CADmep Commands List

Most CADmep commands are available via the icons available in the toolbar, or the right-click menu; however, some CADmep commands can only be accessed by typing the command into the command line. All available commands are listed here.

You can also view a complete list of commands available in CADmep by doing the following:

  1. At the AutoCAD command line, type ARX, and then press Enter.
  2. Type COMMANDS, and then press Enter.

    All of the CADmep commands are categorized within a "command group" called 'MAP'. You may need to select or scroll down to the 'MAP' command group.

  3. Continue pressing Enter to scroll through the commands.

3DINSPECT: Displays the Object Viewer dialog. See 3D Object Viewer.

3DINSPECT2: Same as 3DINSPECT command (Object Viewer) but this command defaults to selecting objects in XREFS.

ADDCOGMARKER: Prompts select item(s), then reports selected item(s), load (Kgs) and center of gravity position. If an AutoCAD block "cog" exists, the item(s) center of gravity positions are marked.

ADDDESIGNLINES (ADDDOBJ): Prompts you to select a start point, then enters Design Line mode. See Design Line.

ADDREPORT: Allows item reports to be configured and positioned in the drawing. See Reporting & Printing.

ADDSERVICETYPEBLOCK: Adds a block with the same name as the item's Service Type to all "out" nodes of the model. This is used to highlight the positions of nodes within a drawing, marking the ends of all thread/drop rods on hanger patterns for exporting to the "Total Station" GPS system.

AddTextAtPoint: LISP command that adds selected text at selected point(s). See LISP: Add Text At Point (AddTextAtPoint).

ALIAS: Toggles item alias text on and off. See Alias.

AlignMapText: Lisp function that aligns the text of a selection of items to the required alignment (length, connector or view). See LISP: Alignment of Object Text (AlignMapText).

ALIGNTEXTX, ALIGNTEXTL, ALIGNTEXTC: Commands to change the default alignment of text already in the model to align with the view direction (X), length (L) or connector (C).

ANCILLARYEXPORT: Exports the selected Ancillaries to an external file (*.MAT).

ANCILLARYREPORT: Displays the Ancillaries Report Builder dialog (Ancillary List ARP).

APPHELP: Displays the Autodesk Fabrication products (CADmep, ESTmep, CAMduct) Help. See Introduction to Autodesk Fabrication Products .

APPINFO: Displays the About This Program dialog which displays program information, such as version number, build number, serial number, configuration folder, active profile, working directory, common directory, access to license information, and more. See Introduction to Autodesk Fabrication Products .

ATTACHER: Activates and sets or rotates the Attacher tool. Attacher commands can also be accessed via the right-click menu Set Attacher / Hide Attacher and or by clicking the Attacher icon . See Attacher Arrow.

ATTACHOFF: Turns off the Attacher tool. See Attacher Arrow.

BATCHDWGS: Option to batch process drawing (*.DWG) files.

BLOCKCOLLS: Option to include AutoCAD blocks when checking internal collisions (On/Off).

BRANCH: Prompts to select a point for inserting a branch on an existing part. See Adding Taps Shoes and Branches.

BRANCHTOL: Sets the tolerance used by the Run Time Collision Detection feature. See Collision Detection.

BTNCODEREPORT: Lists the current active service items (for example, Button Code, Source File Name and Source Path) in a *.TXT file. See Reporting & Printing.

BSPOOL: Allows the generation of multiple batches after they have been defined by using the SPOOLDWG, SPOOLDIM command. See Create a Spool.

CACHEREPORT: Reports the efficiency of pattern caching, and creates a DEBUG.LOG file in the working directory. Use the APPINFO command to locate the working directory.

CAJOUT: Prompts to save the drawings' 3D content to a *.CAJ file, and provides the option to include non-CADmep 3D objects (3D objects that are not Autodesk fabrication content) in the export. See the TOGGLEAUTOCONVERT command below.

