface only work on the active tabbed view panel
 CIViewPanelManagerIn 3ds Max 2013, 3ds Max introduces the tabbed view panels
 CIViewportButtonViewport button abstraction
 CIViewportButtonManagerA manager to control the usage of the viewport buttons
 CIViewportShaderManagerAn Interface class to access the Viewport Manager
 CIViewportShaderManager2A new interface for 3dsmax 7
 CIViewportShaderManager3A new interface for 3dsmax 10
 CIViewportShadingMgrViewport manager to control general illumination, including shadow support in the viewport
 CIViewportShadingMgr2Extends class IViewportShadingMgr
 CIWaveSoundSeeAlso: Class Interface
 CIWorkBenchThe interface to the CS Workbench
 CIWorkBench2Additional interface for the CS Workbench
 CIWorkingPivotThe interface to the functionality for using the Working Pivot
 CIXRefAtmosphericClass representing xref atmospherics
 CIXRefCtrlInterface implemented by the XRef controller
 CIXRefItemGeneric interface that represents an xrefed scene entity
 CIXRefMaterialClass representing xref materials
 CIXRefMaterial18Class extends IXRefMaterial interface with override material feature
 CIXRefObjectLegacy interface for xref objects
 CIXRefObject8Class representing Xref objects
 CIXRefProxyClass for working with the proxy aspect of an xref scene entity
 CIXTCAccessProvides an interface to access Extension Channels
 CLayerChangeThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_NODE_LAYER_CHANGED
 CLayerParentChangeThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_LAYER_PARENT_CHANGED
 CLeakedObjectInstancesThis class is derived from in order to automatically track existing instances, and at shutdown write to Debug Output the creation count for leaked instances
 CLightDescribes lights used in the interactive renderer
 CLightObjectThis is the base class from which plug-in lights may be derived
 CLightRayTraversalThis is a callback class that can be given to a ObjLightDesc to have a ray traced through the light volume
 CLightscapeLightCommon Photometric light
 CLightscapeLight2Extension to Photometric light This interface extends class LightscapeLight with new functionality in 3ds Max 2016
 CLightStateThis structure describes the properties of a light
 CLineBufferA line buffer, containing a single Point3 and color
 CLoadSaveRetargetDataClass used to input retargeting info when creating a map file
 CLoadSubAnimInfoStructure specifying which controllers to load from a BIP file
 CLocalModDataThis class allows a modifier to store application specific data
 CLogSysClass for writing out log information to a file
 CMacroEntryThis class provides access to a single macro entry
 CMacroRecorderProvides various methods to emit pieces of script to the Macro Recorder
 CMainThreadTaskDerive from this class to pass a task to be executed on 3DS Max main thread
 CManipHitDataThis is a special storage class for hit records that keep track of which manipulator was hit
 CMapBitArrayThis class can be used to store a bit per map channel, including both negative and positive map channels, and it works with any size index
 CMapDeltaRepresents some kind of change to a mesh map
 CMarketDefaultsThis class manages the default settings of a range of 3ds Max features
 CMaterialThe main material class definition
 CMaxBakeElement10Extention to MaxBakeElement8 in 3ds Max 10
 CMaxBakeElement8Extention to MaxBakeElement in 3ds Max 8
 CMaxBmpFileIconImplements icon support for icon images stored as image files on disk, or compiled resources in .rcc files
 CMaxHeapOperatorsThe base class in Max that controls the memory management for any class that derives from it
 CMaxLocaleHandlerHelper class for setting locale temporarily
 CMaxMixerManagerA class that allows a user to access the new max mixers in max 8
 CMaxNetJobNetwork Job
 CMaxRefEntryDataA struct to allow us to expose more node information
 CMAXSecurityException3ds Max security exception class for function published exceptions
 CMaxVolumeInterfaceObjectGeneric interface class used to access Max volumes for rendering, etc
 CMergeableDescription: This class allows referenceTargets that are not INodes to be mergeable through the File->Merge command
 CMeshProvided for use by plug-ins and is used by the system
 CMeshCapperThis class is used to apply the MeshCapInfo data to a mesh
 CMeshMapIn 3ds Max 3.0 and later the user may work with more than 2 mapping channels
 CMeshNormalFaceSee Also: class MeshNormalSpec This class is used to store specified normal information for a particular face in a Mesh
 CMeshNormalSpecThis class is an interface used to store user-specified normals (such as those created in the Edit Normals modifier)
 CMeshOpProgressA callback used while doing a lengthy operation to a mesh
