
Get Started

Are you new to Process Analysis?

If you are new to Process Analysis, the following workflow helps you step through the process. Topics related to each stage appear on the right. The full set of topics appear in the table of contents on the left and are organized to match this general workflow. Additionally, you can watch the Get Started in Process Analysis playlist on the Factory Design Utilities YouTube channel. To open a sample design of a process model in Process Analysis, download a detailed or simple process model design here.

img Create a design
Create a new design or import a design from Excel
- Create a Design
- Open a Design from a Local Directory
- Import a Design From Excel
img Place objects or assets
Objects indicate raw materials, actions, storage, and final products
- Work with Assets
- Work with Process Properties
- Place Assets and Objects
img Set object properties
Properties such as quantity, capacity, and schedules feed the data the simulation needs to measure outcomes
- Edit Source Properties
- Edit Processor Properties
- Edit Buffer Properties
- Edit Operator Properties
- Edit End Product Properties
img Connect the objects
Connections move materials through the process in the order needed to make a product
- Connect Objects
- Work with Groups
- Work with Groups for Line Balancing
img Run a simulation
Test your model
- Run Simulations
- Work in Simulation Mode
img Adjust properties as needed
Make adjustments to optimize results and reduce errors
- Work with Takt Time Settings
- Work with Simulation Settings
img Analyze results
Run reports to see the overall performance of your simulation and to identify potential issues
- Viewing the Line Balancing Simulation and Reports
- Interpreting the Cycle Time Report
- Interpreting the Line Efficiency Report
- Exporting Reports to CSV

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