CAJUPDATE: Updates the previously saved *.CAJ file (per session only).

CALCDUCT, DUCTCALC: Displays the Flow Calculator dialog which lets you calculate equivalent round/oval, rectangular width/depth sizes based on a variety of parameters. Additionally, values for any two of the following parameters can be input, and the remaining two parameter values are automatically calculated: diameter, velocity, flow rate, pressure drop. See FlowSize Calculator.

CHDOBJ: Command line option to change the selected Design Line constraints. Can also be accessed in Design Line mode via: Line Change Constraints. See Design Line.

CHECK: Performs collision detection on all fabrication items within the drawing. Item collisions are marked as green circles at item intersections. To remove collision indication after adjustment, repeat the CHECK command. See Collision Detection.

CHSPEC: Allows the item's specification to be changed. Users can select whether straight lengths are repaired (due to different connector adjusts) and whether fittings are allowed to be stretched. See Changing the Specification.

CONNSOUT: Exports the selected connectors to an external file (*.MCT).

CONNSIN: Imports the selected connectors from an external file (*.MCT).

CONNFLAG: Toggles which connector type is ignored when attaching fabrication items together (Connector: None or Locked).

CONNMATCH: Allows changing a pair of connectors or a single connector without editing the item.

CONVERT3DMODEL: Command to extract any 3D solid/mesh, or collections, into a fabrication (CADmep) model. This enables it to be displayed in the Fabrication products (CADmep, ESTmep, CAMduct) and can also be used to do run time collision detection while modelling. Ability to automatically extract the connector position, type and size data is included.

COPYDESLINE: Allows an existing Design Line to be copied and offset by user-specified horizontal and vertical offset values. See Design Line.

COSTBD: Displays a breakdown of costs for selected item(s) in the Cost Breakdown dialog.

CPLREPORT, COUPLINGREPORT: Generates and displays the Connectivity Report dialog when the end of a run is selected.

CPYDLSEL: Allows existing Design Lines to be copied. Prompts for the following additional actions that may be performed for the copied Design Lines: Rotate X,Y,Z, Mirror, Toggle Insertion, and Auto Align. See Design Line.

CREATE2D: Creates an additional flat 2D image of the 3D model. Selected items are placed on 2D layers at Z: 0.

CREATECAM: Saves selected parts in the model as an ESJ or MAJ output file. Displays the Save Job As dialog with the option to save the job as *.MAJ or *.ESJ. Can also be accessed through the right-click menu CADmep Cam.

CSVEXPORT: Exports item data. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Export Item Data. See Export Item Data into External Database or Spreadsheet Program.

CTEXT: Lets you configure custom item text using a predefined ADDREPORT. Scales the block by the value entered for the assigned Text Style.

CTEXTREPORT: Lists an item's report name at the command line.

CUTINX: This command is provided as an alternative for drainage issues. Originally, taking off a flexible 'T' is not set up with the appropriate angle. Tools provided (e.g. FIXER command) are available to setup the angles on an object in the drawing. This command (CUTINX) allows drawing-resident objects to be cut-in.

DBEXPORT, DBIMPORT: Displays the Select Type of Data to Export\Import dialog which allows selection of the following types of data to export or import: airturns, ancillaries, connectors, dampers, fabrication times, installation times, insulation specifications, seams, sections, specifications, splitters, stiffeners, supplier costs, supports.

DESLINETEXT, DLTEXT: Adds the text to a Design Line as AutoCAD text, not as object text. Can also add a standard engineering block called design4way, with 4 attributes. They are filled in with the text setup in Annotation settings in the Design Line.

DETECT: Runs collision detection. Checks all items in the drawing against the extents of other non-CADmep (non-fabrication) objects; e.g. extruded lines, solids, 3D faces etc. See Collision Detection.

DSETS: Toggles 'Transitions and Sets Text' label on tapers/offsets/square rounds. See Transition and Sets Text.

