- polyBlindData(*args, **kwargs)¶
Command creates blindData types (basically creates an instance of TdnPolyBlindData). When used with the query flag, it returns the data types that define this blindData type. This command is to be used create a blindData node *and* to edit the same.. The associationType flag *has* to be specified at all times.. This is because if an instance of the specified BD typeId exists in the history chain but if the associationType is not the same, then a new polyBlindData node is created.. For object level blind data, only the object itself must be specified. A new compound attribute BlindDataNNNN will be created on the object. Blind data attribute names must be unique across types for object level blind data. So, the command will require the following to be specified: - typeId, - associationType - longDataName or shortDataName of data being edited. - The actual data being specified. - The components that this data is to be attached to.
Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties associationType / at unicode Specifies the dataTypes that are part of BlindData node being created. Allowable associations are objectfor any object, and vertexedgeand facefor mesh objects. Other associations for other geometry types may be added. binaryData / bnd unicode Specifies the data type is a binary data value booleanData / bd bool Specifies the data type is a boolean logic value delete / delete bool Specifies that this will remove the blind data if found doubleData / dbd float Specifies the data type is a floating point double value int64Data / lid int Specifies the data type is an 64-bit integer value intData / ind int Specifies the data type is an integer value longDataName / ldn unicode Specifies the long name of the data that is being modified by this command. rescan / res bool Enables a rescan of blind data nodes for cached information reset / rst bool Specifies that this command will reset the given attribute to default value shape / sh bool For object association only, apply blind data to the shape(s) below this node instead of the node itself shortDataName / sdn unicode Specifies the short name of the data that is being modified by this command. stringData / sd unicode Specifies the data type is a string value typeId / id int Specifies the typeId of the BlindData type being created Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list. Derived from mel command maya.cmds.polyBlindData
import pymel.core as pm pm.polyBlindData( 'pPlane1.vtx[2]', 'pPlane1.vtx[8]', id=9001, associationType='vertex', ldn='bdFloat', dbd=234 )