 CMeshRenderDataA developer may derive a class from this class, put any required data in it, and then hang this data off a Mesh
 CMeshSubHitRecThis class allows access to the sub-object hit records used in Mesh hit testing
 CMNChamferDataContains all the data needed to move points (and map vertices) as the user drags a chamfer or extrude
 CMNChamferData10MNChamferData for use with IMNMeshUtilities10::ChamferEdges
 CMNDiagonalHitDataThis class is used for hit-testing diagonals of polygons in Editable Poly and Edit Poly
 CMNEdgeAn edge used with the MNMesh mesh
 CMNEdgeClustersRepresents a list of edge "clusters" for a given MNMesh
 CMNFaceThe face structure used with the MNMesh mesh
 CMNFaceClustersUsed for grouping faces in an MNMesh into clusters for applying transformations
 CMNFaceElementUsed to assist in the process of sorting MNMesh faces into separate elements
 CMNMapHolds the mapping information for a particular map channel of the MNMesh
 CMNMapFaceUsed to store map vertex information for a given face and map channel
 CMNMapPreserveDataThis class is used to "preserve" mapping coordinates while moving vertices
 CMNMeshProvided for temporary use by plug-ins, to help with complex topology-based modifications to Meshes
 CMNMeshBorderHold boundary information for an MNMesh mesh
 CMNMeshSelectionConverterWhen a Mesh object or modifier (such as Editable Mesh, Edit Mesh, or Mesh Select) handles viewport subobject selection, the flow is basically as follows from Editable Mesh
 CMNMeshUtilitiesProvides a number of utility functions for working with MNMesh
 CMNNormalFaceThis stores specified normal information for a given face
 CMNQuadChamferExtendedParametersThis is a simple derived class of MNQuadChamferParameters used to encapsulate the new parameters added to the Universal Quad Chamfer interface in IMNMeshUtilities17
 CMNQuadChamferParametersThis class is used to provide parameters to the Universal Quad Chamfer interface in IMNMeshUtilities16
 CMNQuadVertexChamferParametersThis class encapsulates the parameters defining the quad vertex chamfer operation accessed via the interface defined in IMNMeshUtilities18
 CMNTempDataUsed for caching face and edge clusters, vertex normals, and other derived data about an MNMesh
 CMNVertThe vertex class used with the MNMesh mesh
 CModContextThe ModContext stores information about the space the modifier was applied in, and allows the modifier to store data is needs for its operation
 CModContextEnumProcCallback object used with Modifier::EnumModContexts()
 CModContextListA modifier may be applied to several objects in the scene
 CModelessParamMapClassDesc2Extension class that adds functionality to class ClassDesc2 for parameter block-linked modeless UI
 CModifierThis is the class from which you may derive Object Space and Space Warp (World Space) Modifier plug-ins
 CMouseCallBackAllows the developer to capture and process the mouse events entered by the user
 CMtlBaseListSimple list of MtlBase
 CMultiSelectCallbackThis is the callback object used to perform the [de]selection via Animatable:: SvGetMultiSelectCallback()
 CMXS_Exit_ValueLocal_ScopeClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the thread local current_locals_frame
 CMXS_Exit_ValueLocalArray_ScopeClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the thread local current_locals_frame
 CNameChangeThe name change call parameter structure
 CNameMakerCreates unique names
 CNameTabThis class is used to store a table of names
 CNodeAndAnimsA class that holds a node and a list of anims under that node that can be used for loading,saving, mapping animation, or putting specific tracks into the mixer
 CNodeNameSetParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_NODE_NAME_SET
 Cnotify_param_helperHelper class to assign a param type to a notification code. See GetNotifyParam
 CNotifyCollapseMaintainCustAttribEnumProcClass used by EnumGeomPipeline to notify the pipeline of a collapse as well as maintaing the Custom Attributes. (Obsolete)
 CNotifyCollapseMaintainCustAttribEnumProc2Class used by EnumGeomPipeline to notify the pipeline of a collapse as well as maintaing the Custom Attributes
 CNotifyCustomAttributeThe call parameter that accompanies the notification codes NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES_ADDED and NOTIFY_CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTES_REMOVED
 CNotifyFailedDxMatTexLoadThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_FAILED_DIRECTX_MATERIAL_TEXTURE_LOAD
 CNotifyFileCheckStatusThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_FILE_CHECK_STATUS
 CNotifyFileProcessParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification codes
 CNotifyImpExpFailedParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification codes NOTIFY_IMPORT_FAILED, NOTIFY_EXPORT_FAILED