DUCTCALC, CALCDUCT: Displays the Flow Calculator dialog which lets you calculate equivalent round/oval, rectangular width/depth sizes based on a variety of parameters. Additionally, values for any two of the following parameters can be input, and the remaining two parameter values are automatically calculated: diameter, velocity, flow rate, pressure drop. See FlowSize Calculator.

EDITDBASE: Edit Main Database command line prompt. Can also be accessed via the shift-right-click menu Edit Main Database, or by clicking from the CADmep toolbar. See Database Settings.

EDITOBJ: Command line option to continue editing the active Design Line. See Design Line.

EDITITEM: Edit Item command. Can also be accessed via the shift-right-click menu Edit an Object, or by clicking from the CADmep toolbar.

ELEVS: Same as Levels command. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Elevations.

ENDFALL: Used on items with fall gradient. Sets the Attacher arrow on a falling end to rise, fall or level.

ERASE3DDITEMS: Command line option to erase the active Design Lines "Fill in 3D" items. Also available on the Design Line tools toolbar. See Design Line.

ERASEDESIGNLINES, ERDOBJL: Erases Design Lines. Also available via the Design Line menu Line Delete. See Design Line.

ERASEDESIGNNODES, ERDOBJN: Erases Design Line nodes. Also available via the Design Line menu Node Delete. See Design Line.

ESTFILL: Displays the AutoFill dialog which allows configuring of selected part(s) for autofill nesting. See Auto Fill Parts.

EXECUTEPROCESS: Prompts to specify a process name and then executes the specified process. See Processes.

EXECUTESCRIPT: Displays the Select Script File (*.COD) dialog that lets you run scripts. See Scripting.

EXPLODETEXT: Creates AutoCAD text from object text.

EXPLODETEXTPS: Explodes object text into AutoCAD text in the paper space viewport.

EXPORTJOB: Exports selected objects to a .txt file.

EXPSDB, EXPORTSERVICEDATABASE: Exports the service database with Group, Service Name, Service Type, Layer Tag 1, Layer Tag 2 and Color to a *.CSV file used for documentation.

EXPORTMODELS: Creates a file that contains geometry information, (*.M3D), used to export architectural backgrounds that can be imported into CADmep as an underlay.

EXPORTSYS: Exports selected services to an external file (*.iez), can be used to transport services between users.

FABVIEW, FABVIEWER: Launches the Fab Viewer and displays selected objects in the Fab Viewer. If no objects are selected when this command is initiated, you are prompted to selected objects. See Fab Viewer.

FACEMOD: Switches certain items to Line Only mode i.e. removes faces.

FFACE: Prompts to select a face to invert.

FFILL: Lets you select a 3D polyline as a path for Flex Fill to follow (Service/Size selection available).

FILL2ENDS2, F2E: New Fill Between 2 Ends command can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu. Note: Requires Design Line setup. See Fill Between 2 Ends (NEW).

FILLDESIGNNODES, FIDOBJN: Command line option to fill the selected Design Line nodes. See Design Line.

FILLPOINT: The same command as Fill Icon . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Multi Point Fill.

FIXER: Displays a dialog allowing the modification of angled bends and tee type branches on runs with a fall gradient.

FIXTEXT: Sets all AutoCAD text in a drawing to a thickness of 0.001. This is required so that HIDE works as expected.

FLEXFILL: The same command as Flex Icon . Ths command can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Fill with Flex. See Fill with Flex.

FOLDERS: Displays the Item Folders dialog. See Item Folders View.

FORCETOOLTIP: Use this command to display drawing tooltips on CADmep items in AutoCAD. See CADmep Drawing Tooltip Display Options.

GETRUN: Prompts the user to select an item in the model. All interconnected items of the same service run are displayed and listed in the 3D Object Viewer (marks open ends).

HIDERISEFALLVP: Turns off the rise and fall symbols for selected items in selected viewports. See Rise and Fall Symbols.

