- subdAutoProjection(*args, **kwargs)¶
Projects a texture map onto an object, using several orthogonal projections simultaneously. The argument is a face selection list.
Long Name / Short Name Argument Types Properties caching / cch bool constructionHistory / ch bool Turn the construction history on or off (where applicable). frozen / fzn bool layout / l int What layout algorithm should be used: 0 UV pieces are aligned along the U axis. 1 UV pieces are moved in a square shape. layoutMethod / lm int name / n unicode Name the resulting object. Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list. nodeState / nds int optimize / o int Use two different flavors for the cut generation. 0 Every face is assigned to the best plane. This optimizes the map distortion. 1 Small UV pieces are incorporated into larger ones, when the extra distortion introduced is reasonable. This tends to produce fewer UV pieces. percentageSpace / ps float When layout is set to square, this value is a percentage of the texture area which is added around each UV piece. It can be used to ensure each UV piece uses different pixels in the texture. Maximum value is 5 percent. planes / p int Number of intermediate projections used. Valid numbers are 4, 5, 6, 8, and 12. C: Default is 6. scale / sc int How to scale the pieces, after projections: 0 No scale is applied. 1 Uniform scale to fit in unit square. 2 Non proportional scale to fit in unit square. skipIntersect / si bool When on, self intersection of UV pieces are not tested. This makes the projection faster and produces fewer pieces, but may lead to overlaps in UV space. worldSpace / ws bool This flag specifies which reference to use. If on: all geometrical values are taken in world reference. If off: all geometrical values are taken in object reference. C: Default is off. Common flags Derived from mel command maya.cmds.subdAutoProjection
import pymel.core as pm # Create a subd sphere with default UVs. mel.eval( "createSubdSphereProc" ) # Automatic projections with 6 planes. pm.subdAutoProjection( 'subdivSphere1.smf[*][*]' )