 CNotifyInfo3ds Max supports a system where a plug-in can ask to receive a callback when certain events occur
 CNotifyModAddDelParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification codes
 CNotifyPostMerge3ParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_FILE_POST_MERGE3
 CNotifyPostNodesClonedThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_POST_NODES_CLONED
 CNotifyPostOpenParamThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_FILE_POST_OPEN
 CNumberChangeThe call parameter that accompanies the notification code NOTIFY_MODPANEL_SUBOBJECTLEVEL_CHANGED
 CObjectThe object class is the base class for all objects
 CObjectConverterThis virtual class is implemented by applications that want to supply a conversion method from one object type to another
 CObjectDefinitionChangeNotificationParamThe object redefinition call parameter structure
 CObjectStateThe ObjectState is the structure that flows up the geometry pipeline
 CObjLightDescA light must be able to create one of these objects to give to the renderer
 COpenBezFontA class used to list the fonts currently open
 COpenSubdivParametersIf a renderer or other plugin wants to determine if an object is using Pixar's OpenSubdiv to perform subdivision, it can use the GetInterface method to query the INode for the OSD_PARAMETER_INTERFACE interface
 COperationDescClass OperationDesc This class contains data used to report usage analytics through theHold.Accept method and the ADP mechanism
 COSDModifierInterfaceIf a feature needs to determine and/or set the OpenSubdiv modifier's parameters, it can use the GetInterface method to query the Modifier for the OSD_MODIFIER_INTERFACE interface
 COSModifierThis is a base class developers creating object space modifiers may derives their plug-ins from
 CParamBlockPLCBThis is a handy post load call back for fixing up parameter blocks
 CParticleObjectThis is the base class for creating particle system plug-ins
 CPatchCapInfoThis is the information class for patch capping
 CPatchCapVecPatch cap vectors
 CPatchCapVertPatch cap vertices
 CPathConfigDropTypeA DropType class specific to path configuration files
 CPerDataThis class is used for per -'something' floating-point information
 CPerformOutThis structure is sent to the BaseBehavior Perform function
 CPFHitDataThis class is used to identify the particle group and action list the hit particle belongs to
 CPickCommandModeDerive your command mode class from this one if you wish to implement your own pick command mode and want to hook it into the select by name mechanism
 CPolyLineDescribes a single polygon in a PolyShape using linear segments
 CPolyLineProcThis is a callback used to draw a series of lines
 CPolyPtRepresents a single point of a PolyLine
 CPolyShapeA multi-polygon shape class
 CPropertyEnumProperty Enumeration
 CPtrVectorClass PtrVector
 CRandGeneratorClass RandGenerator
 CReadonlyTextFileStreamReadonlyTextFileStream is only used for opening text file in read-only mode
 CRealWorldMapSizeInterfaceThe commong mix-in interface for setting realWorldMapSize properties on objects and modifiers
 CRealWorldScaleRecordClass for creating undo record for any class with a "Real-World Map Size" property
 CRefEnumProcA callback class for ReferenceMaker::EnumRefHierarchy
 CReferenceMakerA scene entity that owns other scene entities and listens to messages from them
 CReferenceSaveManagerUsed to specify and enumerate the save reference hierarchy, if different from the normal reference hierarchy
 CReferenceTargetA scene entity that is being owned and listened to by other scene entities
 CRefMgrManages a variable number of references
 CRefMgrAddDeleteRestoreRestore class for RefTarget class Note, Do not use this class as this is used by the internal system only
 CRefTargetNote, Do not use this class as this is used by the internal system only
 CRefTargMonitorRefMakerDefines a class for monitoring a ReferenceTarget
 CRemapDirFor remapping references during a Clone
 CRendContextThis class is passed into the method ObjLightDesc::Update()
 CRendererThis is the base class for any renderer plugin
 CRenderInstanceThis class provides information about a single node being rendered
 CRenderMapsContextAn instance of this class is passed into the MtlBase::BuildMaps() method
 CRendParamDlgAn instance of this class is created by Renderer::CreateParamDlg()
 CRendParamsThis class has a set of data members, and these parameters are passed to the renderer when the renderer is opened
 CRendPickProcAn instance of this class is passed to IRendParams::SetPickMode()
 CRendProgressCallbackThis class is a callback passed in to the renderer
 CSaveEnumProcA callback class for saving dependents
 CSaveSubAnimInfoStructure specifying which controllers to save in a BIP file