HIDESELECTED: Allows the user to hide selected Items .

HIDESELECTEDINVP: The same command as Hide Selected Objects in Viewport Icon. Hides the selected objects in the active viewport (paper space only).

HIDESYSBTN: Toggles the display of the Edit Service Database button, located in the Service & Section pallet, next to the Service drop-down menu.

HLINK: Allows the addition of item hyperlinks.

IFCATTR: Allows the setup of object attribute definitions to be exported with the model (*.IFC). See IFCEXPORT below.

IFCEXPORT (IFCE): Exports the 3D model geometry to IFC file version 2.3x.

IMPORTFRAME: Imports a Frame Layout File (*.frame). See Frame Layout.

IMPORTSYS: Displays the Import Services From dialog that imports transport services (*.iez).

INSTALLTIMESIN: Imports fabrication times (*.MTT). See Fabrication Times.

INSTALLTIMESOUT: Exports fabrication times (*.MTT). See Fabrication Times.

ISOLATESELECTEDINVP: Same as Isolate Selected Objects in Viewport. Isolates the selected objects in the active viewport (Paper Space only). See Isolate Objects per Paper Space Viewport.

ITMSEARCHTB: Adds an Item Search Toolbar the Item Folder view. You can search by Item Description, CID or Alias. See Item Folders View.

Note: You must have folders open. Use the FOLDERS command.

JOBCOLLISIONS: Import job collisions from a *.CAJ file.

JOBCONTENTS: Displays a detailed list all of the items that exist in the current drawing in the job contents window. See Display Job Contents View.

JOBINFO: Enables job information to be stored with the drawing. The dialog can also be accessed via the right-click menu Job Information. See Job Information Dialog.

LASTVIEW: Same as Restore Last View . Returns previous view when working with Sectional Views.

LDIM: Same as Length command. Toggles the display of the length dimension of selected item(s).

LFILL: Allows the selection of a 3D polyline as a path for a duct/pipe fill to follow (Service/Size selection available).

LINEAREXPORT: Launches the Export Data Wizard (Linear Nest Information) dialog which allows export of linear data to .txt or .csv file formats.

LINEARREPORTS: Launches the Linear Nest Report Builder dialog which lets you create a report containing specified data associated with linear nesting of selected parts.

LISTMAPTEXT: Reports the selected object's annotation variables. For example:

Type= Number, Version = 2

Alignment = View

Visible in Model Space = Yes

Version 2 Layout info(s) 2

Layout {}, This Layout only = No

Rotation = 90.0

Layout {}, This Layout only = No

Text Position = 173.740,1.407,0.000

MAKEPAT: Prompts to "Enter Pattern Number" and saves any pattern as an *.ITM to the Folders location. See Creating a Custom Item MAKEPAT.

MANAGECONSTRAINTS: Displays the Design Line Constraints Manager dialog. See Constraint Manager.

MAPFILTER: Same as Search/Filter for Objects . Searches for items in drawing as specified via the dialog. Use the SHOWALL command to restore the visibility of all objects. See SearchFilter for Object.

MAPLOGOUT: In a multi-user environment, if MapUser is enabled, this command allow users to logout/login as a different user.

MAPPROFILES: Allows the setup of project-specific services, sections and item files. The profile is saved with the drawing, and the user is prompted to switch profiles to the one used to do the drawing, if different than the current active profile. See Profiles.

MAPPROFILESIN,MPIN: Imports one or more profiles (*.PEZ). See Profiles.

MAPPROFILESOUT, MPOUT: Exports one or more profiles (*.PEZ). See Profiles.

MASKVIEW: Hides all draw items, except those selected . Use the SHOWALL command to restore the visibility of all objects.

MATCHPROPS: Matches item properties from one item to another. See Matching Object Properties.

MOVETEXT: Same as Move Text . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Move Object Text. See Independent Moving of Object Text per PS Viewport.

