- subdMapCut(*args, **kwargs)¶
Cut along edges of the texture mapping. The cut edges become map borders.
Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties caching / cch bool constructionHistory / ch bool Turn the construction history on or off (where applicable). Q: When queried, this flag returns an int. frozen / fzn bool name / n unicode Name the resulting object. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list. nodeState / nds int Derived from mel command maya.cmds.subdMapCut
import pymel.core as pm # Opening up the textureView will make this example much easier to visualize. # Create a cube mel.eval( "createSubdCube" ) # Cut the map. pm.subdMapCut( 'subdivCube1.sme[2560][2]', 'subdivCube1.sme[2816][2]' ) # Result: [nt.SubdMapCut(u'subdMapCut1')] # # now that it's cut, we may move the row separately # Move some UVs pm.subdEditUV( 'subdivCube1.smm[21:22]', 'subdivCube1.smm[25]', u=0, v=0.05 )