 CScheduleUsed by the Network Rendering API to store hourly scheduling information
 CSClassUIInfoThis class allows developers to provide some additional information on a superclass
 CScopedErrorTracebackDisableClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the error traceback disable state
 CScopedMaxScriptEvaluationContextClass that uses the RAII idiom to create a maxscript visible stack frame
 CScopedMaxScriptSEHandlerClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop setting a structured error handler
 CScopedPushCallContextClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop a CallContext
 CScopedPushControlClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the thread local current_controller
 CScopedPushPluginClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the plugin stored in thread local current_plugin
 CScopedPushStructClass that uses the RAII idiom to push/pop the struct stored in thread local current_struct
 CScopedSaveCurrentFramesClass that uses the RAII idiom to save and restore the current frame data
 CScopedValueTempArrayClass that uses the RAII idiom to allocate and deallocate value temp arrays
 CSecurityExceptionException thrown when attempting to execute MAXScript commands that are disallowed by ISceneScriptSecurityManager
 CShaderUsed by developers to create Shader plug-ins
 CShaderParamDlgA shader parameter dialog class
 CShapeObjectShapeObjects are open or closed hierarchical shapes made up of one or more pieces
 CSignalExceptionThis is the exception that is thrown if the user breaks execution by pressing and holding the escape key
 CSimpleModBase class for parameter block 1 (PB) based object space modifiers
 CSimpleMod2Base class for parameter block 2 (PB2) based object space modifiers
 CSimpleModBaseBase class for object space modifiers
 CSimplePolyObjectThis is a base class for creating procedural objects compatible with Editable Poly
 CSingleRefMakerReference Maker to single entity
 CSkyLightEvalClass SkyLightEval : public BaseInterface

 CSnapInfoDescribes the snap settings used for snap operations
 CSpline3DGeneral-purpose 3D spline class
 CSplineKnotDescribes a single knot in a spline
 CSplineKnotAssyUsed for the internal storage of spline knot assemblies in the Spline3D class
 CSplinePointProvides the vertex-level point information for the Spline3D class
 CStackA simple stack implementation
 CStripGraphics Strip Class
 CSubClassListA collection of ClassEntry objects that have the same super class id
 CSubObjHitListThis class describes a list of sub-object hit records
 CSubRendParamsThis structure contains information on rendering for Mirror and Automatic Cubic materials
 CSubShapeHitListClass SubShapeHitList
 CSuspendAllSuspends various system states in an exception safe manner
 CSvGraphNodeReferenceA small container type class that associates graph nodes with traversal status
 CTabGeneric container class
 CToneOperatorThis is the base class for plugins which perform tone mapping operations in 3ds Max
 CToolButtonItemThis class describes the properties of a 3ds Max custom toolbar button
 CToolTipExtenderInternal use only. Hidden internal implementation for ToolTipExtender
 CTVFaceThis class is used for texture faces as well as vertex colors
 CUserCoordA User definable Coordinate System
 CUVVertSetThis class represents the notion of a mesh edit UVW vertex assignment
 CVertexBufferA vertex buffer, containing a Point3 and color
 CVertMoveThis class represents the notion of a mesh edit vertex move
 CViewThis class is passed in to GeomObject::GetRenderMesh() to allow objects to do view dependent rendering
 CViewExp10Extends ViewExp
 CViewExp11Extends ViewExp10
 CViewExp13Extends ViewExp11
 CViewExp18Extends ViewExp13
 CViewExp22Extends ViewExp18
 CViewExp23Extends ViewExp22
 CViewFileClass ViewFile
 CViewParamsDescribes the properties of a view that is being rendered
 CViewportDisplayCallbackEnables non-geometric plugins to draw in the viewport
 CViewportTextButtonA simple text based button implementation of the IViewportButton
 CViewWindowMetaDataMeta data of ViewWindow class; it contains the description of how the window is created
 CWeekScheduleUsed by the Network Rendering API to store weekly scheduling information
 CWSMObjectThis class is a base class used to derived the helper object for a space warp modifier (WSM Modifier)
 CWSModifierThis is a base class for creating world space modifiers
 CXFormModesThis class contains a set of six command mode pointers that make up the XForm modes
 CXMLAnimTreeEntryXMLAnimTreeEntry class that's used for storing a controller track
 CXMLAnimTreeEntryListThe list of XMLAnimTreeEntry tracks, that will then be loaded onto, or saved out, or put into the mixer
 CXTCContainerThis class represents a container class for XTCObjects