MOVETEXTVP: Same as Move Text VP . See Independent Moving of Object Text per PS Viewport.

MPROP: Same as Object Properties . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Change Object(s) Properties.

MSLCHANGELINES, CHANGEMSL: Allows selection of multi-service lines for edit. See Multi-Service Line - Editing - Example.

MSLERASELINES, DELMSLL: Removes\deletes selected multi-service lines. See Multi-Service Line.

MSLORIENTLINES, ROTMSLL: Rotates, sets orientation on selected multi-service lines. See Multi-Service Line.

MULTISERVICEFILL, MSF: Displays the Design Line Multi Service Fill dialog. See Design Line.

NEWDESIGNOBJECT, NEWDOJ: Starts a new Design Line . See Design Line.

NUMPAD: Displays the Number Pad tool (dialog) for entering numbers. See Numpad.

OPENJOB: Allows a fabrication job file (*.CAJ, *.MAJ or *.ESJ) to be opened and the contents displayed in the CAD environment. See Opening Jobs.

OPENLOCKS: Unlocks all connectors, seams and gauges on selected items. Use with caution.

OPOLY: Offsets a 3D polyline in any direction. Uses last width/depth as offset values.

PCFE, PCFEXPORT: Exports selected objects as a Piping Component File (PCF) file format.

PLANVIEW: Resets view to plan view world, and removes all clipping planes .

POSITIONER: Positions and aligns selected objects with pick points. Can also adjust fall angle/gradient; e.g. pipework.

PPREVIEW: Displays the Print Preview dialog. Can also be accessed through the right-click menu Print Preview. See Reporting & Printing.

PRDROPS: Displays the Design Pressure Drop Breakdown dialog. Can also be accessed when in Design Line mode: View Calculate Pressure Drop. See FlowSize Calculator.

PRICESIN: Imports price lists. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Import Price Lists. See Price Lists.

PRICESOUT: Exports price lists. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Export Price Lists. See Price Lists.

PRINTREPORTS: Displays the Print dialog. Can also be accessed from the right-click menu Print. See Reporting & Printing.

PRINTSETUP: Displays the Report Printer Properties dialog. Can also be accessed from the right-click menu Printer Setup. See Reporting & Printing.

PROCESSRUN: Imports data created from the EXPORTABS associated command. The imported data is converted into a Design Line which is then used to draw the 3D model.

PURGEBADBTNS: Removes any invalid items from the service templates; e.g. the *.ITM is no longer available.

PURGEDB: Removes items added to the disk database. Items added to the disk database will reference the source information in brackets. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu CADmep Purge Database. See Purge Database.

RDV90: Rotate selected object 90 degrees in the Z axis.

REBUILDALL: Rebuilds the model with the current database settings.

REFRESHALLBTNS: Refreshes the Service Template buttons by reloading all the items' image files. Updates the internal cache.

REFESHDLSYMBOLS, REDLSYMBS: Refreshes the selected Design Line symbols.

RENUMBER: Allows items to be renumbered, with a variety of renumbering options available. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Re-Number. See Renumbering Items.

REMOVECTEXT: Removes unwanted Object Custom Text (CTEXT).

REMOVETEXT: Removes unwanted Object Text from Items. Useful when multiple CTEXT objects have been assigned or for removing VPTEXT duplicates. See Independent Moving of Object Text per PS Viewport.

REPORTS: Displays the Report Builder. Reports can be built, customized to individual requirements, saved and printed. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu CADmep Cam/Print Print Layout. See Reporting & Printing.

RESETLEADERPOS: Resets the object text leader.

RESETSPOOLCOL: Resets the color of spooled items back to Color By Layer.

RESETTEXT: Removes an item's label invisibility flags, i.e. turns back on the visibility of all selected items' labels (per paper space viewport). See Independent Moving of Object Text per PS Viewport.

REVDESIGN: Creates a Design Line from existing models drawn with fabrication objects. This allows resizing of complete runs without having to redraw.

ROTATEATEND: Rotates the item to which the Attacher is set, prompting the value of rotation.

ROTTEXT: Rotates object text. Same as Rotate Object text . See Repositioning Object Text.

ROTTEXTVP: Rotates object text independently, per paperspace viewport. Same as Rotate Text VP text .

SAVEASSUBASSEMBLY: Prompts a selection of objects. Allows multiple items to be saved back to item folders as a sub-assembly item (single item). See Sub Assembly.

SAVEDATABASETODISK: Saves the internal drawing database back to the hard disk (prompts to overwrite the current Disk: Main Database).

SAVETOFOLDER: Allows drawn items to be saved back to Item Folders as *.ITM.

SBDOWN, SERVICEBREAKDOWN: Generates a Service Breakdown report as a text (*.txt) file.

SECTIONAL: Same as Create Sectional View command. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Create Sectional View. See Sectional View.

SELECTDESLINELINES, SELDLLINES: Selects a Design Line. See Design Line.

SELECTDESLINENODES, SELDLNODES: Selects a Design Line node. See Design Line.

SELECTFILTER, SELFLT: Displays the Selection Filter dialog which provides a variety of options for filtering objects to select. See Quick Search Filter.

SELECTRUN, SR: Similar to the GETRUN command. Prompts to select run object. All interconnected items in the same service run are added to the selection.

SERVICEDB: Displays the Service Database dialog used to control the layering system. Same as the Edit Service Database . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu CADmep Edit Services Database. See Editing Content in a Service Template.

SETCONSTRAINT, SETCONS: Prompts to select a point on a Design Line to Pick Constraint. Reports the selected lines constraint. See Design Line Constraint Entry.

SETQTYTOONE: Resets selected item(s) "Qty" status to one.

SETSPEC: Same as Set Specifications . Can also be accessed from the right-click menu Change Specification(s). See Changing the Specification.

SETSPOOLCOL: Draws spooled items in the color assigned in the spool command. See DefineCreate Spools.

SETTEXT: A command that can be called from LISP. Turns on or off the visibility of object text. See LISP: Visibility of Object Text (SetText).

SETUPPROCESS: Displays the Processes dialog which lets you configure behavior of certain processes. See Processes.

SHOWALL: Sets the visibility of all objects to Show. Hide or Show Selected Objects.

SHOWALLINVP: Same as Show All Objects in Viewport. Returns the visibility of all objects in the active paper space viewport. See Hide or Show Objects per Paper Space Viewport.

SHOWCONNECTED: Highlights all the items connected to the items selected. Performs a basic connectivity check.

SHOWRISEFALLVP: Displays or hides the rise and fall symbols for selected items in selected viewports. See Rise and Fall Symbols.

SIZE: The same command as Size . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Sizes. See Sizes.

SL1: Isolates all items with the same service of the object(s) selected. Turns off the visibility of all other objects. See Isolating Services.

SL2: Turns off the visibility of all items with the same service as the object(s) selected. Use the SHOWALL command to turn the visibility of all objects to on. See Isolating Services.

SLICETOOL, SLT: Launches the spooling slice tool which allows you to manually coordinate and breakup systems within a building model into individual pre-fabrication modules. Prompts to select cut lines. See Spooling Slice Tool.

SNORMS: Shows face normals.

SPECSIN: Displays the Imports Specifications dialog. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Import Specifications. See Specifications.

SPECSOUT: Displays the Exports Specifications dialog. Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Export Specifications. See Specifications.

SPOOLDIM: Dimensions spool drawings quickly (see SPOOLDWG, BSPOOL). See DefineCreate Spools.

SPOOLDWG: Creates Spool drawings. Allows selection of a drawing template, and then import the required duct or pipework system in sections (see SPOOLDIM, BSPOOL). See DefineCreate Spools.

SYSSCRREPORT: Displays the Save Report File As dialog, and allows selection of a Microsoft Access Database file (*.mdb) or a .txt file, and reports all items in all services. See Reporting & Printing.

SYSTEMDB:Prompts the Setup Services dialog. Same command as Edit Service Database . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu CADmep Edit Service Database. See Services.

SWAPOUT, MAP_SWAPOUT: Lets you swap out items for equivalent systems. For example, you can swap out a manufactured low pressure system with a fire-rated equivalent system. See Swap Out.

TAGS: Same as Numbers . Can also be accessed from the shift-right-click menu Numbers. See Item Numbers.

TAKEOFF: Same as Takeoff . Starts the CADmep application from AutoCAD by reloading the last *.ARX loaded.

TBAR: Displays the CADmep toolbar when that toolbar is not displaying. If the CADmep toolbar is already displaying, this command is ignored. To turn off (hide) the display of the CADmep toolbar, click the small X(close) button located at the end of the toolbar. You may need to mouse hover over the toolbar to display the small X (close) button. See CADmep Toolbar.

TOGGLEAUTOCONVERT: When outputting a file to the external Fab Review application, when this option is enabled, 3D objects are converted. This command acts as a toggle, switching the state between enabled (ON) and disabled (OFF).See the CAJOUT command above.

TOGGLECUSTOMTAKEOFF: Sets and resets the Custom Takeoff settings on items. These settings control what is displayed on the Item tab. The Shift key must be pressed when using the command. See Custom Data.

TOGGLEPOSITION: Toggles the position of selected text.

TOGGLEROTATE: Toggles the rotation of selected text.

TRIMBLEEXPORT: Extracts the field point data from hangers and wall/slab sleeves to an external point layout file, so they can be downloaded to an external device, such as the Trimble LM80 GPS station. See Point Layout Support.

UNCATALOGUE: Turns the selected catalog item in the drawing into editable item.

UPDATEALLMAPTABLES: Updates all tables in the drawing that are setup with filters.

UPDATECUSTOMDATA: Allows the user to update an item's custom data. See Custom Data.

UPDATEDYNAMICHOLES, UDH: If dynamic holes or branches exist, this command refreshes the model and developments, if the associated branch has been moved, edited, or deleted. See Creating Dynamic Holes. For example, if the association between the branch and the straight changes, use this command to refresh the hole position on the straight.

UPDATEFROMSOURCE: Transfers custom data that maybe stored on an item in folders to the same existing item in the drawing.

UPDATEMAPTABLE: Tables created with Addreport can now be automatically updated to reflect drawing changes/additions, as long as they have been setup with an internal "Filter".

UPDATESPOOLREPORT, USR: Updates the spool reports in the active Layout tab.

UPDATEALLSPOOLREPORTS, UASR: Updates all spool reports in the drawing.

UPDATESTATUS: Displays the Import Status dialog that updates existing item information using the item handle as the identifier.

USESYSTEMS: Toggles the display of the Systems and Services pallet. See

USEVPTWISTANGLE: Toggles Viewport Twist Angle mode. Can be used to resolve paper space annotation rotations when working with rotated UCS.

VPTEXTS: Behaves like the VPTEXT command with the Shift key pressed. Allows this command to be used from Tool Pallets that don't support the Shift key being pressed when selecting the command .

WORKSHEETS: Displays the Item Worksheet Builder dialog. Similar to item reports and labels, but with the ability to add filters and define print order. This enables the printing of worksheets for any fitting that falls within the criteria of the filter. See Worksheets.

WRAPIT: Creates wrapped objects. This command creates the block and prompts for insertion points and connection type/points.

WRITECHECKPOSNS / READCHECKPOSNS: Utility commands to write out and read back positions of all the nodes in a drawing or set of drawings.

xLDim, xElevs, xSize, xDsets, xCtext, xTags, xAlias: Text commands to extract the text object from an Xref into the paper space layout of a drawing. Removes the need to hold down the ALT key.